Two women who have been mentioned in this thread, but, surprisingly, given their reputations and extensive review threads, only once or twice each (in the order in which I met them):
1) Elena (Montreal Lust) - just a lovely, lovely woman. I'll never forget her saying, in response to me sort of 'checking in' with her at one point: "You can do anything you want as long as you keep making me feel like up is down and down is up." Um, okay, that works...
2) Molly (MTLGFE) - I miss her the most. Smart as a whip, always ready to smile, sexy, beautiful, and funny as hell. First time we met she pranced into the room wearing a pink tutu. I think I saw her three days in a row that weekend. I'm sort of glad she's retired, because if she weren't I'd be living out of a cardboard box by now.
I hope they are both thriving...