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If you were living with a so-called legit MP but....?


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
If you were living with a so-called legit MP but she was really giving her clients hand jobs while at work, would you want to know about it? And if you found out, what would you do about it?

The entire scenario is a lengthy one so whether you decide to read it is up to you.

First let me say that I am not the one living with this girl that I am about to tell you about. I met her just over a year ago at a so-called legit Asian spa. She is Chinese and let me say that I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her as she is very attractive and possesses curves not found on many asians. She had only been in the States for a few months but her English was quite good. I received a couple of massages from her and there was no hint of any extras. I asked her out and we went on a few dates before she decided that she no longer wanted to continue seeing me. Maybe it was the age difference as I am a young looking 47 and she is 32. I probably should have moved on at this point but I was just so attracted to her that I went back to see her for another massage. This time it was different as she began teasing me and then provided me with a hand release as I just couldn’t say no. I guess our relationship changed right then and I thought I would be able to handle this new arrangement and began visiting her maybe once a month.

I thought I would be able to handle this new arrangement and we sort of became friends as I began visitng her more frequently and putting more money into her pockets. I knew she was dating a guy which didn’t bother me too much as I had seen the guy once and I didn’t find him too impressive. Then a few months later I found out she was living with him and this really seemed to bother me. It seemed from this point forward I really started becoming obsessed with her as I guess I just couldn’t figure out why she was with him. I mean this guy was not good looking, didn’t make a lot of money and I suppose you could say he is kind of a geek. Yet somehow he scored her. She and I still got together once in a while outside the massage environment and one night I just had to ask her why she was with this guy. She told me that he had been good to her – paid all her living expenses, did the shopping, the laundry and the cleaning leaving her to spend her free time spending her money on all the expensive things she desires in life. I also asked her if he knew what she really did for a living and she replied, “Of course not”.

Over time my feeling towards this guy began to change from jealousy to feeling sorry for him as I believe she is just using him for now until she finds a man who will be able to provide her with the lifestyle she dreams about. I’ve even had the crazy thought of maybe telling him what his girl friend is really doing while she is at work. I mean, is he that naïve and doesn’t he ever question how she is coming up with all this money to buy all these expensive presents for herself? I’m sure he is pinching himself every morning when he wakes up next to her that he was actually able to land this little asian beauty.

I would love to hear what anyone from the Montreal community would have to say concerning this crazy scenario which I’ve allowed myself to become involved with. I should add that this is taking place in Boston but I decided to pose it to the Montreal board because, there is more free discussion on these types of topics in Montreal as opposed to Boston. Plus, if I posted it on a Boston board, she may get wind of it and I don’t want her to know that I am discussing her selfish, conniving lifestyle. And I just want to say that you guys in Montreal are so lucky. You have so many more options than the folks down here in Boston and you pay about 60% less for a better experience. Thanks for reading.


Living Large
Nov 30, 2003
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I would just let it go man, she is not for you and not for him, but just let him find out in time, the harsh reality it is best that way.
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Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005

Pissedoff said:
I would just let it go man, she is not for you and not for him, but just let him find out in time, the harsh reality it is best that way.

Well said. You should never become a factor in somebody else's relationship if at all avoidable. The guy is happy with his little piece of Asian putang and who are you to pee in his porridge. Who knows what will happen if you don't interfere, maybe they will live happily ever after. And what if you tell him and he takes a nose dive off a skyscraper or slits her throat. Are you ready to bear that responsibility?

Actually, I was in your situation once. A friend of mine had an Asian wife. He was a workaholic, so she was exacting her revenge by doing all his friends (I resisted the temptation). I really felt bad for the guy and wanted to tell him, but another friend told me to MYOB and let them work it out for themselves. That was seven years ago. Today they have two children and she has settled down.
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New Member
Jun 30, 2005
She doesn't sound appealing at all. She sounds like a user.

Move on.


New Member
Apr 29, 2006
Of course I know that rationally I should move on but we humans are not rational creatures. There have been many threads in the past where people discuss falling for an mp or an escort and I think everyone knows that isn't rational behavior. And how rational is it in the first place for any of us to spend our hard earned cash just so some pretty girl can stroke our c*** for a few minutes?

I should have just posed the original question which was if you were living with an mp, would you want to know what she was doing inside that massage room? But I do thank you guys for for your opinions


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
fab4fan said:
Of course I know that rationally I should move on but we humans are not rational creatures. There have been many threads in the past where people discuss falling for an mp or an escort and I think everyone knows that isn't rational behavior. And how rational is it in the first place for any of us to spend our hard earned cash just so some pretty girl can stroke our c*** for a few minutes?

All those things can be rational if the result is positive and nobody is emotionally harmed. In your situation you are allowing a girl to manipulate you emotionally in a way that is destructive to your mental state. You also are considering retaliation by inducing emotional harm to others. That's not healthy, it's not a good idea.

fab4fan said:
I should have just posed the original question which was if you were living with an mp, would you want to know what she was doing inside that massage room? But I do thank you guys for for your opinions

So long as I trust the girl, no matter what she does, that's what matters. In this city I would have to presume every girl working at a massage establishment would offer extras, I would be naive to think otherwise. What would concern me is if those extras went beyond HJ and she knowingly was hiding it from me. That is my opinion but it really means nothing for your situation because you can't get into the mind of the other person.
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