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If you won Friday's Lotto Max, What would you do with the money?


Dec 10, 2011
If you won Friday's Lotto Max, What would you do with the money?

Just because I won, does not mean I woul be a great investor. So, I would not invest the money.

I would put all the money in the bank, not touch the principal, and just have me. family and friends live off the interest.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ So when you die you still have $70 mil, why?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I would pay off my mom’s debt and then give her and my brother part of the money, I would open a homeless shelter, and start my lingerie business. I would probably also travel a lot and hire sex workers hehe. And buy properties.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I would quit my job, buy a yacht, invite a ton of chics and make sure I would have a shit load of cocaine for everyone

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Actually, I’d work the bare minimum to ensure my credentialing stays current


Sep 4, 2006
I'd work with a financial planner to see how much I can spend every year, given my current income and retirement plans. I don't see myself buying a lot of real estate, just 3 homes (one main home, one winter, one summer). All would be in Canada. I'd like to assume my life expectancy will be above average (but who are we kidding) and I would work out how much disposable income I could responsibly spend on women and travel (my two greatest passions) a year. But more importantly, I would try to be as discrete as possible about my new found wealth.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
^^^^ up three
I like the way you partyyy...

Yeyo y concha


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I know it’s a cliche but sometimes it’s true what they say can’t buy you happiness
Winning such a huge amount would drastically change your life and make things very complicated all of a sudden . So to stay happy one must make sure that NOBODY FINDS OUT , because otherwise it could turn into a nightmare ,,, 70 million would attract to much attention .
Of course I would take care of family and friends but on my own terms and when the time was right but in the beginning I’d keep a low profile if possible

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Id get a lawyer team to get my money as a trust
so my name would not appear anywhere and be the first big winner in quebec to now have my name published so 10 million disgruntal quebecers would not be after me for money
i would move to a place where its tax free and no extradition treaty and there is a whore every 120 feet (who is not a bipolar nutjob)
i would do what i have done a number of times comeing into money unlike most people whop would give a lot away rigth away and blow a good portion of it i would invest it an not touch it for at least 1 year
then i would live off the interest
There are quite a few stories in the world of lotteries in the United States that describe unfortunate cases of winners who strike it rich only to lose their jackpot dollars to poor money management skills, scammers or dubious relatives that magically appear out of nowhere. The problems typically begin when the winners are identified by the lottery commissions and the media.
Blind trusts are legal asset management structures that can help lottery winners control their money earned and maintain a certain level of privacy. In 2010, the $261.6 million Powerball Lottery jackpot went unclaimed for a month until an attorney showed up to claim the prize on behalf of his anonymous client. In this case, the lawyer was the trustee carrying out a money management instruction for a grantor and beneficiary who wanted to keep his or her identity a secret.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2013
Mtl, Qc
I would give a nice sum to my 2 siblings, 2 closest friends and 1 cousin. Those are the ones who were there for me during the toughest times in my life, everyone else gets a hard "no", and I'm really good at saying NO, I practice in the mirror daily.
Buy a nice home (nothing crazy), new furniture, car and new clothing.
10-15 million invested (conservatively) and whatever remains in real estate.

That's the plan.....but I didn't win :(

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
That's the plan.....but I didn't win :(
10 draws in a row no one won the big prize and your suprised total sales was [FONT=function_probook]$80,549,795
i saw it a few yrs back 2 back to back draws over $120 million per draw in tickets and no winnner
just on teh max before paying out major prizes loto quebec averages over 2.2 billion and major prizes total 440 million



Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Keep up the mirror routine . Haha
I like your plan so it’s not over you still got next week GL

@CBB Like you said we shouldn’t be surprised. It’s the holidays and they are milking it for all it’s worth


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
First I would split the winnings with my children. and give each of my other closest family members a million ( there are 6)
Then I would make sure that two of my favourite ladies would be well taken care of and never have to worry about their finances.

Then I would like to go on a 21 day riverboat cruise through Europe with my ATF.
I guess I would be left with about $12 - 15 million the interest on that would be more than enough to live on and travel for what ever time I have left.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I would not give anything to my kids until quite a while in their life. They need to learn to battle a bit not to have the easy way out all the time. My first 3 month in university I slept in my car. Used the university pool to shower ;) I will remember the face of the girl in my car when she ask "arent you bringing me home" to which I answer "this is it" haha

I think I would found an charity to pay for sport tuition fees to make sure kids who cannot play competitive sports because of lack of money would be able to.

I would buy many properties an Montreal because it's still quite cheap and booming.

I would keep my house as it's just fucking perfect... Even for a millionnaire.

I would buy a condo down in Montreal with a view overlooking mt-royal and I would use that condo strictly for seeing girls from agencies about 3-4 times a week.

But nothing of this will happen cus I never buy lotto ticket ;)

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Then I would make sure that two of my favourite ladies would be well taken care of and never have to worry about their finances.
my guess to 1 of those ladies i wish was as easy as just getting 3 lowsy numbers.
but those who believe in god realize we all have a path and lets just say she should not lose the day /night job


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Well both of us I believe don’t have a day job to lose anymore lol.
Yeah it is wishful thinking, but we still manage to participate in this voluntary tax.

btw I have been playing it with a group of 20 people for more than 20 years before loto Max was invented and the most we have ever one is $120 a couple of times. Some have died and others have taken their place since then.
I know for a certainty they would win the very next one the minute I would drop out of the group lol. Maybe they should get together and pay me to do that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
Visit site
The first thing that I would do to celebrate my big win would be to see a different SP every single day for 30 days straight at one of the fancy rooms at the chabrol:), after the 30 days are up I would proceed to give 50 million away to family, friends, the less fortunate and to charity, that would leave me with 20 million which is more than enough to live comfortably and do the things that I enjoy for the rest of my life.


Mar 22, 2019
My feeling is that money doesn't really change people, it just accentuates whatever good or bad traits they have (like alcohol). Also most Lottery winners go broke within 5 years (

I sold my company recently, so I experienced a similar turn of events. I'm not a very flashy person so I didn't go too crazy. I did buy a nice house in Westmount as that felt like a sound investment only to realize the sale had made the funny papers (to whoever has the sad job of combing through real estate transactions to write a gossip column...)
If anything, having money has made me less likely to take rash decisions. Ironically, my hobbying has - at least temporarily - mostly stopped: although I can pretty much afford it without restrictions, there's a lot of pressure at work (following the sale) to project a 'clean' image in a #metoo era. That tends to create (perhaps irrational) worries that so far ruin the mood for me. I suspect that will fade with time as I get used to it.

I spend more on vacations, but otherwise I mostly keep to myself.

Giving (to family and friends - or occasionally to strangers) has been emotionally rewarding, but it can also cause awkwardness. Kind of like when you're with family at Christmas and you bought gifts for everyone, but then everyone feels bad they didn't buy you a gift.

In summary, I found that being modest and quiet about the subject makes things easier for everyone.


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
The first thing that I would do to celebrate my big win would be to see a different SP every single day for 30 days straight at one of the fancy rooms at the chabrol:),

Trust me you can get much better, fancier rooms in nicer hotels haha, Chabrol isn’t exactly where I’d spend a month with beautiful ladies if I was multi millionaire. It’s a fine hotel for the mere mortals but if I won the loto I’d definitely rent somewhere else! Haha
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