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Mar 1, 2012

mon francais est horrible. qu'est-ce que vous dites au sujet des compétiteurs qui affichent de telles images sur leurs sites Web et publicité dans les sections de divers forums dont celui-ci? (google translation)
Mar 1, 2012
Mod 12, my understanding is Mike4U was replying to members of another board who refused to take down pictures upon request. My question focuses on agencies and boards where such postings are allowed in their ad sections.

Mod 12

New Member
Mar 17, 2012

I think Mike's Post and the follow up posts by Mod 8 pretty much explains the whole situation. I'm not sure what else you are looking for besides the offending board's name. I don't think it does any good to mention an irrelevant board's name that practices some of the policies that it does. I certainly do not want to promote it.
Last edited:
Mar 1, 2012
I shall clarify my question. I see such postings being made regularly in the ad sections of this very board so I was wondering what Mike4u thought about that (if you don't mind letting him answer on his own). I already know what the mods think about that.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
NPM if Mike responds to you then it will be in French and you`ll be asking someone to translate for you.
So let me clarify.
Your premise is wrong to start with.
Mike was not complaining about face pics were the girls give their permission for the agencies use. He was complaining about a particular face pic where the girl requested that it be removed and the said board moderator/owner refused her request.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
In a perfect hobbyist world, we could see all Sps` faces in photo... It would be great to choose...

In a real perfect human world, there will be no face`s photo at all... It would be better for SP`s security and personal life...

But nothing is perfect in this world, except Natalia`s body, Summer`s DT and Dani`s handjobs...

I remember my encounter with a SP. I told her I decided to see her after seeing her face`s photo. She told me "hey that not the first time someone tell me this, where did you see this photo ?", I told her I saw it on merb. She told me she heard about this website but never saw it. I showed her the photo and she told me it came from her facebook, it was one of the photo she sent when she had the first contact with the agency, but she told me she never gave her agreement to publish it.

None of the boards are perfect. The 3boards are publishing quite the same face`s pic. The 3boards are right now publishing some face`s photo without the agreement of the SP. The agreement of an agency is not the agreement of the SP.

In a perfect world, would ask to every SP if she`s agree to publish the face`s photo, an agency want to publish on merb, before put it online.

Yeap... Nobody is perfect in this world... That`s why nobody can give any lesson of morality...



In a perfect world, would ask to every SP if she`s agree to publish the face`s photo, an agency want to publish on merb, before put it online.

I agree, it`s a question of security. (private life)
After her life as an escort, she will have another life.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
girls who have no problem showing their face are naive and expose themselves to danger and risk that their past catches up with them in the future.

NPM, mike4u already answered your question. Why are you cross-examining everyone lately?
Mar 1, 2012
I tend to agree with man77777's assessment which however leaves me perplexed given that he posted many such pictures elsewhere without the SPs express permission. Trying to be perfect in an imperfect world, bonok?

Leaving aside the apparent contradiction in terms and action, the problem can't be resolved if the people in authority sit on the fence. You either allow the postings or you don't, period. My opinion.

To Mike: merci! I appreciate you took the time to reply back. I have no further comment.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Net Profit Margin, I was with ManApart, the only one who defend the girls and the fact we can`t post face`s photos that were coming from a non-escorting website on this board. MA and I also made our best to defend KIM... If you read this board, MA and I would have been very happy to see you by our side during the battle... It would have been more useful than taking the conclusion when the fight is over...

If you don`t understand my post, I will be more explicite :

1/ At 1exception, all the photos on the board we talk about came directly from or agency`s website...

2/ All the face`s photo on merb are not here with SP`s agreement (just agency agreement, which is not the same)

1/ + 2/ = is not 100% clean in this matter = all the self-satisfaction I read in this thread is improper

If we want to be irreproachable on merb, we need to ask to every SP if she`s agree to publish the face`s photo her agency want to publish on merb, before put it online.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Basically, it is a sp's right to "allow" her face pics or not. (personally I think any girl in this biz showing her face is crazy but it is their life to do with as they please) HOWEVER, to publish anyones picture w/o consent is just mean, stupid, and hateful. Anyone who does this to an sp is the first two I listed, and when a SP asks to remove her pic and they dont do so immediately is simply, a misogynist, and if they do not want people to think they are, they should of apologised. Shoe on other foot guys, shoe on other foot.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I totally agree with Igna69xxx's comments. Even though i wasn't posting there & very rarely surfed there, i was registered as a member. A few days ago, I requested that the board's MASTER moderator cancel my membership. I do not want to be affiliated to such a disgraceful 'board' in any way.

I understand that the reason for having such a section (face pics) is to increase & maintain traffic, but posting pictures without an sp's consent is unethical, immoral, and simply not right.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
I totally agree with Igna69xxx's comments. Even though i wasn't posting there & very rarely surfed there, i was registered as a member. A few days ago, I requested that the board's MASTER moderator cancel my membership. I do not want to be affiliated to such a disgraceful 'board' in any way.

All the main merb's members (origin of 95% of the other board members) had a handle on this board, and as you know you posted on this board, Doc. This face section wasn't a problem for anybody 1month ago. Nobody in this board except ManApart and I, defended KIM's right in her matter... There's alway a lot of fighter when the war is over...


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
posting pictures without an sp's consent is unethical, immoral, and simply not right.

That's why here on merb, we should ask SP's consent before posting agency's ad showing their faces.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007

Moderators are not involved in advertising other than to ensure that any pictures posted are genuine. It is not our place to insist that all agencies provide signed releases for the pictures they post. It is their responsibility to obtain permission from the girls who work for them. If any SP was to contact us with a request to have a particular image removed, it would be removed immediately. We have no control over what agencies do on their own websites. As I have posted before, we are not the regulating body for the escort industry, we are an escort review board.

There is a huge difference between an agency posting advertising and having control over the images they post and random people posting images where neither the agency or the girl in the picture has any control over getting them removed.

As for MERB not being 100% clean in this matter, I would like you to point out any images posted here by members showing the face of any SP. I do not think you will find any. In fact, we only permit images to be posted in a small number of sections of MERB and no SP images are permitted in those sections of the board. If there are any SPs working for our advertisers who have pictures showing their face in MERB advertising without their permission, they are free to contact me about getting them removed.

As for the other board, they are so insignificant that they are not worth mentioning other than due to this little scandal they have caused. They are nothing more than a miniscule group of disgruntled people who believe they are more important than anyone else in the hobby, if not bigger than the hobby itself. Legends in their own minds. MERB is glad to be rid of them and the less said of them the better.

Mod 8

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That's why here on merb, we should ask SP's consent before posting agency's ad showing their faces.

(My reply differs slightly from Mod 8's and i may be slightly off)

In a perfect world, maybe. But if a board allows agencies/indies to post pictures, they either have to make a decision if they allow facial pics or not, and if the pictures in question are for marketing or devious purposes. Even if an sp would agree to have her face shown, it would not be allowed if the board's policy is no facial pics. So, by letting agencies or indies post facial pics, the responsibility falls on the hands of the agencies/indies posting the facial pics & we're all hoping that most of the girls are aware that their faces are being shown to the viewing public.

This differs considerably from the Joe Blows of the Mtl escort scene posting pictures of sps they've seen or pictures they stole from other websites. As things currently are on the other board we're referring to, any john could ask an sp to allow him to take a picture of her & after she agrees, he'd turn around (without her or the agency being aware of it) and he'd post that picture on that board. And if the agency or sp discovers this & requests that the picture be removed, their request is refused 'in the name of free speech'. I personally find that this is extremely unethical & borderline criminal. By allowing johns to post facial pictures of sps, it just goes to show what kind of poor value system the misogynists/nutjobs running that board have.


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
Moderators are not involved in advertising other than to ensure that any pictures posted are genuine. It is not our place to insist that all agencies provide signed releases for the pictures they post. It is their responsibility to obtain permission from the girls who work for them.

It's your board, so it's your decision of course. As I was saying, we are not living in a perfect world, so there can't be a perfect board...
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