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I'm WONDERING.... (Police report after an agression)


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Pathetic 101

incognito_NYC said:
I guess you can call this "Streetfighting 101" :

1) Instead of a knife a key ring makes a convenient weapon. You do need to have at least 3 or 4 keys to make this work, though. Hold the key ring in you palm and let one key fall out between each of your fingers, then make a fist. The target to go for is the guys eyes, either jabbing or slashing depending on whether you're approached from behind or head on.

2) For a forward-facing attack, pick up one foot and scrape the inside of the sole of your shoe down the guys shin. It sounds silly but it's so excruciatingly painful it will distract him for the split-second that it takes you to make your next move ... either running or something like the eardrum-pop mentioned above.

3) Go for the solar plexus ... what's that?

It's kind of a proverbial "Achille's Heel", a weak point that everyone has.

Where your ribs rise up & meet the lower portion of the breastbone (sternum) - that's the solar plexus. Your diaphragm follows the outline of the bottom of your ribcage so this point is just below the diaphragm & in between your lungs. Even a slight punch in the right spot will knock the wind out of someone. Not being able to breathe for a second is enough to catch someone off guard like the maneuver above. It buys you time - that split second where you are in charge.

A quick jab works best ... but even better if you invert your fist so that your are punching upwards when you hit. If this is done the right way this will not only immobilize someone but, if you hit hard enough, the cartilidge at the lower end of the sternum can tear the lining of the diaphragm or puncture a lung and actually kill someone.

And it is a universal weak spot because, regardless of someones size, there is no fat tissue or muscle to protect this spot. So the guy's size doesn't have to intimidate you. All you need is one clear shot.

Now, fortunately, I've never had the occasion to use any of these tricks but knowing that you have some sort of a plan in case of emergencies is reassuring.

I should tell you, though, that my buddy who showed me the shin-splint trick taught me by demonstrating ... on my shin!!! My friends got a good laugh but holy shit that hurts like a motherfucker!

(excuse my French - don't be offended, anyone, I said French, not Quebecoise) :D

Another sad case. Do not do any of the suggested and expect to survive.

1.) by the time you do step one a streetfighter will have nailed you at least six times to the head.If you are a woman he would have at least a 6" reach advantage.

2.) Streetfighters or muggers do not allow you a time-out so that you can position yourself.They prefer attacking you from your blind spot.Remember it is about survival not fighting fair.They will kick your legs out from under you since very few people can fight face down or on their backs.

3.) Any experienced fighter protects his vulnerable parts,Chin tucked in protecting the Adams apply,head sideways so one eye is protected,hands positioned to protect and attack.Most of them know how to take a punch or roll with one.Watch a boxing match and see how many body blows are taken yet the boxer keeps coming.That is what you should expect from a a streetfighter or mugger.They know the weak spots much better than you and they know how to protect their weak spots while counter attacks to them.

Also note none of the so-called experts in this thread have told you how to protect your weak spots.This is very important because the person attacking you would have the element of surprise and much faster hand speed.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Mr eastender, we're not talking about having a fight for the heck of having a fight here, we're talking about survival. If you choose to let them kill you without putting a fight, it's up to you but myself, I'd rather ensure if I die, there's a few who won't be too far behind me if I can. We're not talking about street fighters who goes around looking for opponents, we're talking about "run of the mill" muggers. You're right, some of these "street fighters" are killing machines but in Montreal, there isn't that many that fit the description.

What's the subject here is, if your life is at stake, as soon as the attacker shows signs of violence, do something to stay alive, as soon as you have opportunity. We're not talking about hitting anywhere, anytime, any possible ways, we're not talking about taking a "boxing" or "kung-fu" posture and tell the guy "Come and get it!", we're talking about being alert about you attacker, keep a cool head, wait for the proper timing and use whatever adrenalin might be pumped into you to do an efficient and quick hit-and-run that will count, when he doesn't expect you to do so. We're not talking about engaging the guy in a fight that last 5 minutes because after 30 seconds, if you're still at it, you're dangerously close to dying...

These agressors expect their victims to panic. Somebody who stay calm have better chances to survive if redirecting fear in a good way. Somebody who's confident to defend herself/himself will also project a feeling of confidence who could repulse possible attackers, who will prefer going after somebody who look more vulnerable.

In all these cases where somebody gets attacked, the question to ask is "What will happen and, can I accept it." Some womens will "accept" (please note the "", I don't imply voluntary acceptance here) getting raped if they feel they'll stay alive, some won't and, both reaction are perfectly acceptable. The one who "accepted" isn't a whore or a coward because of it and, the one who refused isn't an airhead or crasy, they just did what they felt applied to the situation and to themself.

As far as protecting weak spots, you're perfectly right.

Nobody in it's right mind can expect to take what's being discussed here and pretend they're ready to defend themself. TAKE A SELF DEFENSE COURSE!!

I've seen some 5 footers take down 6' guys like nothing in judo classes, even if the 6 footer was expecting the attack. It's all in the timing and confidence, coupled with some "technique" and how "motivated" you are to get out! :D

Anybody who gets attacked and have an attitude of "There's nothing I can do." doesn't have much chances of survival and Mr.eastender, that's what you're suggesting. It's not about being overconfident but more about knowing it's possible to do something. Again, each situation is unique and whatever action depends on what's happening.
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New Member
Nov 9, 2003
As someone who has taken a few women's self defense courses over the years, yet is no expert there are a couple of points I wish to make.

The basic philosophy is to avoid danger as much as you can. I have used some of the techniques I have been taught successfully over the years including walking into a store when I felt I was being followed and begin talking with a clerk right away; or again when being followed taking my cell and faking a call, "Yeah I am 2 seconds away from your place you can probably see me from your window now" then I waved and started going up somebody's stairs in the evening. (the guy just kept walking straight past me picking up his pace)

Thankfully I haven't had to use any truly defensive moves. But all the ones described above are good ones. What a girl wants is to try to buy herself enough time to run, to get a head start.

By the way yelling "FIRE!!!! HELP!!!!" will get a person help faster than anything else. People don't want to get involved in domestic violence (as it may be perceived) or rapes or abuse cases, especially if they think a prostitute is involved, but if you are in a room yelling fire they think the place is on fire and will more likely dial 911.



Active Member
Apr 3, 2007

reading your last post was the best thing i did this morning.

have a nice day



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Yep! Ronnie's the voice of experience. And if you yell "Fire!", it's true you'll get more response, no matter if you're a guy or a gal. Doesn't matter if what you get is a cop or a fireman, all you want is somebody! You can explain later and nobody will be upset at you.

Of course, the best way to avoid being attacked is to avoid providing an occasion. Prevention is paramount.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Do Not Put Your Life at Stake

metoo4 said:
What's the subject here is, if your life is at stake, as soon as the attacker shows signs of violence, do something to stay alive, as soon as you have opportunity.

Keyboard warriors never get it.The idea is not to put your life at stake especially at the hands of someone who has nothing to lose and is prepared to die.

Naughtylady's post about proactive measures is a good starting point.I've met Ronnie at GTs and could tell rightaway that she was not a fighter.Obviously she had the benefits of a qualified and consciencous self-defense person who recognized this quality in her and tailored actions/re-actions that would suit her.

What you see in self-defense classes is prepared and scripted.Go to a Judo or a Karate class and everything is organized. The students know in advance when the class will start and prepare themselves accordingly.They have mats to fall on and their outfits.A mugging is not scheduled. You do not get a chance to change your mindset.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Eastender, of course, don't put your life at stake! That's obvious! ALWAYS try to stay out of trouble, ALWAYS try to avoid confrontation! ALWAYS do all you can to avoid putting you in a vulnerable situation! But when it comes to it, to some point, you need to know if you're in a dead-end situation and, if it ever happen to get there, you need to know what to do.

The guy ask you for your money? Offer even your pocket change!
The guy push you around? Use these push to move away, even slightly, to position yourself in a better position. Don't jump him!
The guy have a weapon? Be extremely nice! He uses the weapon on you? Here's your cue to stop being nice, if you're still alive... Or you react before?

Again, it totally make sense to avoid confrontation and ensure you don't put yourself in a situation of vulnerability. A blow to the back of the head will get down even a karate expert! Be aware of your surrounding so you can minimise surprises.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
sexslave said:

reading your last post was the best thing i did this morning.

have a nice day


Thank you! That is so sweet of you to say :D



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
eastender said:
Keyboard warriors never get it.The idea is not to put your life at stake especially at the hands of someone who has nothing to lose and is prepared to die.

Naughtylady's post about proactive measures is a good starting point.I've met Ronnie at GTs and could tell rightaway that she was not a fighter.Obviously she had the benefits of a qualified and consciencous self-defense person who recognized this quality in her and tailored actions/re-actions that would suit her.

What you see in self-defense classes is prepared and scripted.Go to a Judo or a Karate class and everything is organized. The students know in advance when the class will start and prepare themselves accordingly.They have mats to fall on and their outfits.A mugging is not scheduled. You do not get a chance to change your mindset.

Actually the self-defence classes I took (and yes, am due to take another one ;) ) emphasized the need not to ever put yourself in a vulnerable and to expect the unexpected so to speak. They also teach you to always be aware of your surroundings, because almost anything can be used as a weapon when "push comes to shove" so to speak.

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