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In a girls attempt to look different, the best thing for them to do is nothing!


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
Just a quick comment. The best lesson I've learned about a woman's looks is their attitude and how they carry themselves. I'm convinced that you could put twins next to one another and one would stand out on how they carry themselves and the attitude exhibited. I realize this may seem like a "girlyman" attitude, but it works.

Strongly agree about how women carry themselves - a woman that walks upright, back straight, shoulders back, proud of her body is very hot. the same woman walking hunched over, sloping shoulders, arms folded in front of her - not so hot. And a smile is highly underrated. They have done studies with pictures of women with smiles and frowns and the same women with smiles were rated as significantly more attractive. However, it is much easier to get a tatoo than to get self confidence.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
However, it is much easier to get a tatoo than to get self confidence.

Not sure it's just self-confidence. Did you ever think about why tats, rings, studs, etc...etc.. are so prevalent? The need to differentiate, to call attention too, to express one's self can be the reason's offered. Sometimes this can be looked at in the sadist of ways. Just something to consider.........
Ummm. No! Tattoos are barf inducing.

Tattoos can be hot on a hot girl. If the woman is a dog, all the ink in the world won't help that. My biggest objection to ink (and it's not my place to say anything to the girl) is that when she is a somewhat plump, stretched MILF, tats are going to just look stupid.

My kids all have ink to some degree... the guys got stuff that will probably "age" well with them. The girl, not so much. Sigh...


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Jun 21, 2003
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johnhenrygalt your looking too much into it!

You gotta be in touch with the Urban and Pop Culture!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I used to be attracted to a girl with a nice lower back tattoo that you can see by looking down the top of her low cut jeans. But my tastes have changed a little. While the lower back is still the most tolerable place for a tattoo, I prefer a girl with no tattoos. To me ink on skin only detracts from a woman's beauty. Wanna look good? Try stiletto heels and thigh high fish net stockings and hoop earrings and a string pearls or something. Maybe a nice pair of tight jeans, heels and a belly shirt. I keep undressing these SP's and there is an awkward softball sized ball of ink off centered on their chest or some 2-foot god knows what up their side...maybe or a kite sized blotch of ink on their back. the girls have to remember...less is more. The smaller the better.
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