Avery, from a business stand point, a model has to be developed that allows both the users to like a site and for the operator to make money.
Canbest appears to think it is best to make that money directly from the users. I can tell you that this is the hardest way to make a chat board go, because it means that the people providing the content (reviews and comments) are the people also paying the bills.
MERB is based on the advertising model. The banner ads that appear at the top of the pages, and other less noticable things go to pay for the connection required to keep this site going. Chat boards are fairly low bandwidth things, overall, so it isn't too bad. The most important part is that thousands of people visit regularly, and many of them post - and those free posts are what creates the site.
Canbest model works rarely, the MERB one usually attracks quite a crowd, and the financial success or failure of the board is based on the ability to turn views into advertising visitors.
Torpedo: 400+ posts, yup... a bunch of chatter, a few good reviews, etc. I foudn a long time ago that expressing opinions gets others to do the same, and learn many things that way. If everyone is quiet, there is no discussion