I know I said I was going to be a little selfish and keep my experiences for myself but after reminiscing about the evening with some of the ladies these past few week, as well as reading
Tina’s Point of View, I figured I would share my review of the evening. It’s been a while since I wrote a Review, but then again I keep on frequenting the same ladies.. oh come to think of it there is one review I need to write

(I am still recovering)
Initially when I arrived at the location I thought I had it wrong, I really didn’t expect it to be in that part of town, I was impressed, but after seeing the 4-5 guys that were waiting in the lobby, and recognizing one of them, I new I had it right. The 4-5 guys quickly multiplied to about 10. Everyone was really pretty laid back and we all started introducing ourselves to each other like we were embarking on some sort of ‘Brothers in Arms’ Mission lol! After about 5-10 minutes we heard the elevator doors open and we all turned our heads in unison like dogs who just spotted a squirrel! A very enthusiastic
Amber &
Camille stepped out and escorted us upstairs.
Now I’m trying to create the mood of how it felt (at least for me) while walking out of the elevator and into the main living area where everybody was.
Queue Music:
All this is playing out in sloooooow motion. A bunch of guys are walking out of the elevator towards the main living area while being escorted by 2 curvy pin-ups. As the crowd in the living room realize new people have arrived start looking in our direction to see who the new arrivals are …. too much? a bit scorcese-esque?
As we entered the living area it seemed like a new woman was introducing herself with every step we were taking. Then I slowly spotted some familiar faces … my Muse,
the Beautiful Lana Red,
the Fabulous Sophie Lee,
the Statuesque Bianca Jaguar and in a distance from the corner of my eye I noticed a familiar curvy figure in a santa top which turned out to be
the Sensual Tina, add to this Popurri of lovely women,
the Sweet Miss Amber Rose (who always seems to be the first one to greet me at any get together I have attended). I have the privilege of knowing these women, so it kinda felt like I was in some sort of Superhero Crossover movie, they were all under one roof and then for a split second I had this visual in my head… sigh...
Everyone was so friendly and smiling, the energy and the mood of the event was that of excitement and eagerness to begin. After we were entertained by 2 very beautiful and sexy Burlesque singers and dancers,
Amber and
Amelie went through the rules for the evening and then… as soon as Amber said “Have fun & enjoy yourselves” people just hopped to it!!!! A
Bugle Call would have been appropriate at this time because it seemed like people were impatiently just waiting for the ok to head off to the races lol!
I’m really trying to remember how this happened, I can't recall how the transition of speaking to the Beautiful
Lana Red and then ending up with this curvy, passionate french blonde on top of me on the couch happened but at this point who cares…I look over to my left and within arms reach I see a Curvy Redhead (who later on found out was
Dorothy) and a gentleman's bodies intertwined, really going at it!! and in a distance I can make out
Sophie Lee on a chair with someone on his knees in front of her and noticed
Tina standing behind her looking over at all the action happening below...and of course there was also all sorts of naughtiness happening all over the room.
Even though I was very comfortable being with
Lana in front of everyone there (It’s not like anyone was paying attention to us anyway lol) I whispered in her ear for us to get a room. As we get to the room another couple had finished up, just changed the sheets and one of the ladies (Who a few seconds later would introduced herself as
Simone Delisle) had just freshened up and was walking out of the room.
Now this is what was so great about this night and the awesome attitude of everyone there, especially the ladies. As we’re walking in the room,
Simone was walking out and just finishing adjusting what she was wearing, I don’t remember what she said exactly, I think it was
“Sorry you had to wait” or
“I’ll be out of your way in a sec” but I do remember casually answering back:
“That's ok…Well, you can come in if you’d like”… she paused, smiled and said
“Sure!” and I turned to
Lana and looked at her like, did this just happen? lol! Now I know
Lana didn’t mind because I saw the big mischievous grin on her face when she saw
Simone walking back in the room
Queue Music:
this one in particular…
Simone walking towards us in slow motion, smiling with the door slowly closing behind her, me watching Simone slowly crawling on the bed towards Lana…sigh…me locking the door and thinking “Now you’ze can’t leave”. (A Bronx Tale reference) lol!
Within the first 30 minutes/hour (who knows or cares how long it was) I was having a threesome with
Lana Red & Simone Delisle, I secretly had to pinch myself. I had never met
Simone before, she is a slender, free-spirited natural beauty with a great smile. I really wished I had gotten to speak with her more at the party because she seemed like a pretty down to earth girl.
After this initial euphoric experience I thought to myself “This is an event I will never forget”. We all showered. Now that the clothes were officially off, the robe came on.. I had officially broken the ice lol! As I made my way to the living area, there were threesomes happening in the hall, doors were left open for people who wanted watch or join in, it was all kind of surreal.
I’m making my way into the living Room and I see
Alexis Hope walking in front of me… I’m thinking to myself, I have to speak to her she really intrigues me, so I say
“Excuse me, you’re Alexis Hope right? I’ve been really wanting to speak with you, you really intrigue me” she gave me a big smile and said
“of course!” we made our way to a lounge chair and started talking. Her description of herself as “Ethereal, vibrant & dreamy” couldn’t have been more accurate. I just wanted to hug her
All of a sudden, as i’m talking with
Delilah Sansregret appeared out of nowhere and joined in our conversation…
“Did I just walk into the Fairy portal from True Blood?" (True blood fans will get the reference) I’m speaking to this petite, fairy like natural beauty and here out of the blue appears another beautiful innocent looking woman adorned with flower tattoos (although she did have a little evil look in her eye) . I love women in Tattoos and I always love hearing the stories behind them. After a while, somehow I was now alone with
Delilah on this lounge chair talking (i think
Alexis got up to get a drink or someone called her over I’m not sure). I continued having a nice conversation with
Delilah, then silence (not awkward) then a kiss and again for the second time I whispered
“would you like to go to a room?”, she smiled and nodded yes and once again I was walking through the “hall of naughtiness”.
The time I spent with
Delilah was one of the sweeter moments of the evening for me, I spent my time exploring her more than anything else, and kissing her… i can remember thinking
“I really enjoy kissing this girl” I could have kissed her all night

Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and once again… I made my way through that infamous hall lol!
As I’m making my way through the hall I catch a glimpse of Miss
Lana Red in a room with another gentleman with the door open (means join in or watch). A few weeks before the Soirée I was speaking to
Lana about this upcoming evening and jokingly said to her
“Oh, does this mean I have to share you?” which she replied
“Well you never know, you might like it”. So I thought to myself (was thinking to myself a lot during this night lol) Let me see if Miss Red was right. So I leaned in the doorway watching her do her thing, Watching this beautiful curvy, intense woman doing all sorts of bad things just put a huge smile on my face lol! It was interesting seeing
Lana work her magic from another point of view other than the one i'm used too

And I know how she likes to be watched so I figured why not, I am all about giving after all

Then I feel an arm rest on my shoulder and see that
Sophie Lee has joined me in viewing our Lana’s sexual exploit….
Lana was right, I did like it :smile:
I’m almost finished I promise lol!
In the beginning of the evening, as I was having a pleasant conversation with
Tina, she noticed that twinkle in my eye (ok I might have been a little bit more obvious then that) and nodded her head no and said :nono: “
No, no, you’re time is between 11 & 1”…I was like “
what the…11 & 1?” Contrary to what she wrote, there was no “agreed” time, I didn’t have a choice in the matter…Freakin bully lol! I loved it, but don’t tell her that
I crossed her in the hall later on in the evening and said
“Excuse me Miss Tina but what time is it?” (I didn’t have a watch so I had no idea) and she said
“Oh, look at that it’s 11:05”… Damn, my internal clock never fails me! I obviously wasn't aware of her "Agenda" for our half hour session, but I could tell something was amiss, I could see it in those expressive eyes of hers and that little smirk she had lol! Oh and she’s being generous when she said 5 min of sex lol! I had my first quickie with a Lady of the night! Jokes on her though because she could have sat on my face for the full 30 minutes , Sorry
Tina you missed out on 3 additional minutes of pure bliss! :wave:
I also remember that guy that spent 20 minutes in the shower… he was quite impressive…I wanted to Salute him. I would have hugged him if I wasn’t so afraid of getting impaled by his impressive Penis. :hail:
Ok i’m digressing again…
The time passed so quickly
My hats off to all the ladies involved from organizing to participating in this first Soirée, you did such an impressive job. Your enthusiasm and attitudes were just amazing! Everybody got along, everyone was respectful to each other and as far as I can tell nobody was denied anything or left behind, the women made sure of it.
Even when a bunch of us guys were getting dressed at the end of the evening, we were commenting on how great everyone was.
There is no doubt that this was an incredible event… Something to tell my grandchildren about… oh wait a minute lol!