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Is it wrong for 'Kristin' to cash in?

Is it wrong for 'Kristin' to cash in?

  • No, let her get rich!

    Votes: 18 56.3%
  • Yes, it's ridiculous

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • She should go to jail

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • She should move to Montreal

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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As I mentioned in the other thread, we don't know if the immunity deal she entered with the federal prosecutors included not only immunity from criminal prosecution but also civil liability to the federal government (IRS). It's quite possible that it did. If I were her attorney, I would have sought a release of all civil claims by the government as part of the immunity deal. The immunity deal is being reported, but its scope is unknown at this time.

If the immunity is as to criminal prosecution only, her attorney (Buchwald) would likely work out a deal with the IRS to pay a slightly higher tax on the new income in exchange for a release of any claims of taxes on the prostitution income. These kinds of deals get worked out all the time. The IRS can be tough to negotiate with but if there are no liquid assets like real estate they have less leverage. With real estate, they would be very tough to strike a deal with. If there are less assets on hand they will likely have to take any bone that Buchwald will throw them. And if she has no real estate or bank account where she sunk the prostitution income, Buchwald likely will only throw them a bone.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:
Unless the plane pulled a few incredible air loops to avoid a direct line from Dorval to San Francisco. You crossed a significant number of state lines.
Really? Are state lines state lines at 35,000 feet? At what altitude does the air space no longer belong to the state, but some other authority, or none at all?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

General Gonad said:

Let me be more specific: can the IRS go after her ill-gotten gains as a prostitute where she presumably was not paying a dime in taxes? She might profit from the songs and Penthouse, but I have a feeling she will pay some back taxes on her ill-gotten gains.

As for the semi-nude pics, she should sue the NY post. And SPs should not post any pics on Myspace or Facebook. This should serve as a lesson.



To sue succesfully she would have to show damages.Presently there are only benefits to her. An attempt to sue would probably get thrown out of court.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:

Let me be more specific: can the IRS go after her ill-gotten gains as a prostitute where she presumably was not paying a dime in taxes? She might profit from the songs and Penthouse, but I have a feeling she will pay some back taxes on her ill-gotten gains
Ill gotten? Ill gotten? She looks perfectly healthy to me.:D

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
rumpleforeskiin said:
Did I violate the Mann Act?

Mods, you do realize that I am exercising a lot of restraint when I see Reggie posting this? Oh how I would love to pull the trigger on that one!:D


P.S. EB, thanks for answering. If she got good legal counsel, then she probably signed an immunity deal protecting her assets.

**GG, we thank you for your restraint**M5
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Immunity Deals

General Gonad said:
Mods, you do realize that I am exercising a lot of restraint when I see Reggie posting this? Oh how I would love to pull the trigger on that one!:D


P.S. EB, thanks for answering. If she got good legal counsel, then she probably signed an immunity deal protecting her assets.

Immunity deals are voidable if the beneficiary lied, misled or withheld vital information. Other factors may also void such a deal.

Not the easiest thing to accomplish but possible.
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
State Lines

rumpleforeskiin said:
Really? Are state lines state lines at 35,000 feet? At what altitude does the air space no longer belong to the state, but some other authority, or none at all?


Yes. Concept applies to mail and wire fraud where the communication could have have been transported on a plane that flew higher than the altitude you refer to or was bounced off a satelite that would be much higher over the earth without a fixed location.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
First of all, there are NO far reaching consequences of her actions. Those are all the result of Spitzer's actions. If not her, another girl. By your logic, if I drive drunk and kill a pedestrian, the car is as guilty as I am. Sorry.

As for her having broken the law, I personally have no problems with breaking unjust laws. And I'm sure you've broken your share. How fast do you drive when you come to Montreal? Never had a joint? Never gone over .08 blood alcohol? Never used an escort in the US? Never come to a complete stop at a stop sign? Never jaywalked? Do you report use tax on untaxed internet purchases or items purchased in New Hampshire?

Side note, question for Eagerbeaver, Esq.: Of course using an outcall agency in Montreal is, as we all know, quite legal. Two years ago last week, a young woman from Montreal and I departed Dorval for San Francisco. While we crossed no state lines, we did cross an international border. While I did purchase gifts for her in San Francisco, no money changed hands while we were in the US of A. Were any laws broken? Did I violate the Mann Act?
Hello Rumples,

"Unjust laws". How convenient it is for individuals to decide which laws they don't like and are therefor unjust. Principles like this do help avoid any traps over hypocrisies. My own hypocrisy regarding how I feel about escorting and my seeing them are well known. Like many others in this hobby I have rationalized my reasons for seeing escorts, but I have never been quite hypocritical enough to rationalize it as being the "Right or Moral Thing to do. Fortunately for me I have never had to rationalize away any marriage vows.

As for my breaking laws, first, I could not have my job if I had a record since a thorough check is required. Of course I was not caught seeing escorts in the U.S. I have stopped, and to be honest, it was more about money than morality...but there was that too. I do not use pot or any other illegal drug and would not if they were legal. I just had too many difficult experiences with childhood survival to abuse myself with drugs...though I don't mind a few drinks. Of course I have violated the other piffles you mentioned. But, do you really feel these piffles measure up to the Mann Act??? Is jaywalking equivalent to transporting prostitutes across state lines. Don't forget that escorting isn't always a woman making a rational choice. There are those forced or controlled by others.

How was it possible for you to avoid crossing state lines when you went from Dorval to San Francisco? Even if you flew west over Canada and entered California from the ocean you crossed state lines. Did you parachute from 35,000 I doubt that altitude matters legally. But, since she was of age and you did not pay her for sex, I doubt you did anything wrong.

Well, here's a beer to the hypocrisies we choose to live and me.


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
eastender said:

Yes. Concept applies to mail and wire fraud where the communication could have have been transported on a plane that flew higher than the altitude you refer to or was bounced off a satelite that would be much higher over the earth without a fixed location.
Well, maybe I can use the "I did not have sex with that woman" defense.:D


New Member
May 29, 2007
rumpleforeskiin said:
Thank you for the most hypocritical post in the history of merb. If you consider escorting a crime, why do you support them?

Good for her. Let her cash in, as long as I'm not forced to listen to her pop-pap.
i agree! GOOD FOR HER!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
Well, maybe I can use the "I did not have sex with that woman" defense.:D
Hey Rumples,

Why would you need a defense for an "unjust law"??? ;)




New Member
Jun 6, 2005

rumpleforeskiin said:
Well, maybe I can use the "I did not have sex with that woman" defense.:D

Perhaps................ courts enjoy a chuckle.

Mann Act considers intent - that you failed does not remove intent. Also "Benefits" - the gifts were benefits that she obtained from you.


New Member
Jun 19, 2006
rumpleforeskiin said:
Thank you for the most hypocritical post in the history of merb. If you consider escorting a crime, why do you support them?

Good for her. Let her cash in, as long as I'm not forced to listen to her pop-pap.

It's illegal in the US, but not in Canada or many places in Europe. She chose to break the laws, like I choose not to break the laws here.

Unfortunately I see women viewing women like Kristin as some kind of a role model, and it will do the kind of damage that films like pretty woman has done.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
rumpleforeskiin said:
First of all, there are NO far reaching consequences of her actions. Those are all the result of Spitzer's actions. If not her, another girl. By your logic, if I drive drunk and kill a pedestrian, the car is as guilty as I am. Sorry.
Well Rumples,

Your own use of logic is quite fascinating. The basis of mine is the fair presumption that the average adult person is intelligent enough to be responsible for their choices and actions. The implications of your analogy are that either the lady is a brainless tool used like an object at Spitzer's whim, or the car has the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, then make legal and moral decisions. One option is pure fanciful futurism, the other shows a rather poor opinion of women and their ability to be responsible human beings. Of course I dont' think "Kristin" should face hard time, but "she chose to break the laws"...various offenses, and I think her profitting from it is disgusting. You may have a different opinion, but your attempted connection here is...


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Missing the Point

Posters in this thread are missing the point.

Spitzer, an elected official - governor,seems to have had a long history of indecretions with a number of ladies. He was caught with one - Kristin. As things move forward other ladies may be associated with Spitzer.

Spitzer has paid the price for his extensive body of work in this field while Kristin to date seems to be benefitting from the situation as previously posted by Eager Beaver, who is one of the few who has an appreciation of what is happening.

The price paid by Spitzer is rather heavy and may get heavier since to attain his office it is rather clear that he duped millions of people and afterwards put the office of the Governor of the state of New York into disrepute.

Kristin is in a rather paradoxical position. Essentially because of her parallel career as a singer - will not discuss her musical skills, she was effectively in the wrong place and right place at the same time.

That people are willing to throw money at her for her songs or story reflects on the nature of our society. No one has in anyway forced people to buy anything related to her - that they choose to do so is their demonstration of their democratic will and obviously they do not have a problem with Kristin making money from her songs or potential story.
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