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Je suis Charlie


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
Vous n'etes pays "Charlie" ....

A quick "hats off" to the journos at the satirical Charlie Magazine in France.

That said, I am less impressed with those behind the "Je suis Charlie" campaign.

No you are not.

The folks at Charlie Magazine risked their lives to defend freedom of speech.

They posted cartoons of Mohammed not to insult the prophet, but to defend the freedom to do so.

They had the guts to do something that most of us would never even dream of...


The folks behind "Je suis Charlie" are not defending anything except the right to wear a cool T-Shirt..

If you want to put yourselves in the same league as Charlie'd have post a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed....with your name attached to it...(not anonymously)

But I would not advise it.


The people at Charlie Magazine are martyrs for free speech.

Few will ever be able to shine their shoes.

Until then...let's leave the bluster.

There may be one or two Charlies here....but I ain't seen one yet...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
In order to benefit a bit more from your teachings, maurice, would you mind telling us a bit more about the "folks behind" Je suis Charlie?


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The folks behind "Je suis Charlie" are not defending anything except the right to wear a cool T-Shirt..

You don't have to be on the staff to ''be Charlie''. Anyone who reads and enjoys the paper is a part of it and as much a ''blasphemer''. People are defending their right to have access to that kind of satire. Maybe the terrorists should start to ''target demand'' and see if that works better?


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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A quick "hats off" to the journos at the satirical Charlie Magazine in France.

That said, I am less impressed with those behind the "Je suis Charlie" campaign.

No you are not.

The folks at Charlie Magazine risked their lives to defend freedom of speech.

They posted cartoons of Mohammed not to insult the prophet, but to defend the freedom to do so.

They had the guts to do something that most of us would never even dream of...


The folks behind "Je suis Charlie" are not defending anything except the right to wear a cool T-Shirt..

If you want to put yourselves in the same league as Charlie'd have post a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed....with your name attached to it...(not anonymously)

But I would not advise it.


The people at Charlie Magazine are martyrs for free speech.

Few will ever be able to shine their shoes.

Until then...let's leave the bluster.

There may be one or two Charlies here....but I ain't seen one yet...

I have to ask you a question, because I suspect a bit of hypocrisy on those defending Charlie Hebdo.

Do you defend the same freedom of speech for those who are outspoken against homosexuals? Or those who are racists? Or those who want to pray in public school while not forcing those who don't want to do so?

I don't understand why the staff at Charlie Hebdo really took such stupid risks with their lives.

I can see speaking against terrorism and senseless attacks against innocent civilians as cowardly terrorists do all the time. But I cannot see why anyone would want to take a religious figure others deem holy and mock that figure. Why? What was the purpose?

The staff at Charlie Hebdo did not deserve to die, but realistically they knew that the Islamic fascists murder for far less reasons. Why be so provocative needlessly? The outrage should always be at the ongoing war from these folks against everyone who is not like them. By the way, everyone not like them is a non-jihadist, not a non-Muslim. The poor French police officer who was begging for his life was Muslim. I bet you his pleads for mercy were in Arabic.

I want to be clear that I am not taking away from Stéphane Charbonnier, the murdered editor of Charlie Hebdo magazine, as he said: "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

We need to fight all terrorism and demand an end to the assault on the West, including Israel and the United States, because they, Islam Fanatics, have declared war on our way of life.


Sep 24, 2009
Freedom of speech, as long as it spews Democratic ideology, right? Anyone that goes against that ideology, whatever it means today since it's sort of like an elastic band, has no freedom of speech.

I also find it amusing that most people 'tweeting' all of this free speech rubbish are using products (phones, laptops, etc etc) made and imported from a Communist Dictatorship that does not even pretend that it allows free speech and yet support that ideology with their dollars. :rolleyes:


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Bullshit. Who has been thrown in prison merely for speaking against "democratic ideology"?

No, but there have been groups that organize boycotts, etc. against those who do. And government agencies (IRS) have been used against those who have a different opinion. So keep your Bullshit to yourself.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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No, but there have been groups that organize boycotts, etc. against those who do. And government agencies (IRS) have been used against those who have a different opinion. So keep your Bullshit to yourself.

Bullshit. Who has been thrown in prison merely for speaking against "democratic ideology"?

And there is legal recourse against government agencies who break the law.

Johnny, you have a contradiction in your statements.


Jan 12, 2011
A quick "hats off" to the journos at the satirical Charlie Magazine in France.

That said, I am less impressed with those behind the "Je suis Charlie" campaign.

No you are not.

The folks at Charlie Magazine risked their lives to defend freedom of speech.

They posted cartoons of Mohammed not to insult the prophet, but to defend the freedom to do so.

They had the guts to do something that most of us would never even dream of...


The folks behind "Je suis Charlie" are not defending anything except the right to wear a cool T-Shirt..

If you want to put yourselves in the same league as Charlie'd have post a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed....with your name attached to it...(not anonymously)

But I would not advise it.


The people at Charlie Magazine are martyrs for free speech.

Few will ever be able to shine their shoes.

Until then...let's leave the bluster.

There may be one or two Charlies here....but I ain't seen one yet...

While I agree with you on some level the people who are joining this movement are just supporting the people who do have the balls for lack of a better word who do put their lives on the line for our freedoms.


Jan 12, 2011
Agreed but they are not in charge of naming the movement and France Strong was taken by Boston, Go Pats!


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain

I'ts going to be published on Wednesday sooooo I'll by my copy !

You could be against the previous publication of Charb , this satirical magazine also serves as a Indications of our free speech! They'res democracy when they're is full free speech !!!
Is up to us to report abusive , falsehood , lies ! (Fox News)


Oct 21, 2011
Top of the mountain
Intégré des musulmans c'est comme essayer de faire faire la belle à une vache. C'est théoriquement impossible.
Ou des témoins Jéhovah, juif hassidiques, et autres religions qui prōne une certaine séparation !
C'est islamistes font plus de victimes dans leur propre cours , tue plus de musulmans que d'autres religions !
Le policier abattu qui était le garde du corps de Charb était musulmans. Le jeune qui a caché des clients dans le frigo dans l'épicerie kasher est musulman !


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Ou des témoins Jéhovah, juif hassidiques, et autres religions qui prōne une certaine séparation !
C'est islamistes font plus de victimes dans leur propre cours , tue plus de musulmans que d'autres religions !!
L'endoctrinement peu importe la confession pratiquer quand elle enlève la possibilité de raisonné par lui même a toute individu engendre les effets néfaste t-elle que traité dans cette rubrique ,
Darby Bible
"Car, par la grace qui m'a ete donnee, je dis à chacun de ceux qui sont parmi vous de ne pas avoir une haute pensee de lui-meme, au-dessus de celle qu'il convient d'avoir, mais de penser de maniere à avoir de saines pensees, selon la mesure de foi que Dieu a departie à chacun."

Ecclésiaste 7:16
Ne sois pas juste à l'excès, et ne te montre pas trop sage: pourquoi te détruirais-tu?

Toute personne doit évité l'excès ,malheureusement cela est plus facile a dire qu'a faire ,mes les conséquence son terriblement troublante et parfois horrifiante

Avec regret



Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Are you serious HUmm64? I guess everything was planned by the French government, no wait, the CIA, no wait the Mossad, no wait both together. Unless it's Ginette...


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
Merci de poster ce lien Sasha. C'est une très belle interview. Émouvante parce qu'il a le coeur au fourneau, mais tellement terre-à-terre.

"On fait porter sur nos épaules une charge symbolique qui n’existe pas dans nos dessins et qui nous dépasse un peu."

J'ai toujours pensé que Charlie Hebdo n'avait jamais rien eu de sérieux. Aucune prétention à influencer l'opinion. Un esprit bon enfant, à l'image des dessinateurs. On ridiculise les prédicateurs simplement parce qu'ils sont ridicules, caricaturaux, pas pour attaquer les croyants. C'est la mission première de ce journal: montrer la bêtise humaine.

Je suis 100% Charlie. Charlie n'a jamais attaqué une religion. Charlie attaque le ridicule.
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