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Joe Biden a good President


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Crazy, creepy Uncle Joe's mind continues to deteriorate.



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
Joe is at least far better than Trump in every possible way. Of course so is just about everyone. Thank Heaven that Joe continues to undo so much of the horrible stuff that the incompetent # 45 did.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
It's great that there's now an American president who only SOMETIMES makes mistakes. The good thing is that he has worked diligently to undo many of the horrible errors of the previous president's corrupt and incompetent administration. True, Biden is probably not an all-time great like Lincoln or Obama, and also true that he has the advantage of coming to office immediately after the worst president ever (which makes him look great by comparison) but he will go down in history as being very competent. It's all the more impressive given the obstacles that the horrid Republicans constantly throw his way. The only REAL criticism of the Biden administration is that the Justice Department has not acted quickly enough to imprison the far-right traitors who attacked democracy on January 6th and the evil, incompetent narcissist who inspired his brain-dead, treasonous followers to do so.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
WELL WELL WELL....Yep JOE many many reasons to celebrate this GREAT DAY :) ...beaucoup pour la lutte contre la pandémie:)---même si cela représente toujours un immense défi........beaucoup pour le redressement économique qui se continue:) beaucoup pour travailler intensément à combattre les tensions et injustices sociales.....:) toujours un immense dé beaucoup pour restaurer le respect, la confiance, la crédibilité et le leadership à l'international.....yep again bravo JOE....autant de raisons pour célébrer avec
vos concitoyens......HAPPY BIRTHDAY à nos voisins.:).....enjoy the celebrations all over the country.:)


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2018
Pothole City
Pay up and Wake up "Sleepy Joe"...this is what happens when a so called President in the White House has no idea what he's doing and listening to the wrong people!
Just another knockout punch by the U.S. to Canada's head and a witchunt against the North American oil sector!



Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
I was having a civil conversation with a few of my friends (both Republicans and Democrats) about the title of this thread. What was interesting was you had the Biden lovers and haters but none of us really came up with any reasons why Biden is a "good" president. To say "well, he isn't Trump" IMHO doesn't really make Biden a good president. The conservatives in the discussion pointed to the crime in the big cities, the border crisis, inflation, gas prices, Afghanistan, etc. The liberals brought up January 6th, Floyd, Trump, gun violence, climate, clean energy, etc. The conversation on both sides pointed to the negative. So then we asked each other again, is he a "good" president. A "great" president would be someone that made a difference, took care of business, and united the country. Looking back in history you can find these "great" presidents on either side of the aisle, but to find a "good" president it takes a little more digging. You can easily find the bad presidents, but it's still hard to find a good president. So, is Joe Biden is a "good" president? Sure, he's good, but that's not really giving him any compliments. He's not great, and he's not horrible, he's just simply good. Good enough to make it through the next few years with out a major war or international incident, let's hope so. The media on either side is always going to spin their agenda. Many outside the country don't realize just how bad our crime, gun violence, homicides, justice system, etc. is right now in the big cities. The governors need to step up their game more than the federal government does IMHO. The USA is not in the greatest of places right now and it's gonna take a "great" president to step up his game to get shit done. Good luck Joe.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well thanks pour les nuances et le JOE will not be the greatest BUT IMHO dans des circonstances difficiles just being a GOOD one is already a compliment IMHO ;) ...surtout après avoir vécu l'ère misérable de TROMP.....we all understand BIBEN est un PRÉSIDENT de
transition.....the GREATEST still to b it's far to b obvious.....qu'il soit RÉPUBLICAIN ou DÉMOCRATE i really don't care....and agree the USA have still a lot of challenges to's a profond divided country.....won't b easy for the next one 2 cents from an outsider.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
..and to those---realisations---mentionned i would add his IMPORTANT battles vs the pandemy......selon le CDC en date du 4 Juillet....67% des Américains ont recu first dose and nearly 48 % are fully vaccinated....not badd at in Québec same date nearly 25% fully vaccinated....big difference......vs the economy --elle se redresse et beaucoup suite à ses législations et il bûche sur un gigantesque plan d'infrastructures pour rebâtir l'Amérique......sur le plan INTERNATIONAL il a rebâti la crédibilité des US et travaille de concert avec les organisations multilatérales......
....of course he is old ...looks like un grand papi à la démarche hésitante et la voix chevrotante.....ok for not the greatest BUT a good my book the hell yeah.....sans rancune aucune ;) .


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Biden and his VP would have probably gotten to the 70% number if they weren't so negative about it during the debates with the now VP saying at the time that she wouldn't take the vaccine. Biden had a huge supply of vaccines to distribute. The fact that he couldn't get more American's to get vaccinated is on Biden. Bullshit politics goes both ways.

The gigantic infrastructure plan you mention was pretty much a done deal until he got too greedy and fucked up a rare bipartisan moment. Now there is going to be nothing.

On an international level the USA couldn't look more weaker. At the G7 Biden announced to Putin and the world the 16 critical facilities not to target during a cyber attack. Basically telling Russia and the world what they should attack to make the United States fall apart. This is not credibility, this is weakness.

I thought my last post was fair, but your taking a victory lap way before the race is over. Biden is just in the passenger seat, for him to be great he needs to be in the drivers seat and that's just not happening.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
As you know we could debate each issue ad nauseam and we will never agree.....that's politic and that's fair-fine......BUT at the end of the day not sure BIDEN himself wants to b a GREAT President ...he is looking at least to b a GOOD one.....IMHO he is doing his best
malgré ses hésitations, ses trous de mémoire et maladresses....FOR ME he is until now et en si peu de temps a GOOD one.....many desagree.....that's fine.....that's politic ;) .......and the best and only judge est en bout de ligne le citoyen qui vote.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Oh wow----jamais je n'aurais cru voir--entendre ca de ma vie....qu'un Président américain en 2021 se retrouve dans l'obligation de SONNER L'ALARME et de faire une déclaration-----13 Juillet à Philadelphie----à la défense DU DROIT DE la foulée

d'une série de lois en provenance d'ÉTATS RÉPUBLICAINS visant à restreindre le droit de incredible dans la plus grande démocratie qui se targue de servir de modèle au monde.

Règle générale DANS UNE SAINE DÉMOCRATIE on recherche plutôt à retoucher les lois existantes POUR FAVORISER L'EXERCICE DU DROIT DE VOTE...DROIT non le réduire. o_O

Évidemment de telles odieuses démarches vont se retourner contre leurs auteurs qui ne se rendent même pas compte qu'en agissant de la sorte...à rebours ils ne vont faire en sorte que d'inciter ceux qu'on veut exclure À VOTER ENCORE DAVANTAGE pour leur faire

payer la 2 cents en ce triste Mercredi pluvieux.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
BIDEN a annoncé today la mise en place de sa CHILD TAX CREDIT....adoptée en Mars dernier avec son AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN.....historic moment pour les familles moyennes et pauvres qui vont finalement bénéficier de cette arrivée massive d'argent.

Mais ce plan se termine en Décembre 2021 et BIDEN wants to permanently extend it past the end of is part of his major infrastructure plan---3,9T---et il a rallié les DEMS. hésitant à sa cause... :) ....c'est un engagement majeur---un legs historique

qu'il finira finalement par faire adopter.....

Rappelons que ce CHILD TAX CREDIT----à lui seul---touche 39 millions de familles et 65 millions d'enfants.....c'est WOW.....again well done JOE.:):):)


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
And how is the USA government going to pay for all these socialist giveaways ?
By printing more money and raising inflation.
The kids whose parents are getting this money will pay in the end. The middle class will pay. The wealthy and big business will continue doing what they do best....avoid paying taxes. AOC and her gang has joe by the balls. Every time they squeeze he responds with new Trillion dollar welfare bills.
I didn`t like trump and don`t like biden`s hidden agenda. Hate our own truedo. Anyone have a house for sale in New Zealand ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Well on this....monitering and combat misinformation---- i agree with you....monitoring the vaccine ne devrait pas dégénérer en guerre politique---confrontation contre les opposants.....évidemment l'administration a un rôle majeur et une obligation à inviter les citoyens à se faire nom de l'intérêt supérieur de la nation.....elle doit bien exercer son rô elle a déjà en place tout l'arsenal nécessaire pour le faire ...FAUT PAS POUSSER DAVANTAGE LE COMBAT......MAIS travailler dans les communautés visées avec les
LES INFLUENCEURS LOCAUX et AUTORITÉS MÉDICALES locales qui elles savent bien et MIEUX transmettre le massage.....crédibles et efficaces.
Ne faut plus politiser DAVANTAGE ce débat....à ce jeu malheureusement il n'y aura pas de gagnants.....seulement des 2 cents en ce Samedi pluvieux sur la Cité.
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