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Kimbo Sliced


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't know much about this sport but I went and watched the fight. It only lasted 14 seconds, so there was not much to watch! Something did not look right to me. It looked like this guy who won (Petruzzelli) was initially in full retreat and then Kimbo slipped and fell down, and in so doing he suddenly went from an offensive, attacking posture to a defensive posture where he was getting pummeled, in like 2 seconds. I never saw anything like this happen in boxing, or even in a street fight. I almost never watch this particular sport, which I consider a derivative of boxing or perhaps a hybrid of boxing mixed in with martial arts, and I don't know the rules. But slipping like that and going so quickly from an attacking mode to getting pummeled and defending one's life is either the weirdest thing I have ever seen, or it is not real (meaning fixed like in wrestling). I don't know which, but you guys go and watch that freaking tape and tell me. I want serious expert opinions on this.:confused:
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
My Impression

EagerBeaver said:
I don't know much about this sport but I went and watched the fight. It only lasted 14 seconds, so there was not much to watch! Something did not look right to me. It looked like this guy who won (Petruzzella) was initially in full retreat and then Kimbo slipped and fell down, and in so doing he suddenly went from an offensive, attacking posture to a defensive posture where he was getting pummeled, in like 2 seconds. I never saw anything like this happen in boxing, or even in a street fight. I almost never watch this particular sport, which I consider a derivative of boxing or perhaps a hybrid of boxing mixed in with martial arts, and I don't know the rules. But slipping like that and going so quickly from an attacking mode to getting pummeled and defending one's life is either the weirdest thing I have ever seen, or it is not real (meaning fixed like in wrestling). I don't know which, but you guys go and watch that freaking tape and tell me. I want serious expert opinions on this.:confused:


Kimbo Slice was fighting a replacement for Ken Shamrock - Seth Petruzzelli.
He did not have a chance to fully prepare for the opponent but that does not excuse the tactics or poor technique he showed. Basically, Kimbo Slice does not stay tight and compact. An experienced fighter will quickly take advantage of such a flaw and the resulting openings.

From the videos that I watched briefly Kimbo was in attack mode. He lead with a left that overreached and opened his right side. Bang and it was over except for some extra pounding when Kimbo went down.

Your street fight analogy is interesting. Experienced street fighters will stay back and observe an unknown opponent. They know that the slighest error may be fatal.
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