MERB never fails eliciting chuckles… When the emasculated defend, rationalize and white-knight higher rates, and said SPs charging $400+ per hour, and not in the desired demo and physical profile, try to tell everyone: “Your memories aren’t real! There really weren’t hot girls at great rates before! You’re just hallucinating… And oh, slim girls like Livvy Dunne don’t exist as escorts now!… Anyways, your definition of “slim” and “athletic” are wrong! Let me tell you what athletic is, which BTW I am!”

I mean, as far as eras go, gotta love this era of fake news, yeah?!!
I think I saw the golden age of Montreal Indy’s almost a decade ago, when Isabella and Zoë were plying their trades. Slight premium over agencies. Always available. Whip smart. Pretty. Service and skills you can only dream of now.
And some of us log copious notes. Even if we no longer share them publicly. And the crazy-mad skills those 2 ladies exercised… So yes, my memory works just fine. And yes, we use memories as reference. That’s how most of humanity works. You want to abolish history as a subject matter??

Goddamn, I miss those days!
As far as “talent” - yes, we’ve all been using the term loosely here. There’s no hard definition of exactly what it is. For me, it’s a catch-all term that encompasses price-quality ratio, actual scores of face, body and service / attitude / skills, availability and ease of booking, and a steady flow of new girls. So, yes, it’s many things. All of them important for me in perceiving “talent.”
But my ideal Quebecoise escort of ancient history

- my shooting stars - young (<25), pretty, slim (5’4” 110), toned, a closet nympho who actually enjoyed sex, doing this as a side hustle for a few years while in school (which made them “fresh” in the sense that they weren’t jaded cynical career escorts like in most other cities in the world) - those are unicorns now. Still exist, just so much rarer in Montreal. Oh well.