Montreal Escorts

Laila or Sophia? Who would you pick

LAILA or SOPHIA?? who would you rather be with?

  • Laila

    Votes: 32 42.1%
  • Sophia

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • Neither...too expensive..would rather have a 2 hour foursome on the South Shore!!

    Votes: 25 32.9%

  • Total voters


When sexy gets nasty ;-)
donnyb said:

Thanks for taking the time to clarify things. I am sure miscommunications happen all the time.

I just want to add a couple things:

When you said, "In my first reply to you..." It would suggest that there was a second response. In fact, I only got one response.

Further, I have a prepaid phone because that is the cheapest way to stay connected, so that I don't pay a monthly fee. I always activate it a couple of days before my trip. It's interesting that you mentioned you could not reach me as several of my friends, and even agencies, were able to reach me fine. Oh well, darn Bell service.

The only request I had was that you responded to my second email, but I am sure that a lady as busy as you sometimes does not always have time for that.

I am sure you're a stand up lady, but unfortunately for me, I guess I will never know.

Best of luck to you.



Hi Donny,

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to reach you, that is what the other reply was about. I never stood up anyone, and if I had to cancel, I always warned the Gentleman a.s.a.p.

The point still stands, we did NOT have a set meeting. Proof being that you didn't have my phone number. If we HAD a set meeting, you would have my number. So please stop blaming me for not respecting an appointment that we didn't have in the first place.

Again, sorry for the miscommunication,



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Jul 15, 2003
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Perhaps I did a poor job voicing my slight disappointment at the fact that the miscommunication led to no appointment.

However, I will try to be a gentleman and take the blame for this miscommunication.

If I made it sound like I am blaming you for the miscommunication, then I apologize.

I am sure you will continue to make men happy in the future, and I wish you the best.

Best regards,
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When sexy gets nasty ;-)
donnyb said:

Perhaps I did a poor job voicing my slight disappointment that the miscommunication led to no appointment.

However, I will try to be a gentleman and take the blame for this miscommunication.

If I made it sound like I am blaming you for the miscommunication, then I apologize.

I am sure you will continue to make men happy in the future, and I wish you the best.

Best regards,

Hi Donny,

No blame to be taken by you, I understand your position. At least, you mentionned having an excellent time with Melissa, so all is not lost :)

I also wish you the best, and good times here in Mtl!



New Member
Apr 13, 2005
classy response from Sophia to Donny

Just reading Sophia's responses to Donny makes you realize that not only is she a babe, and I can vouch first hand about the fact that she is, but she is also a woman of class and sophistication. You get that from her as soon as you walk in the door

Sophia, you are a sweetheart. Other SPs could easily write some nasty, negative response to a situation like this. Not you, you remain calm, you explain your self and you understand the other person's position. I am very impressed and it makes me want to see you again soon all the most.

Donny, my advice to you is, don't let this miscommunication get in the way of experiencing her, it is, as many such as myself have said, a unique experience. I have done my share of hobbying throughout the years and Sophia was and is one of a kind.
Can wait for my next encounter with her


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Sophia is absolutely great, beauty, brains,personality and enjoyment of the moment.
As the top blond escort in the Montreal region....she gets my vote . She also happens to be the only blond in my top 10 (unless Ann is considered a blond


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
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I'm not crazy about blonds either, but Sophia is that rare exception. Is she plain blonde or platinum blonde?

She looks like barbie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mar 11, 2005

Well.. Like I said in another post..I would prefer Sophia any time over Laila..

This is not taking anything away from Liala.

I tried to book Laila back in November..but she only wants to meet in downtown hotels..This is a No No for me..I live in Mtl..and cant reveal my name when booking These they are expensive..

On the other hand..Sophia does Incall..,,should I go on..

Sophia is definately my choice...

Its just too bad she doesnt answer my emails????? :(



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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At the risk of being accused of picking on Nylonlover, I frankly think this thread is a bit silly (although I'll admit I did vote in the poll). Clearly, both Laila and Sophia are very attractive women. It's like saying what fruit do you like the best, apples or oranges? In my case, I like to eat apples and drink orange juice, but I don't eat oranges or drink apple juice.

Bottom line, they are both beautiful women and depending on what your preference is, you likely will not be disappointed by picking one or the other.

It is interesting, though, that Laila, the brunette, is in the lead. I have always thought that there seems to be more general interest in blondes than brunettes, as evidenced by Playboy magazine where an overwhelming majority of the centerfolds through the years have been blondes. Yet the voters here have given a wide lead to Laila which I find curious.


uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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Were I making a lot of money, I would pick Laila, but since I'm not I'll stick with ldl agencies :p

I for one am glad to see people moving away from the blonde worship, I think women like marylin monroe and other women like her helped create that whole image of the perfect woman being blonde that magazines use and abuse.

personaly, give me an exotic looking dark haired girl or an adorable redhead with pale skin and freckles and I'll be happy. :D


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May 20, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
At the risk of being accused of picking on Nylonlover, I frankly think this thread is a bit silly (although I`ll admit I did vote in the poll). Clearly, both Laila and Sophia are very attractive women. It`s like saying what fruit do you like the best, apples or oranges? In my case, I like to eat apples and drink orange juice, but I don`t eat oranges or drink apple juice.

Bottom line, they are both beautiful women and depending on what your preference is, you likely will not be disappointed by picking one or the other.

It is interesting, though, that Laila, the brunette, is in the lead. I have always thought that there seems to be more general interest in blondes than brunettes, as evidenced by Playboy magazine where an overwhelming majority of the centerfolds through the years have been blondes. Yet the voters here have given a wide lead to Laila which I find curious.

EB, there is nothing to be surprized about. Lets not forget that Laila is an FKS girl (she even features the FKS splash screen, and was - or still is - their webmaster). So the results of this poll simply show how FKS support came handy. Anyway, the poll started a bit biased, with the comparison of cbj- being made, which was moot if anyone would have taken the time to read Sophia`s reviews.

As I`ve stated I`ve seen both of those girls and said that Sophia was a notch up when it comes to services. Laila and Sophia are both angels to meet, with more drive than a nuclear power plant. My previous post was kind because at first I saw this thread as a bit funny, but now I also think it`s silly and underminds a great woman.

Sophia had more than double(!!!) the favorable reviews Laila has on MERB and still the result would be so low for her??? It`s statistically impossible. It just shows something going on under the covers that is unfair to a fair lady. Hey even other members took the time to show their appreciation of meeting Sophia here, apart from me.

It`s evidently not a question of hair color, but more a question of backing from something bigger than Sophia. I consider Sophia to be the winner here, and no photo finish needed. Sophia is a real independent, whereas Laila is an FKS girl. No one could win any poll in those conditions. Since the poll began a bit biased, and the end result is so incredible... let`s call a cat, a ``cat``. Its truly impossible to have such a result on a fair trial. I had booked Laila through her site, I would have never booked her through FKS as I don`t believe in that formula. At least with Sophia you know she is the one taking care of business.

mass1965 said:
I actually find this thread a bit troubling. It seems obessive.

I absolutely agree!!!! I would be curious to find out what actually promted it in the first place, and the way it was established in the beginning before the added modifications...

And... nylonlover calling Sophia a Barbie is disrespectful IMHO. I learned she is an ******** in life with a real job, goes to show stereotypes are most often wrong?

*** Gentleman, posting Sophia`s profession here is not appropriate. M2 ***
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The_Gentleman said:
It's evidently not a question of hair color, but more a question of backing from something bigger than Sophia.

The Gentleman:

What is your factual basis for making this statement? It sounds like a conspiracy theory but I would like to know what facts you have to support it.


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May 20, 2004
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EagerBeaver said:
The Gentleman:

What is your factual basis for making this statement? It sounds like a conspiracy theory but I would like to know what facts you have to support it.

Can you say that the numbers we see here reflect the reality of things, based on the reviews of those girls? No way!!!! There is no need for a conspiracy theory to explain things. The numbers speak for themselves. I personally don't think Laila had anything to do with the results, I met her and she is honest and real. However I do think the results are biased with the fact she is an FKS girl and Sophia is not. Reading threads here on merb shows this and their being advertizers has stopped other members from voicing their opinion on things. Just do a search with "fks" and you will see what I mean.

EB, do you think those results reflect reality? And if not, what do you think is the cause of this incredible margin? Is it service? Is it hair color?

For the rest, just PM me.


When sexy gets nasty ;-)
Guys, guys, guys, please do not fight over this thread :(

Laila and I know each other, and I love this girl, she is really sweet and one of the best escorts I have ever spoken to. If you wish to see her over me? Good! go ahead! Meet her! :) We referred clients to each other before, and any traffic sent her way is fine by me, she deserves all the attention and respect that she has earned over the time she has been doing this! She is cultured, beautiful, sexy, professional, has an incredible body and knows how to make someone feel great! Of all the girls that I have been in contact with she would be my real choice for a duo. We even had talks about doing some shoots together. So if this thread amounts to her getting more clients? I'm happy for Laila, and you will be happy to when you meet her, I am sure! :D Stop the argument, this thread was useless to begin with but if it brings more cilents to either of us everything is good! It's only a thread, please dont take things to seriously and really, really, just have fun! :D




New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Hi Sophia,
I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you but I certainly am impressed by what you have written. You are a class act yourself in my eyes.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I must admit that after having a look at Laila's recent pics, she is smokin' hot!!! However, very few ladies are worth $600, in my opinion. However, if there is one who is, i suppose that Laila might just be the one.


uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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The_Gentleman: the poll is not about who has more reviews or who has better reviews.

I have not seen either of these ladies and I find them both very attractive, but when push comes to shove, I would prefer seeing laila.

It's the same principle as in a strip club, you see many beautiful women, but you pick then ones you would prefer seeing.

Allow me to quote something from a story I read recently

We all seem attracted to a certain kind of person. Yes we all want Pammy, but there are certain women, whose height, size, hair color, breast size that we tend to gravitate too. If you are put in a room with different women, all available all attractive, you will be attracted to a certain one. Some might want a red head, another a blond, brown haired, short hair, blue eyed, dark eyed. The same thing holds true to girls towards men.

Let me put this poll in another perspective. If there were only these two women in a room with you, you have never seen them before, never heard of them before and in a game show fashion were asked to pick which one you would take on a sex filled trip to some tropical place. Which one would you pick?

Thats how I made my choice and I'm pretty sure quite a few of our lurkers did the same.

Remember that gent, there is maybe hundreds of us participating out of thousands of lurkers.

Anyway, as it was said this poll is rather silly.

But it shouldn't become a flame war, that would be disrespectful to the ladies who are being discussed here, even if you just were trying to heroicly protect your favorite lady. ;)

So lets stop the fight before it breaks out and return to our discussion, contemplation and adoration of the female godesses in all their shapes and forms. :D
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