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Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
This is exactly why I knew this pick up line was coming....

I couldn't care less as free advertisement if all the other indies didn't have to pay in order to write several posts in a short period of time (few hours) even though we did not mention our job or what we are providing... nor even what are we doing on this board (which already get most of the community's me on this one lol)...

If a girl wants to trick the mods without being noticed from the other SPs here (especially when we did pay in order to promotoe ourselves even less than she does)...she has to be subtle when she posts..otherwise it is just insulting.

I believe everyone has the right to express their preference Its sad you seem to see this as advertising. I advertise randomly on over 18 sites It takes a lot of time, but its part of the work. I've been registered to MERB since june 2018 yet I have been successful in this business for over 6 years. I am sorry you feel my post is just insulting It was not my intention to insult anyone I am french and maybe I don't get the feeling people get when they read my words yet it was important for me to let you know I respect everyone including myself therefore I make myself a responsibility to share what I dislike and truly believe we should all do so.
I don't understand what your post means
This part ''If a girl wants to trick the mods without being noticed from the other SPs here (especially when we did pay in order to promote ourselves even less than she does)...she has to be subtle when she posts..otherwise it is just insulting.''

For your information since i registered june 2018 I have contributed to this forrum 452$ in october and will be contributing 339$ this month. I am sorry you feel it is not sufficient yet I personally like to stay random in my over 18 sites advertising.
Be well


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
Back to the OP's original question. Is this something to do with the French language? I hear horror stories about people that speak English as a first language that speak French as a second language infuriate Frenchmen (maybe put-off is a better way to say it) by using an informal greeting. I just finished a biography of Napoleon. From time to time the author made a point to mention which historical character could use the informal "tu" with Napoleon. This was an audio book so I believe the spelling is "tu"....anyway, the point is I have read a few history books and they often make a point of this. This is unusual for English.

Nice point This is unusual for English
It may be because of the fact I am mainly french, I really associate a simple ......Hey! as disrespecfull as I see in french saying..... Aie chose being disrespfull. I like being nice to people who I feel are being nice to me. Using tu infuriated Frenchmen in the time of my grand parents I believe some even had to call their parents vous because tu was disrespectfull. In our present time in this business i prefer tu over vous and I simply tell people who say vous that they can say tu (lol)



Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hey is kind of a generic non offensive greeting when texting. It gives the client and so an easy opening to start conversation or not. Would rather start with something like hey instead of getting right to the point Incase of mistakenly texting wrong number.

Human communication. Sometimes, I think it is an oxymoron.

Let's a agree. A flat quick "hey" as a greeting, with about nothing to follow for a minute. ... That's not a good start, probably.

Words depend on who is talking, who is hearing, and the context. And the musicality. But often we say "how it is said".

In our typical context of a (1 hour) meeting and such.... (I am assuming at least that context)

I use "darling" often for her. She likes my southern accent, usually.
The person's name works well, usually. Most people like being called by their name. Subconsciously, they may feel the person respected them and noticed them enough to remember the name.

"John"...maybe breathed slowly. Or "Hey John, nice to meet you..." could work.

Hey could work for me. Not terrible. Depends how said. I could imagine it being very effective. And the reverse.

As an initial greeting....

So many choices.
I think doing a simple, formal greeting, and then a kiss on the cheek...or 2 or 3. Nice.
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Maris. You look lovely." And then a kiss on the cheek. Nice!

Bon jour...with the right tone and the eyes move. Wow.
If you are there in the room first --- "Bienvenue!" works. Or "welcome".
Some people say "How do you do?" Or "How are you..." Works.
A little hand shake and a look and "Pleasure"... could work very nicely. Depends on the eyes, and exactly how pleasre is said. As in "a pleasure to meet you".
"How y'all doing?" might work, but probably not from a Montrealer.
Bon jour, bon soir, good morning, good afternoon. All could work.
"Ooohh, come over here and give me a hug...and a kiss." I can definitely imagine that working for me.
"Hey you...." Elongated. With the same feeling as above and the same tone of voice. That could work. Have to say it sincerely. Insincere gets negative points.

"Hey hey hey" said shyly and in a certain positive way, with some musicality. I can imagine that working.

It's not the words, per se. It's the feeling.
At the very beginning, be friendly, but for some, not too intimate too soon. Let the guy get his coat off and take a breathe. BUT...being wanted ...even if a bit too much...about always feels good.

Did I help at all?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Agreed. Personally I do not like these.

Yeah, waitresses use that a lot. I used to live with a bartender decades ago, she knew how to get tips, show cleavage and leg, be polite and have small talk, give them a pet name and to clinch the tip just a touch on their shoulder while she smiles at them. Men are suckers for females.

Tagged it wrong. Original post was SP' calling you hun or babe or something like that


Sarah Starlight
Jun 8, 2018
Laval - Montreal
Yeah, waitresses use that a lot. I used to live with a bartender decades ago, she knew how to get tips, show cleavage and leg, be polite and have small talk, give them a pet name and to clinch the tip just a touch on their shoulder while she smiles at them. Men are suckers for females.

Tagged it wrong. Original post was SP' calling you hun or babe or something like that

ORIGINAL POST Is about how you adress someone you dont know for the first time!

and my dislike of Hey!


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
When I’m replying or sending an email the greeting is very professional and formal , so obviously there is no hey.
When I’m greeting someone for the first time in the flesh it’s usually a hi or hello.
I don’t know why but I noticed that when I’m greeting younger people I tend to use hey a lot more ,, it’s sort of instinctive , maybe I’m trying to speak there language . I know many of them greet me that way and I actually like it ,, it makes me think that there comfortable enough with me to not greet me in a formal way.
In any case judging by this thread some people might think that hey is perhaps just bad greeting etiquette and even rude,,, so I’ll keep that in mind for the next time , especially if it’s someone your meeting for the first time ,, don’t want to give off a bad first impression.
As for someone calling me with the occasional babe or something of that sort not really a big fan ,, unless there is a real genuine connection and familiarity between us then I honestly do like it so it depends who’s saying it of course.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
ORIGINAL POST Is about how you adress someone you dont know for the first time!

and my dislike of Hey!

My error, I meant the original post I was quoting not the thread starter. Clear that my post had nothing to do with the original thread.

Yzabel Wolf

Sep 22, 2006
Hey !!
On le reçoit régulièrement Sarah !
Et c’est vrai que l’on se sent un tout petit peu insulté quand on reçoit ce genre de
Mais parfois, quand c’est Une personne que l’On connaît
Cela peut être également un signe de reconnaissance et même un interjection affectueux ��
Mais pas celui que J’ai eu justement ce pm et poliment je lui ai demandé de m’appeler Par mon prénom
Et devine quoi ? Il ne le savait même pas ��
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