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Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
Hopefully this doesn't start anything but it's been on my mind for a long time. I'm not a bleeding heart but I do have a soft heart. I'd rather help somebody then to take advantage of them. I also realize that you can't help everyone and that some people are either beyond help or just plain don't want it. I can give without expecting anything back but the knowledge that I helped someone.
Now being a hobbiest (read horny guy) puts me in a position where you can have all sorts of options for your hard earned dollar. I personally, prefer MP's, where you pay your entrance fee + tip and for the most part everyone generally is left happy. My concience is clear.
Now to my point, addictive drugs that can make anyone get down on their knees just so they can get their next sniff. "Crack Whore" is the term that is usually used, and while it is probably a correct descriptive term, I'm not comfortable with it. There's always a fine line between you controlling the drug or the drug controlling you.
Oh yea, the point, sorry.
I'm not trying to be self righteous here but I find in morally wrong (can I even use that term) to take advantage of desperate people of our society as if they were bargains. "She needed her rock but I only had 10 bucks and she took it" makes me cringe. Young kids that crossed over that fine line and and find themselves where they are today. It's really quite sad. Think about it guys before you look for your next "bargain." Opinions welcomed


New Member
Oct 23, 2004
Well, in the end its in their hands to choose what to do (for the most part, excluding illegal immigrants and such).

I too have a similar train of thought about all this, and do feel somewhat guilty.... but in the end no one forced them into this line of work, unless its to support an addiction, then its just somewhat like suicide.


Psychiatric help, 5 cents
Mar 22, 2005
Basically it is the addicts that I'm talking about. There are many reasons that people are in this business (mostly money) but when you have an addiction and can only supply it this manner.............
I do wish them the help that they need
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