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Merb 2006-2007 Goddess and Legend

Who is your Merb 2006-2007 SP Goddess and Legend?

  • Kiki formerly Devilish, now Kiki’s Dollhouse

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Tamara formerly XXXtase, now Indy

    Votes: 17 27.4%
  • Kim from Devilish

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Vicky formerly Candy’s, now XXXtase

    Votes: 9 14.5%
  • Michelle formerly Eleganza, now Montreal Sex City

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Independent Samantha

    Votes: 16 25.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Une statue de bronze à l'effigie de la gagnante sera érigée à l'entrée du Chablis Ouest. :rolleyes: (Chablis Est si c'est Jessy qui gagne)


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams

Just-ass-weet said:
I think maybe using the word legend, which implies, at least to me, someone who has been around for a while and other ladies look up to or try to attain the same level of her "peak" following. Goddess is quite general as well, and really doesn't reflect a now feeling.

My thought would be that maybe you could reword it, maybe to "Who is the "IT" girl of 2007?" I think that brings it more to reflect new, or at least, current talent.

Also a good deal of the girls on the list are still active, just because they aren't reviewed often here, doesn't mean that they are not around.

Just a thought

Hello all,

Legends are those who have become idols through achievement and have maintained their reputation through time. Great ones from the last year or so cannot have attained that measure. Naming this poll "The Great Ones of 2006-2007" would have made all of this quite simple. What this poll comes down to in many cases is some guys wanting everyone to know they had great sex with a really hot babe or bragging about their favorites. It's a popularity contest for the flavors of the last several months. Like People magazine 's list of the most beautiful women it's about who you currently have "the hots" for lately. Next year most of those so-called legends being picked now won't be remembered.

For me, I did not even put a few great personal favorites on my list because they clearly are not true legends. True legends endure they are not flashes that fizzle out of memory. True legends are widely acclaimed, not the wet dreams of the moment. True legends don't generate dsipute. Like Babe Ruth or Wayne Gretzky everyone just nods...oh hell doubt about it. There is no debate. Who can not hear a name like Samy and think..."no doubt." But, hey...this is just for fun. If you want to brag about a lady and hope she sees it so you might get more loving next time, then...GO FOR IT! Time will tell if she is a "legend."

Of course some are dubious legends. Gabrielle of FKS the perfect blonde pornstar body goddess who spent half your money admiring herself in the mirror. Emma of FKS cancelling, better dealing many at the last moment for a richer client. Yeah, those are legends of another sort.

Not a legend, ;)

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Montreal Sex City

Classy, Pretty & Sexy GFE
Mar 24, 2007
Ziggy Montana said:
Une statue de bronze à l'effigie de la gagnante sera érigée à l'entrée du Chablis Ouest. :rolleyes: (Chablis Est si c'est Jessy qui gagne)

C'est tellement gentil ! :)

Si cela devait arriver :)D ), on pourrait y ajouter le nom d'une partenaire
en souvenir d'évènements historiques a cet endroit ! :p



Oct 16, 2004
6' under
"Gabrielle of FKS the perfect blonde pornstar body goddess who spent half your money admiring herself in the mirror."



Active Member
Mar 28, 2005
traveller_76 said:
L.H. wins the Academy Award for 'Original use of Analogy to Make an Excellent Point.' ;)


I agree with Lion Heart and traveller_76 on this. I haven't voted in the survey because I've only seen one of the SPs listed. The SP was very good but is she the best out of the ones listed? I can't say since I don't know how the others are.

It is like asking someone who likes/loves yogourt but never tasted ice cream which he/she prefers. The person never had ice cream so how can he/she say that yogourt is better just because he/she likes it. Or if you prefer movie analogies, if you list 5 movies and I've only seen 1 one them, I can only tell you what I thought of the one that I saw. Even if I really enjoyed that movie that I saw, I can't really say it was better than the others.


Jul 15, 2006
Another would be Jenny of Montreal Hot Angels and formerly of the Harem. Besides being as fantastic as she is, she seems to be an incredibly hard worker whichever agency she belongs to and I have yet to see a complaint.


Love big tits

New Member
Sep 1, 2006
This poll will be in fact a reflection of who we think is the best, from that list, based on past experiences with all the SP we have personally met before.

So I voted anyway although I met only 3 of the 5 on the survey.

Both of my all time personal favorites (Amy and Nadia) are not even on that survey but I don't think they would qualify as legends. That is for an other day and an other poll may be.

Actually it was a real toss up between Tamara and Vicky. They are both so different that they would deserve a vote each in different categories. They both always manage to bring a big smile on my face in their own ways.

I don't remember now who won my vote, it was so close.;)


Nov 19, 2006
Legendary in my mind ...

Emely of Eleganza was legendary in my mind ever since I started to follow the posts on her from afar since 2004. When I finally was in a position to see her, and considered finally setting up an appointment, I started to get a case of bad stomach on account of anticipation and other emotions that I began to experience. For some reason, I could not for a while find the time / place and so kept postponing my plan. In the meanwhile I kept reading her reviews over and over again, and she intrigued me more and more. Every time I read a hobbyist`s post on her, I would be overcome with weird feelings of jealousy and a strange foreboding that for some reason, I would not be able to see her. Even on the street everytime I saw a pretty girl, I would ask myself if Emeley looks like that ... or perhaps she is her !

Finally, I set up the appointment and I waited with a thousand thoughts racing through my mind. And then finally the knock on the door, and when I first set my eyes on her she was quite different from how I had imagined her to be. I must admit that I was ever so slightly underwhelmed. As the meeting started, I was anxous to get a SOG as I had read a couple of negative posts where a hobbeyist could not get a SOG because of alleged time wasting on her part. So, I deftly manoevered things and started to go for goal after 10 minutes. I scored soon after, and felt greatly relieved. The pressure was off and had a good session. I could not see her again as she retired soon after. She had told me of her plans but I somehow did not get around to seeing her again.

I have seen 3 of the ladies posted in this poll but never went through such emotions before or during the session.

So, perhaps a hobbeyist`s perception of someone being a number one legend has a lot to do with how she affected him psychologically.

I actually had similar feelings - though less intense and without the physical effects - with regard to Lynne of Eleganza when she was Brittany in the same agency. But she disappeared before I had a chance to see her. However soon after her second coming (now as Lynne), I quickly corrected the situation and have already seen her twice. I guess in my mind, she is a legend too though she is not on the poll. Apparently I am not the only one of that opinion as HarmonyNYC`s post in the following thread would indicate -
It nicely captures my own sentiment after I had seen her for the first time a few days after his post

... just wanted to share ...
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Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
Visit site
To date, my 2007 sp goddess is in Dusseldorf, Germany :D


Jan 18, 2006
Korbel said:
They all want to be like Samy. They get to that point by providing a fabulous service, building a great reputation, and developing...ooops...a more exclusive Samy.
I don't know if we can say they ALL want to be like Samy...certainly, economics is the likely motivation and Samy has a business model that works for her and . But take Kim from Devilish as an example...she's been in the outcall scene for well over a year, many positive reviews from many different people (an obvious clientele) and yet she stays with an agency. I would suggest she is comfortable with her clientele and her income (some have said she makes more than indys!).

Definitely, it makes sense why the majority would want to follow in her footsteps and we have seen many examples who try. So as a role model to others, granted...she is relevant. I still question if the SP, the fantasy, the brand is relevant...especially with minimal current reviews and her apparent inaccessibility/exclusivity issues.

Btw...I appreciate your point of view and I don't take offence.


Jan 18, 2006
Lion Heart said:
...that you’ve excluded someone like Samy from your initial list (and still don’t recognize her place there) while she met, more than anybody else, all your own set of criteria, is indeed a bit annoying to me...
Well, don't be she hardly met all my criteria:
UNDFTD said:
3. Must continue to be reviewed positively
And maybe that is where the confusion lies...different criteria or definition of a current legend. I mentioned it a few times already but...if she is currently active with some regularity (another one of my criteria) why do we not see any new reviews from multiple and different members as we do with the other ladies? Why were they moved and inspired to do so with Tamara and not Samy? Maybe your predilection toward the review section could proffer a theory...

Possibly it is her clientele? I would think a fair portion are long standing regulars who are less likely to review. But again this would speak to her 'exclusivity' or 'inaccessbility'.

As unscientific and incomprehensive as this poll is, I recognize the tendency for most is to base it on popularity, which is why I offered the criteria as guidelines. In fact, the criteria does not assume a session with these ladies is even a prerequisite (unlike your Academy Award judge analogy). Read Merb? Throw in your two cents.

Popularity contest? Obviously, but what? It obviously isn't as trivial as you make it out to be (and it really is quite trivial!) if you've chosen to plead Samy's case for inclusion.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
UNDFTD said:
I don't know if we can say they ALL want to be like Samy...certainly, economics is the likely motivation and Samy has a business model that works for her and . But take Kim from Devilish as an example...she's been in the outcall scene for well over a year, many positive reviews from many different people (an obvious clientele) and yet she stays with an agency. I would suggest she is comfortable with her clientele and her income (some have said she makes more than indys!).

Definitely, it makes sense why the majority would want to follow in her footsteps and we have seen many examples who try. So as a role model to others, granted...she is relevant. I still question if the SP, the fantasy, the brand is relevant...especially with minimal current reviews and her apparent inaccessibility/exclusivity issues.

Btw...I appreciate your point of view and I don't take offence.

I don't want to be too serious about this. But this thread has brought up some interesting views on SPs and it has drawn some useful comments.

I met Kim at Devilish in April when I was not at my best. Still, I thought she was wonderful. She is very sweet, very sexy, very accommodating and beautiful to please any man...and interested She has what it takes to be in the same position as Samy is now. She may not be driven to get to that position at this time. But I can't see why any lady would not want to keep more of her earnings and choosing when, who, and how much she wants to work. Remember that Miss Samantha was independent yet very generous with donation rates and accessible to "gentlemen" for a long time before justly raising rates and being more exclusive. So it may be inevitable that Kim will change how she sees clients. Very few ladies worthy of being independent and earning more stay with agencies. At least they become semi-independent. The only great legend I can think of who has not done this is Marie-Eve of Asservissante. So it may be only a matter of time for Kim and others. She sure seems to be "worthy".

As for the criteria of a poll. Whatever anyone does to strictly define a poll like this, they will run the risk of disputes from those who believe the poll needs adjustment. When a poll is essentially a popularity contest anyway, many will come to promote their personal favorites. That's unavoidable. These polls are fun. It's just that no one should be too surprised if their are challenges to the way it is constructed when clients see an opportunity to dote on a I have with Lily and Samantha. We all have some bit of "White Knight" inside.

"But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and
(Samy, Lily, Kim, Kiki, Tamara, Vicky, Michelle...insert favorite) is the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,
Who is already sick and pale with grief,
That thou her maid art far more fair than she.
" :D

Sweet dreams,

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