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Moment of Truth Arrives for France


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Feb 9, 2004
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Originally posted by oobe

Maybe you would call this law stupid if you had the slightest idea of the way most French feel about those matters, ie. the country as one community with a common culture vs. a patchwork of seperate communities.
Plus check the French history to understand why they quickly get suspicious when mixing religion and public affairs.

Do you always call stupid what you don't understand?

oobe, then don't let immigrants into France. I agree that immigrants should learn the language and adopt some of the culture, but immigrants never give up their entire culture. It doesn't happen in the US, the melting pot of the world, so they say. France has been letting in hundreds of thousands of Muslims. What do they expect? I am ignorant of French history, for sure. But such homogenuous groups like Muslims and Arabs will not change because they call France their new home.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In fact, France has not only let in a lot of Muslims, they have also let in a large number of troublemaking Muslims that no other western nation would allow in. All of the famous international Palestinian terrorists historically sought refuge in France. France, along with Italy and Germany, is a very big reason why international terrorism has grown and developed through the years. As pointed out by Alan Dershowitz, these countries have appeased and fed and nurtured the terrorists at every opportunity going back to 1968. So I completely agree with daydreamer's point.

I am interested to see whether or not Smack Appeal's prediction that there will be no revocation of the headscarf policy and the French journalists will not be executed will come true. I think Smack Appeal is imputing rationality or compassion to the captors that they do not possess.


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Dec 15, 2003
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You have to be a daydreamer.
How can anyone believe that it's only a matter of pride for Irak!
Sadam was not a dreamer, he was a murderer, with the support of the USA in the war against Iran!
That being said, Sadaam should have been taken down by other means! We all know how!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Where are the missing Frenchmen?

I doubt very much the 2 french hostages will be executed givin the strong support of France in the Middle east.

Well, it has been over two months since SA posted this and the French journalists have not been seen or heard from since. Nor have their heads. Although there are now reports that US troops invading Falluja have uncovered hostage slaughterhouses and speculation is that there will be tapes found of the executions of these two unfortunate Frenchmen.

SA, I guess these guys really did not give a shit about France's policy in the Middle East. And the reason why is because a French Infidel is an Infidel, just like an American Infidel, and Infidels' heads are to be cut off. That is official Islamofascist terrorist policy.
Head scarf

I can't say I have much love for the french, maybe because I am german,who knows.
I do agree with the ban, as long as it is being applied across all religions. There has to be a strict seperation of church and state. If history has taught us one thing, politics driven by religous ideology is very dangerous.
This does not mean, that a leader of country can't be guided by spiritual principles. Those principles are overarching and are true to every religion.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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French Journalists Released

The kidnapped French Journalists have been released unharmed and will be back with their families for Christmas.

I guess the speculation by Smack Appeal that they would not be executed because of France's effective diplomacy in the Middle East proved to be correct.

France did not budge on its Islamic headscarf policy yet won the release of the hostages. This is a major victory for France in standing up to the Islamofascist terrorists.


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
EagerBeaver said:
France did not budge on its Islamic headscarf policy yet won the release of the hostages. This is a major victory for France in standing up to the Islamofascist terrorists.

On a human level I’m happy for the journalists and their families but realistically knowing the ethics of the french government I have no doubt that they cut a deal during the past 16 weeks and if I was a coalition fighter I’d be keeping my eyes out for a token of their appreciation ie. a truck load of shoulder launched surface to air missiles.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2004
G1GBallday said:
On a human level I’m happy for the journalists and their families but realistically knowing the ethics of the french government I have no doubt that they cut a deal during the past 16 weeks and if I was a coalition fighter I’d be keeping my eyes out for a token of their appreciation ie. a truck load of shoulder launched surface to air missiles.

Well said.
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