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Montreal model Kristyna Martelli 23-Year-Old Dies After 100 Plastic Surgeries


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010

1- Buy a motorcycle... 4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul. And what better way to enjoy our milder weather? 80˚F+ here in LA yesterday.
2- See above. They are relatively inexpensive, get decent gas mileage with a filled up tank, and fairly therapeutic for a useless toy. After all, you never see one in front of a psychiatrist's office. And you get to put something exciting between your legs... Win-win.
3- Je suis désolé. Le français est vraiment une langue plus belle. Malheureusement, avec notre proximité du Mexique, l'espagnol rayonne rapidement notre deuxième langue. Répugnant!
4- Sadly, we couldn't make Bombardier exciting again. You need the Italians to do that. If only Volkswagen hadn't screwed up with the emissions scandal, they might have the funds to buy it instead of putting Ducati up for sale. Besides, we'd only screw up my making Canam redneck Harley-esque. Quel dommage...

Oops, stupid Trumplandian me... RIP Kristyna, Godspeed. :(


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
History very well showed that "the narrow pursuit of national self-interest … led to nothing but carnage and poverty." (Cant remember author of this citation).

Trump is a real treat to the number one democracy in the world. He openly lies to mislead everyone and does not respect liberty of press.

But what worry me the most is that only a broken socio-economic population with major troubling inequalities would wound up electing such an idiot.

by the way by answering that your own pocket is doing fine since trump is there you are thinking just like that surgeon who did all these plastic surgery... give me the money thats all that matters...



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
The issue is that there are doctors willing to do anything for a buck.

Their priority should be the well being of the patient, not generating cash flow.

Trumpland is a state of mind where money is all that matters, and people are good or bad depending on how much money they have.
Rich people can afford health care because they are better people.
Poor people who get sick deserve to die because they are poor and therefore lazy and worthless.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
History very well showed that "the narrow pursuit of national self-interest … led to nothing but carnage and poverty." (Cant remember author of this citation). Trump is a real treat to the number one democracy in the world. He openly lies to mislead everyone and does not respect liberty of press. But what worry me the most is that only a broken socio-economic population with major troubling inequalities would wound up electing such an the way by answering that your own pocket is doing fine since trump is there you are thinking just like that surgeon who did all these plastic surgery... give me the money thats all that matters...cheers,
Are you seriously going to go there, bro?? I'm a moderate, and usually lean towards the left when it comes to the poor and underprivileged, however, like many of my colleagues, I was more anti-Clinton than I was pro-Trump. Last I checked, you don't live here... it's always easy to be an armchair quarterback... just sayin'. Be careful not to over generalize... for most of my life money has never been important to me. I've made a shit ton of money for other people (mostly liberals actually) and was never properly compensated or even thanked. I'll bet good money (which I will donate BTW) that I've donated more money to help the needy than YOU who appears to be judging someone you've never met or talked to... So what if money is (now finally) important to me? I work 80-100 hours a week to make a shit ton of money for ME now... MY dream is to create a foundation to be able to help the needy and underprivileged. And if a Trump economy helps me get there more easily, so be it...Instead if ranting about Trump all the time, go do something positive about it, QB...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sam21 you Canadian insurance coverage (which are really affordable) paid for the thousand of $ cost of this intervention right? Many many Americans cannot afford what you got and/or need to put an extra mortgage on their house... It's total nonsense that USA does not have basic free healthcare.


p.s. Glad your are alive really!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
MaxxxEdge I did not quote anyone on my answer on purpose. And yes I over generalized. I know all Americans are not all about Trump. And I know many vote against Clinton as she was just so wrong option. And yes I should do something else then rant on Trump correct also.

To keep on the topic I guess we can saw that completely monetizing 100% of the healthcare industry is wrong as you have sick people like that kristyna martelli that dies because she has the money to spend for non necessary surgery while others are dying because they do not have the money for needed surgery.

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Sam21, lol don’t get me started on the pooor quality of health care in states. I was in a small town in ny, visiting friends when a patient that had neck surgery started to bleed internally. The doc called Albany a 4 hour drive, to send the patient for emergency surgery since their was no local emergency services nearby.

I remember a guy I meet in Los Angeles who complained to me that he had to wait several days(he had to come back each day) to get seen at a free clinic downtown. I can’t see him getting a stent anytime soon. Now my friends father in Montréal had chest pain last year at home, he got an emergency cabg within the hour at the institut of cardiology. And didn’t spend a cent!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
That is the definition we give here of everything thats bad about the united states.

Oh really? The definition I give for everything that is corrupt and self-serving is "Clintoned." How dare she set up her own server to sidestep congressional oversight.

I am so glad that Trump has finally getting our corporate tax structure in line with the rest of the world. For that I agree with you, he has been a "treat" and certainly no "threat." I hope he can get the effective tax rate down to Canada's which is what, 15%? A more competitive corporate tax rate makes it possible for business to thrive and since I work for a living and invest in the stock market that is good for me.

We have a problem with healthcare but National health insurance is probably not the answer. If it were, why do so many from Canada and the UK come here for a bypass or cancer treatment? The author of Freakonomics said that one thing all economists agree upon is that employer provided insurance is a mistake. We should buy it as we do auto insurance.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Hungry, your statement about many coming to the states for treatment is false. There are people from everywhere r going to the US for treatment if they can afford it! They make up the 0.1% or less. However there are more people ( not covered by Medicaid or Medicare) from the US going to Mexico , India, and other places to get affordable healthcare.
Now the states has some excellent centres giving the very best care in the world. Germany, France and the UK also have such centers.
Canada has a few areas of excellence too, mostly financed through private funds( for ex: in mtl, institut of neurology and cardiology).
China now has become a powerhouse of medical research given the quality of the work done there. I wouldn’t be surprised if they surpass the US and Europe when it comes to excellence of care, in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I would have to tell you that that is anecdotal data but from people I know who are clients and colleagues from around the globe. My friends in Brazil all have public health care but they buy a supplementary plan because the public health care sucks. Just like the public schools they pay so much in taxes for. Colleagues in England have told me their personal horror stories. One colleague had a daughter that was losing her vision. He wanted to get a 2nd opinion but you lose your place in line and have to go to the back of the line and start over. He finally said screw it and he and his wife went out of country and paid for care out of pocket One client of mine from England said that he and his wife go over to Belgium and pay out of their pocket. They both told me about friends and family going to India for open heart surgery and paying for it themselves. Apparently, they even throw in tours of the Taj Mahal etc. as a package. My friend that was an expat in Ireland told me the same story. As far as Mexico goes, there are plenty of examples of Mexicans going north to have children and getting US citizenship to boot while videotaping the free birth with a video camera. Go into any emergency room in the USA and they cannot turn you away. I have never heard of the reverse but I will take your word for it BTW - I know it is almost impossible for anyone to become a Mexican citizen. It requires a presidential decree yet they all want to stroll across the border and have automatic voting rights and collect social security. .

Yes, we have an issue here with medical insurance as I mentioned. What is the best way to handle it? To socialize it? Take a look at Lasik. It is an elective surgery and subject to the market. The price for this surgery has plummeted. You can go in and have the surgery done for $1,500 an eye. I spend much more on a Montreal visit. If it were rationed it would probably cost 10X the price.

The Snark

Feb 24, 2005
I am so glad that Trump has finally getting our corporate tax structure in line with the rest of the world. For that I agree with you, he has been a "treat" and certainly no "threat." I hope he can get the effective tax rate down to Canada's which is what, 15%? A more competitive corporate tax rate makes it possible for business to thrive and since I work for a living and invest in the stock market that is good for me.

This is entirely misleading. The US has one of the highest statutory corporate tax rates in the OECD (40%, compared to 27% for Canada), but when it comes to effective corporate taxation (that is, when deductions and other expenditures are factored in), the US is slightly below the OECD average:,_2000-2005_Average.jpg


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Oh really? The definition I give for everything that is corrupt and self-serving is "Clintoned." How dare she set up her own server to sidestep congressional oversight.

Bush had it's own private email server as well but then it was not a problem as email were not yet viewed as important I guess.

But you know Hungry tax and healtcare are not that important to me.

Much more troubling is seeing a country built on and by immigrants now turning it's back on them. A country not realizing keeping the population safe is not by building a wall or banning a few countries from entering. Keeping the country safe would mean doing long term steps to improves the education and lifes of the poor who are mostly blacks and latinos (but many many whites as well) who are entrenched in criminality. There is daily more people killed in the streets then those killed by terrorist in a year. Still your president claim he is keeping you safe?

And ho if you want to talk about numbers, in Sept 2015, Trump said he would lower taxes, except for the rich "It will cost me a fortune" he said back then (which he repeated in the second debate). His recent tax reform is the biggest tax cut ever given... mostly to the riches like himself ;) He will make a fortune out of it. As a president he is as crooked as any previously in office. Future will tell us that he was the biggest crook of all time president. I am betting a nice cold bottle of champagne on it ;)



Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
Much more troubling is seeing a country built on and by immigrants now turning it's back on them. A country not realizing keeping the population safe is not by building a wall or banning a few countries from entering. Keeping the country safe would mean doing long term steps to improves the education and lifes of the poor who are mostly blacks and latinos (but many many whites as well) who are entrenched in criminality. There is daily more people killed in the streets then those killed by terrorist in a year. Still your president claim he is keeping you safe?

And ho if you want to talk about numbers, in Sept 2015, Trump said he would lower taxes, except for the rich "It will cost me a fortune" he said back then (which he repeated in the second debate). His recent tax reform is the biggest tax cut ever given... mostly to the riches like himself ;) He will make a fortune out of it. As a president he is as crooked as any previously in office. Future will tell us that he was the biggest crook of all time president. I am betting a nice cold bottle of champagne on it ;)

Distinction... A country built on LEGAL immigrants, not ILLEGAL immigrants. My grandparents and parents were among those who came here legally... Oh yeah, and they learned to speak English... Spend some time in LA and see how many people come up to you and speak to you in Spanish assuming you speak a little. And no I don't look Latino. I was born and raised here, and I speak 5 languages... I don't think it's expecting much to at least learn the language of the land to which you are immigrating (illegally mind you).

You really need to join a political forum and go rant over there... This is really getting old...
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
This is entirely misleading. The US has one of the highest statutory corporate tax rates in the OECD (40%, compared to 27% for Canada), but when it comes to effective corporate taxation (that is, when deductions and other expenditures are factored in), the US is slightly below the OECD average:,_2000-2005_Average.jpg

I don't see any verbiage explaining who that graph was made, Snark. I know we had new term during the Obama administration: Crony Capitalism. This is where the government picks winners and losers and the companies like GE would invest much of their R&D dollars in high-minded research identifies by the government to take advantage of tax breaks. Look where it got GE. The government should pick winners and losers. We all know that the central planning is a failure. Look at the Soviets and the Red China.

Small business is the fly-wheel that drives the economy. They are not crony capitalists. My friend that owns a heating and cooling business will tell you that he has no tax breaks for the huge corporate tax that he and others have to pay...unless they are working under the table. They pay crushing taxes on everything and guess what? It all gets passed to the consumer otherwise they would stay home. Lowering the corporate tax should benefit the consumer because small businesses like my friends have a target profit margins. Prices will inevitably come down with all the healthy competition. But more importantly, I may get to keep my job for another year or two longer and not get caught in the gears of all the corporate downsizing that has been the reality of the past 20-30 years. Over regulation and high corporate taxes have been a burden for a long time.

I was at a dinner where one of the former chief economists of the country spoke (he had just retired). He said at least the current administration has devilified making a profit. He said the previous administration was only interest was to further divy up the pie. With the Obama administration we had 8 years of 2% growth of the GDP. He named several factors to predict growth and is forecasting growth at 2.8%. He said that that extra 1% growth in GDP is extremely important. At 3% growth the economy doubles every 20 years. At 2% growth the economy doubles every 35 years and excludes a generation. Our standard of living was on the decline with the previous administration. He spoke and never mentioned the proposed tax cut (it was proposed at the time) and when someone asked at about the impact on the economy he said he didn't mention it because no one can tell him what it is going to be (the sausage of politics) but he did say that the anti for any tax cut legislation is to cut the taxes of people that don't pay them. He said that the only proven way to stimulate the economy is to accumulate capital to stimulate investment. He said cutting taxes for people that don't pay them has never helped stimulate the economy. The top 1% of wage earners pay 40% of all taxes and the top 10% of wage earners pay 90% of all taxes.
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