Montreal Escorts

Montreal outcall review thread deleted?

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

Someone told me to make some room in my pm box... hahaha He erased his message and now, there is only my answer... I am going to erase it too, I think it might be the best to do ;)


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
In fact, we are not supposed to ask for it if we want it to be the most honest possible...

I think it's acceptable to encourage people to write an honest review, so long as you don't try to influence what they write or give anything in exchange. Any hotel, restaurant, etc, can encourage their clients to tell other people if they are satisfied.

The loss of older reviews is sad, but I don't think it will be very damaging. New gentlemen will pay more attention to recent reviews, and I don't think you need to have a great number to be effective, especially if they are all good. Merlot is right in that reviews are more vital to the clients. I think visibility (ads and website) to attract the attention of a large number of people is more important for you than a large number of reviews. From your point of view, it's best to attract the attention of 100 people and have them look at 3 good reviews rather than have 10 people look at 100 pages of reviews.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

You got a point, Siocnarf.

I'm maybe just a bit more seeing this not exclusively as "business related to bring other business", that's all.
Anyway, that's not really important to be understood on that point. Maybe a day, I will explain it to you in person, that will be easier then, I guess :)


Nov 5, 2009
The loss of older reviews is sad, but I don't think it will be very damaging. New gentlemen will pay more attention to recent reviews, and I don't think you need to have a great number to be effective, especially if they are all good.

There is a large amount of truth to this. Recent reviews have a lot more weight than older reviews (especially if the ladies have become "burnt out" or have changed a lot since her earlier reviews.

With that being said, when I was shopping around for a "good fit" I was really impressed by the many years of all positive reviews that Maria had in the thread that was deleted and it was this thread that finally made me decide to give Maria a try. And I'm very glad I did. :)

If it hadn't been for that thread, with very few recent reviews at the time, I never would have contacted Maria, so I can completely understand and empathize with Maria and the other ladies on this issue.

Lily from Montreal

The guy version of a reference by a sp! Loll,good idea actually!Instead of trying to re-write old review,just being able to get a reference is a very good way of not losing a good review...


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Maybe some of the clients of the girls who have lost their review threads would be willing to offer themselves as references for potential clients in case they want to see reviews or be assured of our quality/service?


Of course the fresher the experience the more relevant and better the reference. Just dial 1-800-NIC-EGUY to line up for an appointment and I will take 1...errrrr...50 for the team.

BTW: if your eyes are really like your avatar...don't be gentle. :eyebrows:

I've already reposted a lost review once, and emailed another review to a lady who needed it.

good luck,

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