Some ladies enter the biz voluntarily because of economic necessity no doubt, and there is a separate and serious problem of coercive criminal sex trafficing, including the merchandizing of minors, but in my experience hobbying in Montreal the ladies are in it for other reasons, primarily simply because the money is good and fast. I've been given the exculpatory narrative "I did it because I had to" more than once but I don't buy it. How hard is it getting a job waitressing? I know some hard working waitresses who would never even dream of selling it.
Bottom line, my regular providers very definitely enjoy the sex, and the money is good,- and that right there is all you need to know about why they do it. So they are not being press ganged into doing a job they do not like. Of course they try to manage and optimize their work conditions by developing a client base of regulars who they like personally, or at least do not find objectionable. But the "little girl lost" stories I get sometimes are BS and if they were true I wouldn't be their client.
As for the Conservative Justice Minister who gave us the current law, I would string him up to a tree and put a lit bomb in his mouth.