Montreal Escorts

MTLC: here is my suggestion for your next pricing move!

Apr 16, 2005
Just a couple of points here...........

You will have to forgive me Kevin but now it is my turn to have a bit of a problem understanding
If they would not have plenty of customers at the prices they advertise (because they change has often as they wish and they experiment with their special prices for multiple hours as they want too) They would not stay here.
Okay I understand that you are offering them greater flexibility with the terms of employment as an incentive.
When some of our girls in the past migrated to merb agencies, I would say that 80% began to have reviews here one or two weeks later, always excellent ones. Exactly the same girls, magically transformed into geishas.

They were girls that had in the past devastating reviews on our affiliated agencies (sexyxxx at the beginning, then venusxxx, les frivoles and Montreal Geisha) but as soon as they were here with agencies mostly of an anglo-saxon composition, they had no problem at all.

Way weirder than this, even the girls we rejected because of their poor attitude vs the customers and their way of working like if they were in a shop and over-syndicated began to have good reviews after we got rid of them.

We are not necessarily more virtuous than these agencies but we simply can not compete at this level. We don't have an english-speaking entourage and we came on merb late and I should say, very awkardly. Smart-asses of our own posted very ill-redacted reviews on our own girls and were instantly banned. It was three years ago and since then the overall personnal working in our businesses changed completely almost 5 times. It got cleaner and cleaner.
So what is the great magic these agencies have to get a better experience out of those girls? And I am not sure I see what language has to do with it as this board is officially bilingual. And these “agencies of an anglo-saxon composition” have mostly french speaking escorts and bilingual phone people. I don't get it.
So instead of tempting to play at a game we do not master, we built our own specialties. We have our own photo studio, our own servers and we are a major reference for companionship in french speaking Quebec. Everything can happen fast with us, a girl make her shooting at 3pm and her picture is on the site for the line-up of the same evening.
What is this “game” you are referring to? If you are playing the language card here to say the successful agencies get business simply because they are English speaking then you are playing them false. They will be the first to tell you how much hard work is the real reason for their success.
We don't always score perfect on the first tentative, but we're like pitbulls, we are agressive, and we never let go... We are not in business to make money, we are in business to build trust relationships and to do profitable exchanges trough them.
In other words you are in business to make money. Establishing good customer relations is a tool all successful agencies use – not just yours.
Integrity is not a principle you're gonna ear often in this domain of business. This and a sense of responsability is what we're trying to pass to the people who are working with us. Not easy, but that's what we do.
I have seen several agency owners back up their service and address customer complaints with apologies and compensation. If that isn't integrity I don't know what is.
There is a MTLC Portal because we gathered most of the high end customers on the Montreal French Speaking community. So for us Merb is not our principal source of customers; I would say merb makes about 20% to 25% of our cutomers and we don't advertise for the moment anywhere else on the web. Just no time to move right now.
Again I am confused, Kevin. In several threads the discussion has come up in the past that many members will not give their merb identity to escorts. How did you get the “20% to 25%” figure if that is true?
Another important factor is that our girls don't necessarily have into them the "merb" culture of what an escort is. We choose them has gratifying girls we ourselves would like to spend time with, and not as sexual objects to be provided to other people for all kinds of abuse.
I hate to tell you this but the girls here and the agencies don't stand for abuse and neither does this board. Read the reviews. Many of the girls are not only charming sexual partners but quite friendly as well.
But a fact stays there: not all the girls have something more than their ass to sell. That's sad but it's like that. We just do not.... and never felt... confortable with this kind of commerce...
It may be true that many of the independent escorts may tend to stress the companionship aspect a bit more. And they also offer a more intimate and personal experience. But their beauty and sexual ability are highly valued. And just maybe that is where the price comes from.
Do you find it funny that in this corrupted and fucked up world, we, a very serious and mature network of people working to do the things well, pass for jerks in this forum when other agencies here are proud to tell to the world they let their customers fuck their girls in the ass and come in their mouth with their jizz swallowed for only 140$ an hour?
Now is it the activities you have an issue with or is it the $140 per hour? Or perhaps you feel that an agency should be criticized if it offers good service at a good fee? Anybody can jack up a fee. That doesn't take talent. But running a top class agency with a reasonable fee structure does take talent.
If that's what you are looking for, don't even call us. We will never respect this neither accept it; and that's why we tried to instaure some decency standards with our portal. Everybody showed interest on the phone because I suppose they heard things and they don't want any trouble with us, but after that they all became so impossible to reach, so evasive... Anyways, we only want to offer to a certain kind of customers the best people this industry has to offer, we're not such a threath...
May I ask what “decency standards” you are referring to? Those are fine words but maybe you could tell us what they are. I am not sure. Okay I hear you when you say that you want to offer the best escorts and charge accordingly. If that is the case it might be an idea to check out the competition. Even the agency girls from the more successful agencies here are quite exceptional in terms of beauty and service. You have some attractive girls on your site. But so do the others.


Oct 16, 2004
6' under
Kevin montreal geisha said:
I'll explain it to you...
great response, kevin! it's refreshing to know there are agencies out there who do not live or die by the merb sword. i would not hesitate to do business through your service once i see a girl to my liking on your site... at which time i will find out if your claims are true or not.
Last edited:
Apr 16, 2005
Just a last point!

Just a last point Kevin. When your sites came out I was one of the first to give you credit for the exceptional photography on them. There is no question that no other site offers such an in-depth visual presentation. Also your agency has achieved a reasonable reputation for reliability, right up there with the best of the other agencies. Make the improvements in the design of your website and actually consult with the girls as to what is a practical rate hike (I am convinced that some could benefit from your advice as to the realities of the business) and that should be all that is needed. I would urge you not to run down the other agencies as that kind of thing only serves to diminish one's own stature. Instead give them a run for their money by making your own agency better. And I sincerely wish you the best of luck.:)

Red Paul

Active Member
Jun 6, 2003
Visit site
This thread seems to be getting into Mtl G's business philosophy, not just its website design, so here goes.

FWIW I did business with Mtl Geisha twice, last spring and in Oct. Couple of small problems first time around, none the second. Each time the phone guy was friendly and professional, and the girl was just fine. Both times I saw Leila, and I sure hope she hasn't raised her price.

I get the feeling that Mtl G does a lot of experimenting and is trying approaches that other agencies haven't, seeing what works and what doesn't. Letting the girls set their own prices results in sticker shock and may cause a lot of guys, including me, to put Mtl G at the bottom of our list when we're checking what's available. From my own selfish point of view, I hope the girls find that lower prices, not higher, are the way to go. But if the higher pricing does pay off for them, so be it. These aren't charity operations and the girls aren't angels of mercy, just businesswomen.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Great Post! :cool:

Regular Guy said:
Just a last point Kevin. When your sites came out I was one of the first to give you credit for the exceptional photography on them. There is no question that no other site offers such an in-depth visual presentation. Also your agency has achieved a reasonable reputation for reliability, right up there with the best of the other agencies. Make the improvements in the design of your website and actually consult with the girls as to what is a practical rate hike (I am convinced that some could benefit from your advice as to the realities of the business) and that should be all that is needed. I would urge you not to run down the other agencies as that kind of thing only serves to diminish one's own stature. Instead give them a run for their money by making your own agency better. And I sincerely wish you the best of luck.:)


Dec 21, 2008
don't know what to think about the ratings for "attitude & reliability" and "devotion" added in the profiles, i guess this could be helpfull, but how are the "scores" decided? do they make consumer surveys and asks clients to rate the girls on a scale of five? if not who choose the numbers and how? not to continue this debate... but to see a girl at more than double the rates of others, rated at 1/5 for attitude and reliability... not the best selling argument...
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