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My first STD


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Jul 18, 2004
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I have been freaking out for a while now, I changed my job about 2 months back, last week we had a routing HIV test at work, they test with the saliva these days and in 20 minutes you can get the result. Me with my colleagues were not worried as it was routine, everyone expected HIV-negative i suppose, I regularly get my self tested for HIV, Hep B and Hep C, last time was December 16th 2011. So the nurse asks if you want it as open or anonymous test, most of us opted for an open test, 20 mins no big deal, except this time a person before me tested positive. :0.
I have not slept well at all since then, obviously I know all about AIDS and HIV from books, but for the first time I had a first hand experience like this. Before I could speak to him, he left with his stuff never to be seen again, I knew him well, he trained me, So that puts more doubts in my mind, I am sure he is not gay or IDU, he is married and has 2 kids. Since then I have read about HIV statistics and probablity in detail, it says 11 new cases of HIV per day in Canada, mostly homosexual, Aborginal, Metro IDU, and hemophillic.:0, Chances are low even without a condom like 1 in 2000, But still I am super tensed and when I heard his case, I simply avoided the test. I use to take things and life for granted, never a BBFS with SP/MP, or anal but still it can happen to anyone. This event will change my life for sure.

You don't know what that guy was doing. For all we know he could have caught through a needle or having BBFS anal from street whore in Thailand. You never know. Sound sidiotic but there people out there who share needle to shoot a bit of heroin everyday to people who have gay BB anal.
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