I think the bigger factor is that Macs have always been user friendly. Open them, turn them on use 'em. Yes, I've made an effort to learn about the product, but this is certainly not the case with either my two daughters or my ex-wife, who still complains about the Windows networks she's forced to use where she works. These three technically illiterate women use their Macs every day without either bothering to learn the first thing about them or with the slightest difficulty.Mac users in general seem to learn about their product a lot more and it makes a big difference.
Let me add here that I consider Techman a friend. He's the first one I greet with a big smile at each of the GTs and we invariably spend a good deal of time chatting. What I find insufferable is his know-it-all attitude and his insistence that "my dog is bigger than your dog" when he's never even seen my dog. Personally, I've never used a PC. I've been using Apple products since the day the //e was launched in 1983, not switching to Mac until about 1989. I've never met a Mac user who was dissatisfied. I've never met a person who switched to Mac who wasn't thrilled with the move. Enjoy your souped up PC to your heart's content, Techie; I'm just glad I have a computer that I don't have to know jack-shit about to use and that I don't have to come on merb to ask for help with.