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My last comments on the Apple vs Microsoft question


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Mac users in general seem to learn about their product a lot more and it makes a big difference.
I think the bigger factor is that Macs have always been user friendly. Open them, turn them on use 'em. Yes, I've made an effort to learn about the product, but this is certainly not the case with either my two daughters or my ex-wife, who still complains about the Windows networks she's forced to use where she works. These three technically illiterate women use their Macs every day without either bothering to learn the first thing about them or with the slightest difficulty.

Let me add here that I consider Techman a friend. He's the first one I greet with a big smile at each of the GTs and we invariably spend a good deal of time chatting. What I find insufferable is his know-it-all attitude and his insistence that "my dog is bigger than your dog" when he's never even seen my dog. Personally, I've never used a PC. I've been using Apple products since the day the //e was launched in 1983, not switching to Mac until about 1989. I've never met a Mac user who was dissatisfied. I've never met a person who switched to Mac who wasn't thrilled with the move. Enjoy your souped up PC to your heart's content, Techie; I'm just glad I have a computer that I don't have to know jack-shit about to use and that I don't have to come on merb to ask for help with.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
My bad, Dee. You were right, I was in a frustrated mood. I've deleted my post.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Thanks for the nice comments, guys. I get frustrated by the Mac drones sometimes and I wonder if it's worth it to bother posting about tech stuff when they always stick their noses in with the 'Macs are better than god' shit.

Rumples, I enjoy our discussions and don't take your comments personally. But someone who has no experience with PCs really can't compare them to Macs. You might as well say that brunettes are better in bed than blonds when you've only had sex with brunettes but never fucked a blond. In other words, your opinion on the subject is worthless. If you post about your personal experience with Macs and don't mention PCs at all, then your posts have meaning. As far as your comment about technically illiterate women being able to use Macs...most of my clients are technically illiterate and have no problem using their PCs.

As far as Snow Leopard being perfect...tell that to a gf of mine who lost two years of vacation photos when her Macbook decided to delete her files all on it's own after the upgrade. She's also on her third hard drive in a little over a year of ownership. Is she indicative of the average Apple owner? Of course not. No more than the person who has PC problems is indicative of the average PC owner.

By the way, regarding your post about the iPad being able to save the publishing industry...well this company, Zinio, has been in existence for a number of years. They have down-loadable magazines, a good choice in many languages, that are available by subscription and can be read on anything from a PC to a netbook to a notebook to a Mac to an iPod/iPhone/iPad. Check out the site and you might discover something new.


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
A whopping 31% of clients have reported problems with upgrading to Windows 7, according to a recent survey of more than 100,000 customers conducted by consumer helpdesk firm iYogi."

Why is it that you never hear about upgrade problems when Apple launches a new OS, but you always hear about problems and bugs galore when MS does?
Very easy! I explained at the beginning of the thread! Macs are Apple-only boxes. When you deal with your own certified hardware, running your own OS and running certified software, it's easy to spit-out a perfect upgrade since you control all the variables.

PCs are built by many companies with parts coming from even more companies and put together by even more different peoples. On top of that, the maker of whatever OS running on them have no control on what hardware goes in the box, same with the software guy.

Thinking of it, the PC is a democratic machine able to run various stuff and anybody can get a chance at running their stuff on it, hardware or software, while the Mac is a snob machine who control everything and won't allow anything out of the prescribed playbook.

Techman is right about the car analogy. Any car, no matter the make, can be modified so, comparing a Mac to a BMW for tweakability is irrelevant. The Mac would be equivalent of a car with a sealed hood, sealed electronics, encased wheels and bottom and encrypted diagnostic ports.

No matter if a computer could be compared to a car or not, we would fall in the zone where we have to account for the usability and utility of the offered feature: what does it bring to a car to have hand-stitched seats? What is this Apple logo give me that a generic PC doesn't? Yes, there might be some valuable things to think about to justify the BMW but we also end-up in the social status realm there.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The other thing about people who are upgrading is the fact that there is no direct upgrade path from Windows XP to Windows 7. But at least most PC owners are able to clean install Windows 7 on their existing XP systems and migrate their system settings and data, unlike Mac owners who happen to have PowerPc Macs. These people, and there are many of them, can't install Snow Leopard as it only runs on Intel powered Macs.

If Microsoft had done a similar thing, for example having Windows 7 require a multi core CPU, the outcry would have been deafening. As it is, you can install Windows 7 on 5 or 6 year old hardware, basically any Pentium IV 2.4Ghz and up, and it will run as well as XP on the same system if not better. At the very least it will be much more secure and malware resistant.


Sep 19, 2005
Hello Gentlemen,

"You do a better job of discrediting yourself than I could ever hope to."

There seems to have been a lot of valuable information given in this thread. But it is being discredited generally by the atmosphere of a team/brand cheering section attitude.



Finally some words of wisdom in this thread. That is the reason why MERB is not ready for a technology tread. We have miles to go in order to reach the level of maturity of Terbites. As you said, the discussion sounds more like a hockey thread than a tech one. It was entertaining at times to see members getting on the nerves of each other, but now it starts to get really as boring as a broken record.

I don't think that any member should take any info posted in a heated thread seriously. There are thousands of reputable and objective technology threads out there. Members seeking advice or info should consult as many sources as possible before making up their minds.

An this whole topic is sooo 1990s anyways, the whole world is shifting towards cloud computing and the desktop's and OS roles are becoming more and more marginal. Probably, in a few years we will be fighting, sorry debating on what is better: Chrome OS or Chrome OS?

And now could we get back talking about pussy.
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