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My neighbour beats his GF, but I'm no superhero.

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005


I hope I was not too harsh in my reply to you, I just don't want you thinking I'm blaming the victim, far from it. And thanks for your input.


Thanks for the tip.


I owe it to society? Yes, we all do. Right now, it's just hearsay that she's getting beaten. Until I actually walk by his door and hear "something disturbing" I can't really do anything.

Please do not tell me to cut the crap. It's hard enough knowing that something like that could be going on in my building, let alone the fact that I'm pretty powerless until I have clues of my own that he is actually beating her. Unfortunately, I am going to have to wait until that opportunity presents itself.

Furthermore, I will continue to talk about it as I see fit and as far as the discussion evolves.

1. I'm not sure of what he does for a living, but I have a feeling it's not totally above board. So, it's quite possible the police have an eye on him.

2. She may not be thankful at all, at first. I have seen this kind of situation backfire in the past and I don't care to see her get hurt more severely than she already is. For her sake, I hope it's enough to show her a way out and that she goes through that door.

3. He may very well have a criminal record.

I'll keep you posted.


The Woodworker


Active Member
Jul 27, 2005

Are you telling this whole thread is based on 'hearsay'?

Your first sentance in this thread was "I have heard rumours about this for some time... now it's pretty well confirmed."

Next time you hear something - or a neighbour hears something - pick up the phone and report it. I'm not sure what else needs to be said...

:confused: :confused:


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Oct 3, 2004
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Read carefully before responding please.

HonestAbe said:
IF, AND ONLY IF, HE CONFRONTS YOU VIOLENTLY(as in charges at you while threatening harm i.e. "I'm gonna kill you") don't bother to fight him, shoot him....This option isn't for everyone.

No disrespect to anyone,

This is a major problem with many replies to posts, not just mine but everywhere we look on the board. Many of us simply do not read carefully enough what someone says before we reply back with criticism of something that was never said. Above is the relevant quote from my post for those of you who suggested that I was advocating murder. Look again, what does it say in big bold print?

That, my friends, is NOT advocating murder in any sense of the word. It is absolutely unfair and totally incorrect to paint my comments as any such recommendation. The reason I said it was because in Woodworkers original post he mentions that he thinks the guy can find out that he called the police on him and that the guy is very large and probably more powerful than Woodworker. This tells me Woodworker feels a need to do something but is worried about the possible consequences, and justly so as he sounds like a scary, violent person from Woodworkers post. I know from previous discussion that Woodworker is a black belt so I have no doubt that he can handle himself. Despite that fact though I would point out that when people do things like this (beat women and children) we must be aware that they have no honor and are capable of anything. We must assume that an encounter with them could be deadly or leave us crippled.

Thus my advice when dealing with someone like this who has reason to want to hurt you or worse, is not to mess around with combat if you can avoid it. If you lose you will be lucky to be alive as he will spare you no quarter. He will probably kick you when you go down, maybe in the head which can be deadly, cause brain damage, or paralyze you. As I also stated in my original post, "this option is not for everyone." Some of you could not bring yourselves to pull the trigger and he would take the weapon away from you and probably kill you with it. A sidearm is very dangerous and should never be used for any purpose other than self defense which I clearly state the scenario in this case as. So if you are a person who can not deal with firearms then do not put yourself in a situation where a dangerous criminal may want to hurt you as using a firearm may be your only chance to protect yourself.

Notice I also said in the original post to tell the police and let them do their job. Being a vigilante is not something I recommend. But if confronted by someone like this in a violent manner it is justifiable to take a life, SELF DEFENSE in other words. I also understand that Canada is very different than the US in terms of its views on firearms. We could debate all day as to our differences of opinion on the subject but that is not what the thread is about. I suggested it because I do not know where Woodworker lives, as I also said in a previous post if you live in Canada, tough luck. Anyways Woodworker has declined the advice saying he "despises guns." To each his own. Good luck Woodworker whatever you choose to do, I admire your willingness to try and help a woman who can't seem to help herself.

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005

"Hearsay" meaning I can't do anything until I hear it myself. Poor choice of word, perhaps. I know it's happening because I trust the sources, and yes, next time I hear something I will call the police, because I know they won't.

No, nothing more needs to be said for the time being. I will, of course, let you all know what happens.

Thank you, HonestAbe for your words. Yes I detest guns, but I understand your point of view. Lynyrd Skynyrd said it best in "Saturday Night Special", check out the lyrics if you get a chance.
Last edited:


uninformed informant
Dec 1, 2003
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Have you tried talking to her alone?

I know most women who are in an abusive relationship will not openly talk about it but there are non verbal signs that pop up once the topic is brought up.

Sorry if I sound a bit scary by saying this but death is too good for abusive people. I personaly believe that in a perfect world those people would be sent to a place where they would be beaten on a daily basis for the rest of their lives.

In the situation that honestabe mentioned why would someone shoot to kill when they could aim and cripple instead? It's still self defence and you can say you're a bad shot if the police asks too many questions. :p

I'm not too fond of guns either, I preffer my knives and swords.

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005
Happy Birthday Gee.

It would be impossible to talk to her alone. The only time I ever see her is in the stairwell on her way in or out and she is always with him. I have said hello to her a few times and she never answers back, but I have heard her talking to him and his tone always seems restrained, like he's about to lose patience with her. Anyway, I haven't seen her in a few days. She's not here all that often. But next time I see her I'll make sure to lend an ear upstairs from time to time.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think this whole story would make a fairly good movie script. I'm wondering where the script is heading towards to......what will the climax reserve for us? I love the suspense! "Will the good samaritan wood worker end up being the hero by rushing towards the neighbours' door, break it down with an axe, and save the damsel in distress, fall in love with her while her psycho boyfriend holds them captive, and then saves her by making a daring rescue?" Will the good samaritan wood worker get his head bashed in when he tries to speak to the crazy boyfriend?" Will the good samaritan wood worker call the cops, report his suspicions, and then be charged by those same clueless cops who now suspect he's harrassing this couple?" Oh....the suspense is killing me! "What if the pit bull is the one terrorizing these poor people?" Anyone ever hear of Chucky??

The Woodworker

The Woodman Cometh
May 4, 2005

This whole building would make a great movie script... the stories I could tell, sigh... And don't forget the woodworker's faithful companion Rottweiler... maybe she could be the superhero in the story... :)


New Member
Dec 25, 2005
Shoot Him?..Hell I don't think Woodworker wants to get that involved..Its not so easy to actually kill someone, unless your a deranged lunatic..but in Canada, if you kill someone and you have any kind of reasonable, some what acceptable or sensible don't go to jail..actually there is a lot of illegal stuff you can get away with in canada..


What? Nooo... In short, you can shoot someone (lethally) and get away with it only if it's Self Defense and in some cases, Defense of the Third Person.

The danger or perceived danger must be immediate and on-going or else you can't claim Self Defense (or 3rd Person Defense). In most case, the 3rd Person defense must be someone close to you or under your care. Self Defense is a lot harder to establish than one would think...


New Member
Oct 30, 2009
What? Nooo... In short, you can shoot someone (lethally) and get away with it only if it's Self Defense and in some cases, Defense of the Third Person.

The danger or perceived danger must be immediate and on-going or else you can't claim Self Defense (or 3rd Person Defense). In most case, the 3rd Person defense must be someone close to you or under your care. Self Defense is a lot harder to establish than one would think...

Catching-up, Rip Van Winkle? Hopefully the girl left the guy by now.

Chris P. Bacon

New Member
May 5, 2010
Domestic disputes are the most volatile for the police to show up at, anytime there is an outsider intervening into the situation tensions are escalated. Sometimes the police are in danger from the victim when they arrest the aggressor. There have been incidents where the victim pulls a gun or knife on police when they see the aggressor being arrested.
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