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Natasha Richardson reportedly critically injured in skiing accident near Montreal


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The NYC medical examiner has ruled that the death was caused by " blunt force trauma "

Being a's sad to hear that the only time anyone cares about safety is AFTER an accident

I wear mine all the time..even when it is in the 100's here in NYC

Best Regards



New Member
Aug 5, 2006
crapy health care in canada!

nobody should die from this. The problem was obvious, as is the way to deal with it - CT scan and then open up the skull the relieve the pressure from the bleeding.

I bet you a whole lot of people will not be coming to skie in canada knowing they are putting their live at risk with this kind of crappy health care here.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
hornypilgrim said:
nobody should die from this. The problem was obvious, as is the way to deal with it - CT scan and then open up the skull the relieve the pressure from the bleeding.

I bet you a whole lot of people will not be coming to skie in canada knowing they are putting their live at risk with this kind of crappy health care here.

It had nothing to do with the quality of our health care. She refused further treatment! She thought she was okay and there is no way that someone who is conscious and in control of her faculties can be forced to go to the hospital, especially when there were no obvious signs of injury. By the time symptoms had shown themselves, it was too late. It was hardly an obvious problem that could be easily diagnosed on the spot.

It's unfortunate, but the decision she made cost her her life and there is no one else to blame.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Be Very Careful

Everyone should be very careful after receiving a blow to the head. If there is ANY sign of nausea, faintness, problem focusing your eyes, unusual headache or any sign that is outside the norm get immediate help at the nearest hospital and under NO circumstances go to sleep.

This is especially true after minor car accidents where the head may have been jarred violently or bumped even slightly but at great speed. Such occurances may cause a very slight skull fracture or a minor tear in a blood vessel. The resulting seepage will produce the same result.
Feb 24, 2006
I would not have too much faith in the local hospital near Mont Tremblant,for that matter any local ski resort hospital, but certainly the major city Montreal hospital would have had the equipment and experienced neurosurgeons to best treat her.
Unfortunately, it seems by the time she got to Montreal via ambulance Monday evening @7pm, it was too late ,the irreversible brain damage had already been done.

if ... she would have been bleeding externally and needed a few stitches when she fell at noon,
then it would have forced her to go to the hospital faster.

if .... if ... if

her time was up on earth.
God rest her soul.
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New Member
Jun 2, 2003
Visit site
As a former FD medic and now RN at a major New Jersey trauma center I can say from first hand experience that these injuries are very hard to diagnose on the spot. And that's a problem right there because an instant assessment is crucial with an injury like this. No disrespect intended but the patient tends to shrug it off as just a "bump on the head" until it's too late and even the most experienced neuro team ends up fighting the tide.

Seriously, who among us what's to even think that a simple skiing accident is actually a life threatening injury. I mean, if you have a cough for a few days do you go the see if it's just a cough or if it's lung cancer?

Over the past few days I've been reading a lot about a lot of finger-pointing. The first hospital said one thing; the medics said something else, the second hospital missed a CT reading. Todays news talks about the lack of an effective Med-Evac system in Quebec. Yes any nausea, vomiting, brief periods of loss of consciousness can signal a serious injury but can also signal a simple concussion. Without being there and without actually seeing the patient it's so hard to say what was missed. In the few minutes of down-time at my hospital the matter has been brought up and discussed and the overwhelming conclusion is that there is no-one to definitively "blame".

So much is pure speculation and just like in the US health care system it seems the troops are rallying to cover their collective asses when the fact is that a husband has lost his wife and 2 children have lost their mother.

But you can bet that from now on even a sprained ankle will end up with the patient being flown from the scene to the closest trauma center.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
My_dingaling said:
A helmet, which holds your goggles in place protects over 75% of your head against cuts and bruises.

That allows you to concentrate on cushioning the fall with your hands which would otherwise be covering your head...

That makes little sense. With or without a helmet the instinctive/reflex reaction when falling is to try and cushion the fall with your hands. That's why beginners suffer so many injuries to wrists/hands/fingers (sprains, breaks, dislocations).
Feb 24, 2006
Liam Neeson describes rushing to the Montreal hospital

"I'd been to Montreal maybe twice before. And for some reason, I thought the city's this size." He holds his hands out in front of him then, cupped like he is drinking water.
"I thought that it was this little comfortable little city," he says.
"And for some reason, I thought the hospital that I was in a taxi racing toward was gonna be a nice little hospital.
But it was this huge, glassy, black place. A Dickensian place, Tom.

"I walked into the emergency — it's like seventy, eighty people, broken arms, black eyes, all that — and for the first time in years,
nobody recognizes me. Not the nurses. The patients. No one.
And I've come all this way, and they won't let me see her.
And I'm looking past them, starting to push — I'm like, Fuck, I know my wife's back there someplace.
I pull out a cell phone — and a security guard comes up, starts saying, 'Sorry, sir, you can't use that in here,
and I'm about to ask him if he knew me, when he disappears to answer a phone call or something.
So I went outside. It's freezing cold, and I thought, What am I gonna do? How am I going to get past the security?
"And I see two nurses, ladies, having a cigarette.
I walk up, and luckily one of them recognizes me.
And I'll tell you, I was so fucking grateful — for the first time in I don't know how long — to be recognized.
And this one, she says, 'Go in that back door there.' She points me to it. 'Make a left. She's in a room there.
So I get there, just in time. And all these young doctors, who look all of eighteen years of age, they tell me the worst." He purses his lips, mouth dry. "The worst."

Read more:
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Great article!

I'm a huge fan of Liam Neeson's movies. I loved "Taken", and I can't wait to see his next one, "Unknown".
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