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New Norway law bans buying of sex

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
jackyo8193 said:
Now if only those Norwegian blondes weren't such ice cubes in bed.

You know.... jogging my memory here.... Now that you mention it I was only ever with one true norwegian girl during my university days (she was an exchange student) and though she was drop-dead gorgeous. tall. blond etc... it's true that she was very reserved in the sack and not too enjoyable to be with because of that. Not to stereotype -- but that was my one experience. She refused to give or receive oral, which was the game ender for me.

I guess you've experienced something similar based on your comment jackyo...



Feb 6, 2004
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In my experience and I have lived all over the world, you can never generalize based on nationality. But it is quite true that the sexual norms of a country and region will have a huge effect on the population. In Europe it is the norm for women to approach men (unlike the USA) if they feel so. In gthe USA just approaching a sexy girl and try to chat her up in a public place will get you in trouble most of the times. In that wau Europe (most of it, medium to large cities) are a true opposite of the USA. Canada is a mix of American culture and European but Quebec has more European sex standards than tghe rest of Canada. One exception in the USa is Minnesota and North and southDakota, where they have mostly scandinavian descent which includes norwegian descent too. For some reason, the girls behave very much like European girls (horny and sexy and directly approachable) and they are NOT cold in bed!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
azzaro said:
In my experience and I have lived all over the world, you can never generalize based on nationality. But it is quite true that the sexual norms of a country and region will have a huge effect on the population. In Europe it is the norm for women to approach men (unlike the USA) if they feel so. In gthe USA just approaching a sexy girl and try to chat her up in a public place will get you in trouble most of the times. In that wau Europe (most of it, medium to large cities) are a true opposite of the USA. Canada is a mix of American culture and European but Quebec has more European sex standards than tghe rest of Canada. One exception in the USa is Minnesota and North and southDakota, where they have mostly scandinavian descent which includes norwegian descent too. For some reason, the girls behave very much like European girls (horny and sexy and directly approachable) and they are NOT cold in bed!


So rejection is the cause at the heart of your negative GENERALIZING about Americans. Isn't it weak to "generalize based on nationality" just because a lot of American women aren't interested in you! :rolleyes:


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Feb 6, 2004
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hey don`t get personal dude. BIGOT!. You are talking with an Itallion Stallion not a midle aged American sex starved freak whose country takes advantage of eastern european girls to produde àmercan-porn`for your jerk-off nation. Girls driving you crazy over there. Why not pick up a copy of CLUB with young eastern european girls. I can go on and on about sex-starved and backward americans but its not worth my time. BUZZ off from now on if you cannot comment on with a sane mind instead of attacking every non-european nationality in the world( US has achieved that)!


Non, rien de rien...
Jul 10, 2003
New England, USA
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I am extremely wary of Nordic blondes

Ben Dover said:
You know.... jogging my memory here.... Now that you mention it I was only ever with one true norwegian girl during my university days (she was an exchange student) and though she was drop-dead gorgeous. tall. blond etc... it's true that she was very reserved in the sack and not too enjoyable to be with because of that. Not to stereotype -- but that was my one experience. She refused to give or receive oral, which was the game ender for me.

I guess you've experienced something similar based on your comment jackyo...

They may look great but there is no passion there.

There is a Finnish (I really think she is Russian but she says she is Finnish) chick at Samya, a club in Koeln. Nice to look at, cute as button but a little too cold and distant.

The term "blonde ice cube" doesn't come from me but from one of our Gallic counterparts at Youppie who ampled her and labeled her this way.

I've also met Swedish women at these German clubs. Nothing to write home about either.

Now give me an Italian chick with jetblack hair and natural curves anytime. Mama mia!


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
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azzaro said:
I think the main reason norway is considering a ban like this is because it is so easy to make friends and have sex with women there, one must be a retard to PAY for sex.LOL:)..or anywhere in a decent european city. There are bars for the young as well as middle age people. YOU can have sex till you drop..if you just try!

True to a point. If your young and go into the bars you can get the younger girls. If your middle aged you can get the middle aged ladies. But its highly unlikely that if your in your 50's that you'll pick up an 19 year old cutie. Sex is what we are all looking for, its just that some of us have higher standards and are looking for a different age group. If it was "just any old sex" we were looking for, they'd have bars in Norway with sheep tied to the railings.:eek: baaahhhhhhhhh


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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CaptRenault said:
While the Bush administration has pushed laws against "sex trafficking," it never pursued legislation similar to what they have in Sweden and Norway (i.e. putting men in jail for using a prostitute). As I point out in my previous posts, the real threat comes from certain feminists and left-wing Christian supporters of Obama. The only thing stopping an Obama administration from throwing his feminist supporters a bone like the Scandinavian laws is the overwhelming number of real economic and foreign policy challenges that will confront his administration from day least that's what I hope.

FYI Prostitution laws in the US vary from state to state. Bush had no influence over individual state laws. For the most part, federal laws only apply when the accused travels from state to state, but not always. Federal crimes do include bank robberies, mail fraud, SEC connected crimes.

I seriously doubt that the US federal government will get involved in prostitution laws, even with an Obama administration. I would think there would be a question before the US Supreme whether Congress could pass such a law where the jurisdiction for crimes within the state boundries without connection to the federal government belong to the state. Murder is not a federal crime unless it involves kidnapping across state line or done on the property of the federal government.

The only Federal law involving prostitution is transporting a person across state lines for the purposes of prostitution. This is the Mann Act, which is seldomly prosecuted.

Only one state has legal prostitution in sanctioned counties, Nevada. Only one state has a similar law to Canada where prostitution in private locations is not criminal and in public is illegal, Rhodes Island.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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CaptRenault said:
DD, I understand how the federal system works. :rolleyes:

But it's very easy for the feds to force states to enforce certain certain laws on a national basis. All they have to do is pass a law witholding federal funds from states that don't pass a certain law.

For example, the reason the U.S. has a national drinking age of 21 is that the federal government would withold federal highway funds from states that don't have such a limit (so all states do). Another example was the 1974 "energy crisis" (which was itself created by the federal government) during which the federal government passed a law witholding highway funds from states that did not have a 55 mph speed limit (so all states passed the 55mph speed limit).

If the feds decide to really crack down on prostitution, they can find a way to do it--either through the witholding federal funds method or by attacking the problem through legitimate power over interstate commerce (and prostitution almost always can be shown to involve interstate commerce, especially in an age of travelling escorts, massage girls, etc.).

So don't be complacent...were it not for all the other problems that the US is facing, the feminists would try to get their way through the federal government.

Captain R., the federal LE agency is the FBI. The FBI does not have the resources to enforce minor crimes like prostitution. I know this for a fact.

I had a situation where I knew a victim of a financial crime and it involved the acused withdrawing funds from a bank across different states. The acused was a family member of the victim. I called the FBI as a favor to the victim. The first question that the FBI agent asked me was how much was withdrawn? It was about 60,000 over 5 years. The agent suggested that I call both local authorities, where the bank was and where the acused resided, because the FBI had a threshold amount that it would start an investigation and the amount was way below the threshold. And they had only certain crimes that it investigated.

I agree that many of the agency owners could be prosecuted federally because they pay for plane tickets to fly girls across state lines. But the truth is there is a federal law - the Mann Act - which the Feds can use to prosecute the agency owners. But they almost never prosecute this law because the crime is not high on the priority list. Ex NY Guv Spitzer could have been prosecuted federally and was investigate federally, but the feds chose not to prosecute. Maybe in the case of Spitzer he greased some palms, but I am digressing.

For local governments in the US, prostitution is an easy law to prosecute. To move it up to the Federal level, it is too costly and there are far more serious crimes the Feds devote their resources to. I seriously doubt that Congress or the next administration will be interested in prosecuting prostitution in Federal courts, especially Johns. Prosecuting child molestors have a much higher priority.

As much as the Left would want to please their feminist constituients, even the most liberal Democrats would find it difficult to justify such an expense for prosecuting and investigating such a minor crime on a federal level. Even when there was a National 55 mph federal highway speed limit, the speeding laws were prosecuted locally.

But there is one trend I do know of. Local governments in the US are prosecuting more men for engaging in prostitution. I see it in the local newspapers. Perhaps, some states will change their laws to be like Sweden and Norway, but not on a national level because of the reasons I listed above.
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