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New trend of paid advertisers pretending to meet clients


Certified outlier
Dec 23, 2019
I have noticed a new trend steadily increasing of girls posting paid advertisements with titles such as:
-searching for partner to shoot my next video
- subscribers could meet me
-i only meet subscribers
- looking for new clients, subscribe to dm me

Basically these girls are paying for ads to seem legit, stating bold face lies & drawing in people to their paid services such as onlyfans and they have no intention on meeting or offering any services other than selling online content.
Some days you can find up to 10 or 12 such ads around all attempting the same type of approach to lure in unsuspecting clients.
It isn't theft in the end because people willingly sign up to a non reimburseable paid service under a false premise and they do receive the paid service in the end, just not the premise that lured them in, in the first place.

Any thoughts on this?
personally, anything that is not advertised on merb, i assume by default is always a scam or dishonest, so i never take it the wrong way when it is not as described & i appreciate things more when the rare ads are honest.
I have a rule of thumb that i use in finance and in online money making. That rule of thumb is the law of re-direction and limited points of contact. It simply means that in anything where money is involved, people that are legit want to have the easiest path of contact and potential to secure a deal or a transaction. In any case where you are enticed to go from the initial place where you are made aware of whatever item/product/service .. and then redirect to another medium (such as another app or site or page or point of contact that is not mentioned in the initial place where you are made aware of the person or product, those are by default questionable and your web traffic or views or clicks or potential to click on something somewhere else is the probable goal of the initial advertisement.
{if they are not selling a product that means you are the product in the same sense as ;when something is free it means that you are the product}

In simple terms, people selling something want quick and easy communication and the easiest path to closing a transaction.
People pretending to sell something or that intend on hustling you want to dangle carrots on a rope and string you along for many various reasons.)

Also by default, 99.9% of any ad that gives no number or email or website, but instead tries to send you to snapchat or telegram or another website to "dm", those are all fake (just as 99.9% of any ad out there asking for a deposit is also fake)


Certified outlier
Dec 23, 2019
Don't fall for this guys, it is becoming more rampant.
I counted 16 paid or 'verified' advertisers today alone that are asking for deposits. That is not even including the paid or verified advertisers saying to meet them you must subscribe to their onlyfans.
If this scamner or these scammers are paying advertisements and going through the hassle of assembling portfolios of pictures and scrubbing the metadata off of them to appear legit, it is because some people are falling for it and sending them e-transfers thinking that they are legit providers.
The only place where i have never seen a fake paid advertiser is here on merb.
All other places like LL etc, anyone can pay for ads and scam you with ease & the sites won't even remove the paid advertiser..(most you cannot even contact the site to report the ad) even tryst now has some of these same fake paid ads.
My rule of thumb is that any provider asking for a deposit is a scam, the only exception i would ever make would be an advertiser on merb.
Be careful out there

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
"Fan meetings" are always the funniest thing to me. Because when you look at videos they did with "fans" its always an attractive guy in their 30s. So either old or heavier fans are extremely unlucky or maybe the "fan meeting contest" is rigged... I would say the latest.

Another OF trope i find so funny is "hey baby i personally selected 10 of my fans to receive this amazing bundle at 80% discount, its 100$ worth of content for 20$ only".

Ok first of all, i almost NEVER interact with models on OF unless im asking a question to buy a video. I don't crave the "fake attention" like the general OF dudes like. So why "pick" me? 90% of these models i never bough anything either, i subbed cause it was free and it was recommanded by another model. I barely even look at their profiles. I just subbed cause she looked fine and it was free but then i even forgot i did. And finally the pricing thing... 100, 200$ worth of content is a price you actually decided yourself, so putting it at 20$ is not really a discount, its just you picking a different price. Anyway point is OF is full of scams and fake attention seeking. But the worst part is it work...

I may have posted this already but the other day i was in my bed before going to sleep, was checking my messages on OF (there is about 5-6 names i do check regulary to see if they sent new PPVs, and i did buy a few of their vids when prices were right) and i see a pop that one girl was going live. She is a huge instagram models and VERY hot if you like the blond fake breast pornstar style look. So i check her live and im not kinding, we were only 35 guys most of the time during the 30 mins i watched (it fluctuated a bit, so maybe in total there was like 50 guys watching at various points) but she litterally got 3000$ for only going topless with pasties... 3000$!!! Some guys donating 50$ and so on. Personally i only stayed cause i was curious to see how much she could reach out of these su....viewers.

Some of these very popular instagram girls often send locked messages with no previews for rather large sums hinting they are topless or nude. But my motto is always look for leaks. If there is no nude leaks, it mean she just don't go nude and its a scam. OF don't care. Im not saying its ok to leak, im not a leaker myself, but there will always be guys doing it. And if an OF model get nude , you can BET there will be a leak at some point. Even smaller models get leaked. So a 500 000+ instagram subscriber girl ... yeah.

Sorry if i got a bit off topic but overall OF is a scam friendly business. There is some legit honest creators and i do buy from them from time to time, but out of 1 that send proper PPVs with previews or accurate descriptions, i receive about 30 garbage post. So im not remotely surprised some peoples use the escort side to lure clients into the online scam thing eitther. Creating a false hope that you will be able to meet her.

I don't pretend to be the smartest person on the planet, im no "Sister Sage" lol, but its so easy to read stuff like OF and other fishy things.
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