The problem with Internet and especially social media in general is that it sadly create monsters like that. I know i will sound like one of those old fools saying "video games are responsible for making kids violent" wich i always tough was dumb but hear me out on that.
My personal politics are very "unortodox" i would say. I identify with some politics to both the left and the right, as well as some more centrist as well. One of the issue for instance i am thorn is abortion. Usually you got the pro-choice and pro-life and thats it. But me, i feel its terrible to deny the life of a would be kid yet at the same time even with adoption being a thing, the women still have to spend 9 months with the baby inside them, give birth to it and then it must be much more heartbreaking to give away a child that you see its little smile and hold in your arms. But what if you just can't be a mother right now? But what if you give it to adoption and 5 years later you would want it back and can't? They just don't want to go trough all that and i understand it 100%. My point is that in this debate i lean on neither side... Both sides have valid argument, so for that im centrist i guess. Then i am completely anti-guns wich would make this point of view far left and on the other side i am very strick when it comes to our borders and immigration, so for that i am far right?
So you see how this is confusing lol.
That being said lately on twitter i try to avoid as much politics as i can. I try to follow sex workers and entertainement stuff only, like gamers, game developers, movie related stuff, wrestling and such, all stuff i like but even THAT bring politics. Those peoples sometimes like far left stuff that i think to myself "how can they like this... cmon" and it triggers me. Other times its even the trend/headlines lol, like today i was reading JK Rowlings is talking about certain characters being gays but then you have the gay community getting offended because in the books themselves they don't show obviously enough that they are.
. It just annoys me so much. I am all for same sex marriage and relation, what you do in your bedroom/life is none of my business, but i don't feel it need to be showed in just about everything even when it does not benefit the story just to show "forced diversity". So sometimes i will post a little something to say "chill out" and you have no idea how they get offended so quick and rampage me from replies calling me homophobes and such..wich i am so not lol. oh boy.
All of what im saying right now is to illustrate how social media can be such a cesspool at times, and even when you want to avoid seeing the shit you don't want to see, you end up seeing it anyway. Twitter is more notorious on that, i find that you can filter much more easy the content on facebook.
Speaking of facebooks, there some groups (that i joined willingly i must precise) on sensitive matters, im not sure i can talk it too much openly here, so ill keep it vague but recently i found out that in one of those groups there some very twisted and sick peoples wich scared me. Those peoples could very well become extreminist. I reported there post to facebook, hell for a time i was tempted to report it to the police (yeah it was scary) and honestly i wanted to leave that group immediately cause thats not what i signed for when i joined (other groups on the same subject are much much more moderated and wish no harm to anyone). I don't wish harm to anybody myself, i don't even hurt insects .. But i dunno if i should stay in (until they realize and kick me) and just report them as much as i can or even screenshot the worst stuff to send to the police if i feel it may endanger peoples.
The worst thing is that some of them have kids and you look there FB profiles and they look like your average family father or mother... They don't have the nazi flag hanging behind them with guns or any of this stuff...
So yeah social media is scary and im sure it help create monsters. Some of those peoples are mentally unstable for sure, but maybe if social media wasn't around they wouldn't ever have been triggered the same way...
I love internet, its a fantastic tool, and it can be use as much for entertaining as to share the "good" around the word. But it can used to share hate and evil as much, wich i find terrible. I seen and heard so many things since i actively use twitter and got into politic stuff that i truly wish i could unsee. Its good to know more about the word and open yourself to cultures and stuff, but the bad stuff is ... so bad, i wish i didn't heard about it and would be left ignorant.