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Newbie mistakes when starting out in the hobby


Active Member
Feb 8, 2009
What I did not know 5 years ago:

Never Never Never have financial exchanges with a 3rd person. (I did it once, it was not a scam but it could have been, and i could not do anything about it if it was)

Say no to B&S and report it in reviews.

Do not tell that you are new to the hobby (especially when dealing with strippers or on the street), keep quite and act like you know the system well... ;)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Why they let these agencies operate? And i think exept maybe escort-express wich always had a soso at best reputation here, the rest pretty much are well known and not B&S. Of course i don't know all of them, but the most

Because their money is green (or yellow, if that is the color of the new Canadian bills). MERB certainly does not continue to operate as a result of any donations from Halloween Mike, so it is a somewhat hypocritical question. Accepting their money means that Halloween Mike is able to continue to use MERB. You think it is free to operate MERB? Do you think Freddie operates the board as a charitable enterprise donating its time and efforts to eradicating the horniness of indigent hobbyists everywhere? It's a business dude, and the man is in business to pay his expenses and turn a profit after that. If that does not happen, MERB ends. This ain't no charity.

I feel MERB discharges its obligations to the community by allowing a thread in which warnings are posted about its advertisers that do not play by the rules. It is up to everyone else to figure out the facts of life.

By the ways do you tell your business clients how to conduct their affairs?
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Wow Eager you are so in defensive mode for no reason... LOL

It is true i don't know how many they charge for advertising, or how much the servers cost. But considering the nature of there business, and how many clients they can get by MERB, i am sure agencies don't throw a 20 per month... it must be consequent. On the other hand i really don't know how it cost to operate a board like this. But in any case, what i was saying is that with years(been over 4 years now i am here) MERB has always been reliable with his announcers. The agencies here have overall a great reputation and are not BS. So that they let one or 2 operate that way... i find it surprising. I may be wrong but i am sure i saw in the past a thread where one of the mods or admin mentioned that if somebody list a girl and she ain't the one in the photo, they have to mention it in the advertising "She looks like the pictures, but its not her" something along those line.

In any case, its very easy and quick for an agency to make a reputation on merb, both good or bad, and then people can deal how they see fit, but i was just asking in curiosity why dishonest business was allowed. Yes money is one think, but we saw in the past MERB personal where not shy to ban/suspend announcers for bad practices, money or not.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It has nothing to do with morality or amorality, and everything to do with the practical, real world fact that we cannot control the scruples of the businesses of our clients, nor should MERB have any greater ability to do so. MERB should have no higher bar set than anyone else; I would suggest it should be set lower as it is an Internet based business as opposed to a business that is conducted in person with the opportunity to interview prospective business partners. It simply does not happen in that business and I read these posts and wonder what world you people believe it is that you live in. He who regulates the ethics and morals of his business clients should be the 1st one to cast stones on this. It is simply the reality of the situation. Either we deal in reality or fantasy here. I prefer reality.
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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I think you give more importance to my remark than it deserve really. I am not saying they should filtrate everything and suspend them at the smallest sight of a small behavior. I was just saying agencies on merb have managed during the years to keep an honest and good reputation, some more than others, but the constant was that every agency is GFE unless specified otherwise in the advertisement and every agency offer real pictures and no B&S.

When one agency start doing this out of nowhere, it kinda put a shawdow a bit on the whole thing. I don`t know how important it is for you, but i want the girl i saw in the pics when i book. I can live with stats being a bit changed(mostly age) and i can live with a bit of photoshop, wich is standard pratice, but a whole different girl is something else.

You seem to emphasize a lot on the business side, when i prefer to emphasize on the community aspect of merb.

real world fact that we cannot control the scruples of the businesses of our clients, nor should MERB have any greater ability to do so

I think yes they can, by giving warnings, suspensions and such. They regulate there normal users behaviors, i think they can do the same with there paid advertiser. And yes regular users may not pay merb, but they are the core of making the board work. No users, no advertisers, no business as you put it.

In any case like i said not that its of great importance to me, and would you not had emphasized that much on my remark, i wouldn`t give it a sequel(je lui aurais pas donné suite, don`t know how to put it in english) as we the "regular old time users" knows how to filther there dishonest behaviors and deal with them accordingly.

EDIT : here you go, knew i was not crazy...

Directly from the B&S thread, a comment by MOD12

A warning has been given out to MTLTOPGIRLS to make sure this doesn`t happen again. If it does, without notice a 2 month suspension will be handed out. We are getting tired of chasing these new agencies about B&S. Maybe it is time for a 1st time warning, 2nd time permanent ban policy?

This prove that MERB does not tolerate B&S agencies. Of course they probably need solid proof to give a warning/suspension and not just a review of a member, but if some agencies who advertise here push there luck too far, based on that comment, they will have sanctions.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Halloween Mike,

I have seen the Mods hand out suspensions to agencies for using provably fake pics, so you don't know what you are talking about. You are running the risk of really pissing off the Mods with your last post because frankly I thought those suspensions went above and beyond their Moderator call of duty. Now, you may get suspended for posting misinformation.

I am not here to defend MERB or Fred Zed, nor am I purporting to speak for them (I only speak for myself), but these fantasyland posts annoy me. We have a great majority of users of this board who get something from MERB and give absolutely nothing. If we get rid of all the advertisers and there are no supporting members like me who made donations to MERB, then MERB would be left in the hands of all the people who want something for nothing. The better situation is let everyone advertise, let the community regulate itself with information as in the B&S thread, and then nobody will ever have to ask you for money, HM, and you can go on getting something for nothing. Or would you prefer to be asked for money?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Fake pics are not what you call B&S? Im sorry but i tough this was exactly that. And why would i be suspended for quoting a moderator post and putting a link to the thread? How is it false information when i directly quote word for word AND put a link to the thread so its not taken out of context? I really don't understand why this would piss off the mods...(???)

We have a great majority of users of this board who get something from MERB and give absolutely nothing

In term of money, NO, you are right, but most provide reviews wich help other members and this is why a community is good.

If we get rid of all the advertisers ...

Who said that? I only mention IF there is adverstisers that do dishonest practices. Most if not all of the current advertisers are honest right now. Somebody else mentioned potential B&S, not me, i only gave my opinion IF those are true.

Or would you prefer to be asked for money?

Depend how much, im not rich, but i could help a bit once in a while.

In any case, you are a long time member, and i respect you and the contibution you made on this board for a decade. But i really don't understand your agressivity toward me on that particular subject. Why it is pissing you off so much.

In any case if mods pass by and tell me they prefer this subject be not mention again, i will comply.


Jan 8, 2012
Wow, quite a debate; And it's happening live, more or less. Bring the popcorn in, good show !! I wanna know what happens next !
Seriously guys, take it cool... It's just a thread on MERB, not a Security Council emergency meeting at the United Nations...:peace:

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Tell me that... im still wondering why this got the proportion it got :rolleyes: If i knew it would had annoy somebody like that, i wouldn't had made that comment.


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
I had called an SP advertising for an incall. She said she was available and was at XYZ hotel. So I drove to the hotel and went to the hotel counter and asked the concierge if he had any girls available. The concierge proceeded to open up the yellow pages and told me to call 123 number. So I left the hotel puzzled that I did not get to do the incall. It was only later on that I realized that I was suppose to call the SP back to get the room number!!! The conciege must have been wondering what this guy was smoking....

That's really funny.


Aug 5, 2011
Wouldn't consider myself a complete newbie, but I still made a mistake last week--out of pure wishful thinking. So 8 weeks ago, I was able to visit Montreal. A lady I very much wanted to meet had to cancel due to her period. So last week, 57 days later :rolleyes:, I again pre-booked with her. You can probably guess why she again had to cancel our appointment.. again. I don't blame the agency, I don't blame the girl. I take full responsibility, but I was just being hopeful!

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
LOL ok you booked her exactly in her period time again... damn yeah that may explain why sometimes i feel im very unlucky about my timing.. call me dumb but i totally forgot about this... I start to pick pattern sometimes on wich time wich girl work, if she is more often on wednesday than saturday for exemple, but totally forgot about the period factor... dumb me.
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