It was a great evening!
Hello everyone,
After the nice MERx party last night and meeting old and new friends, I sent an email to Fred this morning, asking if I could be reinstated. He replied within minutes, and I am baaaaacccckkkk!
Yesterday was my 2nd MERx party, and it was as nice and fun as the other one I went to (the 2nd). Everyone remained kinda quiet though... No foot in mouth, no tong demo(!), no fun by the fool

Just a bunch of guys and girls having fun!
It was a pleasure to get to know Regnad Kcin, Oliver Kloseoff, redstorm, red paul, maxwell, Victoria, Suzan & Michelle, Jasminexxx, as well as share ideas with other old timers on the boards like Salmacis, Stripper_lover, Tom, Doc Holliday, Cloudsurf, AlexK, TriDan, SpecialK, Ned_Nobody, Ronnie, and a few others who prefered to remain anonymous (or whom I forgot, please forgive me!)
Obviously, those parties wouldn't be the same if it weren't for all the girls present to the party. I am obviously talking about the agency owners and their crew, the lovely and radiating Celine, John Eleganza and Kevin DC, whom together had so many girls present at some point that we, guys, were outnumbered by them! GREAT! LOL
There were three draw last night, one price being a one hour duo with Porsha and [name removed] of SatinDreamz, and the two others being girls of DC (I think, please someone correct me if I am wrong). I don't remember who won what but I am sure the 3 lucky bastards will enjoy!
OK... When is the next one? next week??? LOL
Merry Christmas to all!