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Nominations for the Best Reviewer of 2013


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

Reviews are meant to give information and that i do, whether it is one helpful piece of info or 10, it is still helpful to others, thus a review.

Do i write them the "way" one thinks they should be done, nope and never will (is there a law?) do i do #'s? nope and never will? (the one and only thing rumps and i agree on btw) do i help others with my reviews, yup and many more from those who PM ME about certain girls. I would guess to say and believe that i likely have helped more MERB members in 5 years than you have in 9 years. I give back more than i take (never do i see a girl based on a review from a stranger, a friend, yes)

I would never want to be nominated for this most prestigious award...... ever. It should go to someone who writes them the way most people think they should be written to appease the masses and i have zero problem with that and happy for the winner for the time and effort they put into doing them. (ok i lied, i have the speech all written, where is the banquet anyways? How about Amazones! Black tie? VIP room for an hour free for all nominees paid by Fred??? Just kidding FZ!) :lol:

Sweetwater and Doc were joking around because they know i could care less what people think about how i review and it gave me a good laugh and i knew someone would take it seriously (as did they, no doubt) congrats anon. Btw this year i think i did 3 or 4 reveiws, which is more than 99% of MERB members....Jordan, Jade/Sky, Julie and i think i am missing 1, maybe 2.

I nominate anon_vlad for all of his reviews this year, all 1 of them, or was that last year :confused:

Just out of curiosity, how can you nominate someone as best reviewer who doesn't ever write reviews? (I suppose one can say that he never wrote a biased review.)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Btw this year i think i did 3 or 4 reveiws, which is more than 99% of MERB members....Jordan, Jade/Sky, Julie and i think i am missing 1, maybe 2
Lol. You call the sentence you wrote about Julie a review? If that's a review, we might as well shut this place down now.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Sure why not? There are pieces of info in it and just because a review is a couple lines long does not mean it will not help others, just like a long review where the poster talks more about himself than the actual girl does not mean it is any more helpful.. I know i have at least one more, maybe 2 from this year but it does not matter. Ok so i only wrote more reviews than 98.9999% of MERB members, my bad.

Everyone has their own style/method of reviewing. You like to mention over and over how great of a lover you are, Doc talks in the 3rd person (and quite well) Hungry101 tells it the way it is and with humor, Delta123 likes the number system at the end (as do many), Uncle Bob is very precise and the list goes on and on. If you dont want to call them reviews, hey, i wont lose any sleep over it but they do offer good info and that is what a review should be, good or bad.
Lol. You call the sentence you wrote about Julie a review?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
There are pieces of info in it and just because a review is a couple lines long does not mean it will not help others.
Julie is a sweet girl and fun to be with. She is willing to please as long as you are clean and respectful, just as it should be. She has a sweet innocence about her but can also be a wild sexy girl in the bedroom. Good luck with the flight Julie, it will be fine, ;)
Please point out to me, if you'd be so kind, one little bit of information that is unique to Julie.

Now as for my reviews being about "what a great lover I am," I take that as a personal insult. You now have three choices: 1) provide proof, 2) retract and apologize, 3) remain silent, which I'll take as your admission that you are, as usual, full of shit. My reviews talk exclusively about the girl, her personality, and the shared experience.


a.k.a. NewestGuy
Aug 24, 2013
I've got an idea, why don't we change the title of this thread. It should be called "Who's cooler than who" or "My schlong is bigger than yours".


New Member
May 31, 2011
anywhere and everywhere
So - no one has voted for me yet based on my Melissa at Amazones review? Tough crowd!

Join the club!

The one thing I have noticed about reviews is that the majority of mine have been positive but I am not perfect and I would be willing to write my own shitty review. Though I`ve had a great review that I thought was really less than great and I thought I disappointed and it`s with a regular lol :confused:

Sometimes, you are your own biggest critic. A while back, maybe three years ago, I met a few women who were disappointed in their performances, but I convinced the best way I could they were wonderful but they were still not convinced… Sometimes this industry is hard on the ladies, I have seen a lot of female egos bruised unfortunately, it saddens me when I see that.

The weirdest thing is I find that most of my reviews I haven`t seen the guy again yet based on the review and his positivity I would have thought FOR SURE I`d see him again.

From personal experience, the way I see it, It is possible he doesn`t want to make it personal so he shares the story with us and at the same time, it is a way to thank you because possibly he knows he might not have to chance to see you again, so it is a way to thank you…that`s how I see it because that`s the way I feel..

Meanwhile - I get guys coming to see me based on the reviews they`ve read but they are lurkers on the board and THEY regularly see me but don`t review :lol:

They want to keep the experiences to themselves and so do some ladies as well.

There are some meetings I have that I think are so good I want to review them myself.

Well, in this case, I encourage you to keep contributing to the thread Rate the clients! , I enjoyed the two stories you wrote.

The concept of reviews are strange to me. Useful in a sense but not so useful when not everyone participates :p

Reviews are double-edged swords unfortunately

(or when newbs do participate and they are called shills ---)
Unfortunately, a sad truth… when I had a different handle, 7 years ago, when I started on merb, I reviewed a lady who was a BJ specialist, there were mixed reviews in her thread, I posted my review in that thread, and BAM! I was accused of shills.

I get quite a bit of business from TER

TER is more international.

Merb I`m not so sure. Is is the reviews, or my ads and my website that drive my business here? I know my review thread has had far less views than my ads and website.

Merb is local and only opened to member, merb used to be opened to the whole public so they didn`t need to be members.

I don`t tend to have a routine service, but rather tailor it to the individual client.

So true :)

I also find the majority of clients do not review me. Most of my best sessions have not been reviewed. Maybe the guys don`t feel like making the effort, maybe they find the experience personal and don`t want to share it, maybe they want to keep the SP to themselves, I`m not sure. As much as I like having reviews, I completely respect their decision.

They want to keep the experience to themselves, very understandable, in a way, I agree, when I met you specifically, I kinda want to keep you to myself, but in case I couldn`t see you again, it is my way of thanking you.

What do I enjoy most about reviews? The pleasure it gives me knowing that I`ve made my partner happy. (I`ve been fortunate enough to have only good reviews so far.) The opportunity to see a session through the client`s eyes, to have an insight into their reactions, know what they liked best. And some of the reviews are hot, it`s like reading erotica, but hotter because I know I was there!

Totally agree with that..and what I enjoy about writing the review is reliving the experience again and again...
Mar 15, 2008
Je vote pour UncleBob.

J'ai confiance en ses revues pour prendre mes décisions. Il ne semble pas avoir de parti pris. Il semble impartial.



Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I vote for Uncle Bob as well

Very precise in his reporting, along with looking out for us in the Bait and Switch thread

And also, one of the nicest people you ever want to meet

Best Regards



Jan 8, 2012
Je pense que Cloudsurf et Halloween Mike font de bonnes revues, surtout Mike. J'ai rarement regretté après m'être fié à lui pour un choix de fille. Je n'ai pas autant trippé que lui sur Kate, mais bon... Il m'a convaincu en tout cas d'y aller avec Kelly Summers, même si sa dentition est épeurante :eek:. je ferai moi-même une revue sur elle quand ce sera chose faite, ce qui ne saurait tarder :wave:


May 3, 2004
Visit site
Même s'il n'écrit pas beaucoup de reviews, je trouve que c'est toujours très bien écrit et cela me donne l'heure juste. Mon choix: Sapman

Mention honorable à Uncle Bob pour son partage toujours intéressant de nouvelles filles, il est le meilleur dans la catégorie toftt.



Oct 9, 2009
I vote for Halloween Mike.... ManApart would have have gotten my top pick but he's not doing reviews anymore.
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