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Olympic sex scandal

Have you looked at the beach volleyball woman competition?
Very sexy girls in tiny swimming suits. You could almost see the Y shapping out of that minuscule and stretching bottom suit. Then, the nice little ass and the crack in the middle just to make you crazy, and finally the little tits exploding out of the too confined upper braw part!
Well. I agree, this is very nice and we should not complain about it. I was actually enjoying it...but then came the man beach volleyball competition...guys in loosy t-shirts and shaggy shorts...
My comment is : we are in China, those are the Olympic Games, in this pure noble and supposedly perfect clean and upmost atmosphere, SEX is still in the lead!
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mazingerz said:
Les athlètes vont là pour remporter des médailles et non pas pour montrer leurs attributs physiques. C'est sûr qu'elles sont bien faites, elles s'entraînent constamment. Mais leur but 1er n'est pas de montrer qu'elles ont un beau corps.

Oui, il y en a qui sont sexy. Et après?

Après...t'as pas lu ce que j'ai écrit et ça me fait plaisir de le mentionner en français, c'est qu'il y a une sacrée différence entre les petits mini bikinis des femmes et les shorts xxl des hommes. Non , mon ami, tu me feras pas croire que les femmes ne jouent pas, ou ne sont pas obligées de jouer (ce qui me semble la version la plus plausible) sur leur attributs sexuels pour faire la promotion de leur sport aux JO. Moi, ça me dérange pas, ça me choque pas, j'y prends même plaisir. C'est juste que dans notre monde super clean, ou tout le monde est beau et parfait, ou le sexe reste tabou, on va pas me passer un sapin et me faire croire que tout cette exhibition sexuelle n'est que fortuite!


Jun 30, 2006
Une chose est sur les bikini rapetisse à chaque olympique, la différence est assez frappante, mais maudit que c'est beau :D


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Un petit point: lors des débuts des jeux olympiques, les athlètes s'exécutaient complètement nus! C'était la célébration du corps et des prouesses qu'il pouvait accomplir. Alors, les costumes des dames en volleyball ne sont qu'un timide retour vers les sources! :) :p


Jun 30, 2006
Il ne faut pas se caché qu'il y a un aspect markething la dedans, des belle femmes, sa vend!!!

quand il y a le logo d'un commenditaire imprimé sur les fesse, croyez-moi qu'on le remarque, même si c'est écrit tout petit!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2003
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Des photos! Des photos! Des photos! Des photos! Des photos!
Je suis trop paresseux pour chercher sur internet.
:D :D :D
Post some pics! Post some pics! Post some pics! Post some pics!
To lazy to search on the web.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
coco-des-îles said:
Have you looked at the beach volleyball woman competition?
Very sexy girls in tiny swimming suits. You could almost see the Y shapping out of that minuscule and stretching bottom suit. Then, the nice little ass and the crack in the middle just to make you crazy, and finally the little tits exploding out of the too confined upper braw part!
Well. I agree, this is very nice and we should not complain about it. I was actually enjoying it...but then came the man beach volleyball competition...guys in loosy t-shirts and shaggy shorts...
My comment is : we are in China, those are the Olympic Games, in this pure noble and supposedly perfect clean and upmost atmosphere, SEX is still in the lead!
Bonjour Coco,

Are you annoyed at the exposure of the women or lack or exposure of the men? Sounds like you are chaffing at the missing male cheeks and Or would you just like a chance to see men falling out at the front?

I was a fanatic for playing beach volleyball on summer weekends 6 hours a day up to 3 or 4 hours straight. We had a gorgeous beach and the perfect sandy spot with no stones at all. I loved being able to throw myself around for tough digs knowing the sand wasn't going to kill me...well...maybe it did once. When competition was tough I wanted to be as light as possible, and every pull of cloth was annoying. So I do wonder why the male athletes wear shirts at the games. But when it comes to clothing at these games it was the women's tennis that was strange. Their skirts look like the ridiculously small ones pornstars wear to arouse. Being halfway up their cheeks I can't see any possible function for this except tantalization. But I really don't think any of this should become an issue. Why worry about it?


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Oct 30, 2003
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coco-des-îles said:
Non , mon ami, tu me feras pas croire que les femmes ne jouent pas, ou ne sont pas obligées de jouer (ce qui me semble la version la plus plausible) sur leur attributs sexuels pour faire la promotion de leur sport aux JO.
Directement de la fédération de volley: Specific Events Regulations.pdf

Pour les filles, il y a effectivement un maimum de 7cm à la taille, alors que chez les gars c'est juste 15cm au dessus du genou.

On savait que les Olympiques c'est juste pour le cash, mais je trouve ça lamentable que ce soit imposé.


Jul 21, 2005
Personnellement je n'y voit rien de choquant.Rien de différent de ce que l'on voit a la plage quand on a la chance d'y aller. Pas plus offensant que les nouveaux maillots que les nageurs et nageuses porte en compétition. Rien n'est plus normal que de jouer au ballon sur la plage en bikini. Les regles sont elles sexiste? oui et non car de toute facon c'est en général le genre de maillot qu'elles porterais pour pratiquer leur sport favori et ca va aussi pour les hommes
Korbel said:
Bonjour Coco,

Are you annoyed at the exposure of the women or lack or exposure of the men? Sounds like you are chaffing at the missing male cheeks and Or would you just like a chance to see men falling out at the front?

I was a fanatic for playing beach volleyball on summer weekends 6 hours a day up to 3 or 4 hours straight. We had a gorgeous beach and the perfect sandy spot with no stones at all. I loved being able to throw myself around for tough digs knowing the sand wasn't going to kill me...well...maybe it did once. When competition was tough I wanted to be as light as possible, and every pull of cloth was annoying. So I do wonder why the male athletes wear shirts at the games. But when it comes to clothing at these games it was the women's tennis that was strange. Their skirts look like the ridiculously small ones pornstars wear to arouse. Being halfway up their cheeks I can't see any possible function for this except tantalization. But I really don't think any of this should become an issue. Why worry about it?


Come on Korbel, you should know very well that I compared women and men beach volley ball uniforms because when seing the men after the women it strikes me of the huge difference. Talking about tennis, my favorite game, I think that is very different where sporting goods companies do in fact adjust to the personal preferences of some top individuals. Nadal is the perfect exemple. Plus, you do not see the underwear of the ladies at all times!
I am not worrying about anything here, just the fact that I feel sorry when people have no liberty but to wear a certrain type of clothe, be them Olympic champions.
oobe said:
Directement de la fédération de volley: Specific Events Regulations.pdf

Pour les filles, il y a effectivement un maimum de 7cm à la taille, alors que chez les gars c'est juste 15cm au dessus du genou.

On savait que les Olympiques c'est juste pour le cash, mais je trouve ça lamentable que ce soit imposé.
Oobe, j'ai pas réussi à avoir ton lien mais si ce que tu dis est vrai, on comprendra que le tout est voulu et imposé aux athlètes...
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mazingerz said:
Le sexe est tabou? Les médias passent leur temps à dire que de nos jours on vit dans une société hyper-sexualisée, parfois même au point de trouver ça banal, et le sexe reste tabou. Eh bien, on aura tout vu!

Comme je disais, le but premier de ces athlètes est de performer dans leur sport. Bon maintenant s'il y en a qui veuillent également démontrer leur attributs physique, c'est leur affaire mais je doute que ce soit leur principal objectif. C'est tellement dûr se rendre aux olympiques, il faut faire d'énormes sacrifices des années et des années.

De toute façon, ça ne doit pas être si obscène que ça si elles peuvent participer aux jeux habillées comme ça. Je doute que le commité olympique tolère de quoi de trop déplacé
Que l'on vit dans une société hyper-séxualisée ne veut pas dire que le sexe n'est plus tabou. L'hyper-séxualisation veut dire des affiches publicitaires un peu osées, de jeunes ados qui s'habillent le plus sérées possible, des joueuses de volley ball en petites culottes. Tout ça n'est qu'image et ne relève que des apparences. Dans le fond, on était plus libéraux au niveau sexuel dans les années 60 et 70 que de nos jours.
Je pense que , comme bien des choses, le sexe a été récupéré par les faiseurs d'argent. Mais pour ceux qui font de l'argent directement avec le sexe, je veux parler des travailleurs du sexe, et nous les utilisateurs, rien n'a changé, les lois n'ont pas changé (à part de pouvoir officiellement se frotter à une danseuse dans une loge exigue!)...oui le tabou demeure...
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
1. Could you have come up with a more misleading thread title?

2. It's called BEACH volleyball.

3. The bottoms are indeed bikini bottoms. The tops are mostly "sports tops", not even close to bikini tops. So I don't know what the hell you were watching when you mention "the little tits exploding out of the too confined upper braw (sic!) part!"

And as someone else mentionned, in ancient Greece, athletes competed NAKED. Plus the greek word "gymnos" means nude.
JustBob said:
1. Could you have come up with a more misleading thread title?

2. It's called BEACH volleyball.

3. The bottoms are indeed bikini bottoms. The tops are mostly "sports tops", not even close to bikini tops. So I don't know what the hell you were watching when you mention "the little tits exploding out of the too confined upper braw (sic!) part!"

And as someone else mentionned, in ancient Greece, athletes competed NAKED. Plus the greek word "gymnos" means nude.
Just...a minute...Bob
Yes of course my tittle was a selling one, not a misleading one. I don't start many thread here, and when I do, I try to get some attention.
Second, I was watching french televison TV5 today and was very surprised to see a commentator saying ''Women Beach Volley ball is an orgy''. You should have seen the funny footage they put together! Do not know if it is possible to track back. They also showed a poster advertising a women beach volley competition to take place in Monaco soon...half an ass with a crack accross (well not so easy to describe...)
Man, if you don't see sex manupilation and explotation in women's beach volley ball, you must be missing a lot of undercover action in this world...
Finally, let's talk about ancient Greece, athletes competing nudes. Ok. But who where those athletes?
Could it be that they were slaves acting like toys to the nasty pleasures of the well dressed dominating fews!
These same people also took fun in seing people being eatten alive by tigers and lions!
Let's be serious!
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I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Coco, I suggest you do a bit of searching. ;)

Do not confuse "The Circus" and "The Olympics". 2 different things by different peoples.

Olympics were created by the Greeks. "The sportsmen usually competed nude. This was due in part to the weather and also because the festival was meant to be a celebration of the achievements of the human body.

The Circus was where Romans had gladiators beating each others to death and Christians/ennemies/slaves devoured by wild beasts.
metoo4 said:
Coco, I suggest you do a bit of searching. ;)

Do not confuse "The Circus" and "The Olympics". 2 different things by different peoples.

Olympics were created by the Greeks. "The sportsmen usually competed nude. This was due in part to the weather and also because the festival was meant to be a celebration of the achievements of the human body.

The Circus was where Romans had gladiators beating each others to death and Christians/ennemies/slaves devoured by wild beasts.
OK, I am sorry, I apologize to the greeks! But by talking about them we are getting away from what I was trying to mention here: modern time use of sex to sell sports!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
coco-des-îles said:
Just...a minute...Bob
Yes of course my tittle was a selling one, not a misleading one. I don`t start many thread here, and when I do, I try to get some attention.
Second, I was watching french televison TV5 today and was very surprised to see a commentator saying "Women Beach Volley ball is an orgy". You should have seen the funny footage they put together! Do not know if it is possible to track back. They also showed a poster advertising a women beach volley competition to take place in Monaco soon...half an ass with a crack accross (well not so easy to describe...)
Man, if you don`t see sex manupilation and explotation in women`s beach volley ball, you must be missing a lot of undercover action in this world...
Finally, let`s talk about ancient Greece, athletes competing nudes. Ok. But who where those athletes?
Could it be that they were slaves acting like toys to the nasty pleasures of the well dressed dominating fews!
These same people also took fun in seing people being eatten alive by tigers and lions!

Let`s be serious!
Hello Coco,

As metoo4 pointed out, you are very mistaken, and you have confused the Olympics with gladiatorial games and other atrocities.


Unlike the Modern Olympic Games, only free men who spoke Greek were allowed to participate in the Ancient Games. They were to some extent "international", though, in the sense that they included athletes from the various Greek city-states. Additionally, participants eventually came from Greek colonies as well, extending the range of the games to far shores of the Mediterranean and of the Black Sea.

In order to be in the games one had to qualify and the athlete had to have one`s name written down in the lists.


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metoo4 said:
And you are 100% right! But who am I to complain about this fact? :rolleyes:

:D :p :)

No more than I am!
When I started this thread I was mostly interested in pointing out all hypocrisy surrounding the use of sex to sell sports, products, whatever...and still not wanting to assume it....
To me, this means considering people as idiots!
My friends, believe me I am making a great effort to express all this in english...
Well, I really feel bad when I see people not directly engaged nor interested in sex using sex to sell whatever they have to sell.
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