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Ease of service!
Feb 3, 2004
i wanted to say something

but then everyone would have thought it was spam

good luck with this.


New Member
Dec 15, 2003
Visit site
Will the matter be taken care of once and for all.
This has been going on since the beginning of the year. The so called owners of this site have done nothing whatsoever to cure the problems.
Mods, can you do something about it!
Time has come to do it!!
Please assume your duties!!

Mod 2

To answer Lawless question, NO, Mods can't do anything about it (I wish!). We are only moderators, ie: we have access to some features of the board like banning members, editing and/or deleting posts/threads, access to a special "admin" section to share thoughts between the mods, but that's about it. We have no control whatsoever to the underlying software or configuration options.

EGB, I don't know where you got the impression that we were IT professionals (although some of us may be), and it's irrelevant anyway. Calling us "bottom feeder fakes" is not called for. Fred Zed is the owner of the board, and as such he is the only one in control of what's going on. Now, given the price we all pay to become member of that board (zero. nothing. nada.), if he has to hire someone to get this fixed he has to do it at his own expense. Just think about it. If you find this unnacceptable and you can't live with it, then feel free to use another board. :p


Mod 2

Didn't you read my post above? I CAN'T. NOT POSSIBLE (At least for me). I suggest you email Fred Zed himself (fredzed at

There is apparently a problem somewhere that can't be solved simply by turning a flag on or off. If I had more time I would install vBulletin myself on my laptop and play with it to see how that works, so I could propose him my advice, but if you know vBulletin yourself, maybe you can help? Feel free to email him as well



New Member
Dec 15, 2003
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The problems we encounter now did not exist before Fred Zed did some clean up earlier this year.
If he did it, he should be able to undo it or apply the remedy to cure these problems, no need to retain the service of pros.

That being said, the presence of Mods is greatly appreciated as a thread like this one would have, in all probability, remained unanswered before your coming to life. Thanks.

Mod 2

Thank for your support Lawless. Much appreciated.

Regarding this thing about the cleanup done last year, I unfortunately can not comment. We, as mods, are not involved in this process, and we have only been here for a few weeks anyway.

EGB, I overlooked one of your comment and it was about the banners. Since advertisers have to pay to get their banner up, whether potential clients click on them or not doesn't change anything to Merb. Sure the agency can know how many requests they had coming from Merb, but I think that's all there is to it. Anyway, Fred Zed can correct me if I am wrong.

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