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Ottawa Persecution..............


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
My Instincts...............

My instincts point towards someone on staff being a regular client or a former SP. Such people would feel threatened directly by the addition of a former SP to the staff and would act to protect their interests as they perceive them.
It's good to hear that the university has defended the hiring, and is looking into who sent the e-mail.
eastender said:
My instincts point towards someone on staff being a regular client...
While the story seems to somewhat imply something personal like that, I would not completely reject the possibility of a more political motivation. As more sex workers who want decriminalization speak up for themselves, there is an emotional element of anti-decriminalization people who really resent it. They like to use the phrase "prostituted women" to refer to sex workers because they refuse to acknowledge any women choose to be in the business. So their arguments are undermined when the ones they claim to be protecting disagree with them, particularly when it involves teaching at a university.

There were already stories in Ottawa newspapers a few months ago about a criminology prof (I would assume a different one, not the part time one in the current story) who was a former stripper attempting to start an organization in Ottawa similar to Stella in Montreal.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Interesting But...............

HaywoodJabloemy said:
It's good to hear that the university has defended the hiring, and is looking into who sent the e-mail.While the story seems to somewhat imply something personal like that, I would not completely reject the possibility of a more political motivation. As more sex workers who want decriminalization speak up for themselves, there is an emotional element of anti-decriminalization people who really resent it. They like to use the phrase "prostituted women" to refer to sex workers because they refuse to acknowledge any women choose to be in the business. So their arguments are undermined when the ones they claim to be protecting disagree with them, particularly when it involves teaching at a university.

There were already stories in Ottawa newspapers a few months ago about a criminology prof (I would assume a different one, not the part time one in the current story) who was a former stripper attempting to start an organization in Ottawa similar to Stella in Montreal.

There is a cyclical nature to this type of story. They surface every few years and then fade away.

The classic counter-example would be the late Lindalee Tracey

who stripped as Fonda Peters from the mid 1970's into the 1980's. She never hid her history from anyone and managed to have a successful and fulfilling career.

Everyone has to come to grips with their past regardless of what it was. Some people do it with a complete separation and distance themselves from their past while others take avantage of their past to build the present and future. There is no right or wrong approach.

In her own way Lindalee Tracey made a very strong statement. Haywood raises the issue of de-criminalization which is the counterpoint to legalization.
Lindalee Tracey demonstrated that there is a third viable alternative - becoming part of the mainstream of society.

Will start a thread about this alternative but do not have the time to properly nurture it.


Oct 11, 2005
juzt_a_girl said:
Add ex-prostitute to the mix and watch that glass ceiling turn into concrete.

Only know what I'm told, only know what I'm told
Fast asleep daydreaming
Start to push, break your own glass ceiling
Can't count, can't catch the pieces falling

Who let it end up on the ground
How am I gonna know you're letting me down
How did I end up on the ground

Only do what I'm told, only do what I'm told
Last to leave cold calling
You're gonna lose your arms, amputate plasticine
There's no knight in silver armor shining

Who let it end up on the ground
How am I gonna know I'm letting you down
Who let it end up on the ground
How did he end up on the ground
Face down on the ground

Only go where I'm told, only know what I'm told
Inch to inches crowding
We can't leave, it's the last road open
Every speed on our knees is crawling

Glass Ceiling Lyrics

Gannett News Service
According to the "Glass Ceiling Report" issued by the Labor Department, there seems to be "an invisible but impenetrable barrier between women and the executive suite, preventing them from reaching the highest levels of the business world regardless of their accomplishments and merits."
It's a fascinating thesis and almost entirely wrong.

Please find another excuse.:rolleyes:


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Few Points.

Took sometime to reply because I wanted rationality to return to the boards.

I do not believe in suppressing legitimate information. Trust everyone to be mature enough to make their own decisions. Paraphrasing Ralph Nader, one of the measures of a democracy is the access to informaton and knowledge.

I read the online editions of many papers. The Ottawa Citizen is one of them since a classmate from grade school and a Hochelaga/Maisonneuve alumni happens to be a niche editor having worked his way up from being a crime reporter with the defunct Montreal Star.

Don't particularly like replying to or participating in damned if you do / damned if you don't scenarios. Specifically if I post the story it gets spun one way and if I don't post it the spin goes the other way.

Possum Trot

Apr 19, 2008
Hats off to the U of O. We used to call it the zoo but they obviously have some people there with their head screwed on correctly.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Two - Dimensional

juzt_a_girl said:
Cyclical Theory: posits that all events in history occur in cycles that are more or less alike. It has two main forms, one that posits cosmic cycles and one that posits cycles only in human affairs.

Circular Theory: posits that between any two entities is an invisible line which must always be the diameter of an invisible circle. The invisible line and circle eventually become a visible line and circle. This is the basis for the reality, physical and non-physical, we know.

How Cyclical and Circular Theory relate?

Through the Circle: an entity and process that is conserving or preserving itself by appearing in and through all entities and processes as an opposite pair (eg. two stories spun in one way or the other).

Any opposite pair comes from, and produces, another. Any opposite pair is an oscillation of a moving circle. The circle, then, is the basis for reality

Thus, the nature of history (non-physical) as 'cyclical' and not 'linear'.

Whew, my head is spinning :p

Sorry for highjacking your thread EE, but comments?


Might start an explanation in a two - dimensional universe, but not in a multi - dimensional universe once you consider spheres, etc. You failed to account for time.


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
ee -
I've been accused of having too little of sense of humor myself, but I find the first step in recovery is identifying the problem, so let's say I've now taken the first step... Care to join me?
I LOVE the circle image. Well said JAG. I love it three dimensionally as well. I'm picturing frames of a cartoon, each showing a change in the picture. In one, there is the one pair, in the next, the circle has oscillated, and the next pair is visible as well, etc. The oscillations can only happen over time. The successive frames, indicating changes in the picture, occur in time. Time does not need to be drawn. And that time, like the frames, is linear, is irrelevant. If I got it right, I like it. What kind of scholar?
Apr 16, 2005
I suppose one could engage in a very enlightening discourse on whether cyclical theory is the stepchild of circular theory but getting back to the original point, the article has been brought into this forum because it is related to escorts and the escorting profession. Let's not start looking for conspiracies everywhere on this board. Perhaps we have enough issues with members seeing shills in every post.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005

Slippery said:
ee -
I've been accused of having too little of sense of humor myself, but I find the first step in recovery is identifying the problem, so let's say I've now taken the first step... Care to join me?
I LOVE the circle image. Well said JAG. I love it three dimensionally as well. I'm picturing frames of a cartoon, each showing a change in the picture. In one, there is the one pair, in the next, the circle has oscillated, and the next pair is visible as well, etc. The oscillations can only happen over time. The successive frames, indicating changes in the picture, occur in time. Time does not need to be drawn. And that time, like the frames, is linear, is irrelevant. If I got it right, I like it. What kind of scholar?

Once you go beyond 2-D to 3-D depending on where you stand a circle can appear as a finite line segment, an oval, etc.

So the interpretation of linear, cyclical or circular changes based on perspective and appreciation.
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