Montreal Escorts

Parrot removed from Montreal Biodome for not speaking french!!!


Oct 11, 2012
the best I can get
As being an unilingual english Parrot I think that Bouton will be more than happy to live in Toronto rather than in Montréeal, just like any uniligual English human being. So why this should be called a deportation? This should be called an happy escape and should serve as an example to many. No more frustration, no more complaining...
And , by the way, a good recognized example of deportation is the 1755 deportation of french speaking Acadians to Louisiana...

Pizza Hut

New Member
Dec 7, 2011
In Montreal, even parrots and dogs can not get away from politics. I was with my dog in the park and a lady and her son came to admire him. The dog did a few tricks for them and they were quite impressed. A small crowd gathered to see the dog doing tricks. A Quebecois lady asked the dog to speak , she asked in French and the dog did not respond. The lady with the small boy suggested that the Quebecois lady ask in English for the dog to speak. The language war erupted in front of my dog, all because he could not understand French.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with the contention that dogs respond to language commands. My parents have a small dog with an English name. When you say her name she immediately recognizes it and will come running. Her name in English means a certain food. But if I were to yell at her, "fromage!!" "fromage!!" she would not know what the fuck I was saying. And this is even though I never saw a dog that likes cheese as much as this one. She will eat any kind of cheese and when my parents set out a cheese platter on the coffee table for guests, she is trying to jump on the coffee table and get at the cheese. The only way to stop this behavior is to give her some.
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I LOVE it!!! Gotta clean my screen now because I just spit beer on it. :lol:
Toronto Escorts