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Please Sign this Petition to Stop Bill-C36 from Passing Senate

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
Hi Everybody, my name is Evangeline and I have been a member of Perb since 2011.

I found that Elizabeth May from the Green Party had created a PDF for a paper document to get signatures in a petition to stop Bill C-36 and I have taken what she has written and turned it into an online petition. I have added my own letter that I was going to send to all the MP's (still will do so in individual emails), and this letter will be sent to Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Peter MacKay, and Elizabeth May every time someone signs the petition.

I had actually taken the time to add every MP from all the parties to the list of MP's that would receive the letter, but after spending hours to do so the sever crapped out and all that data was lost. If I can take the time to do that, then I am sure the you can take the time to sign this petition and use a pseudo name as I have if you so choose.

We cannot give up!! There is still a month before Bill C-36 will reach the senate. I for one will give it all that I have behind the scenes to build a movement here, but I cannot do it alone. This is your chance to speak up, so I urge you to please come on board and sign the petition and help to promote others to do the same. I will keep communications going with Elizabeth's May's office and the head of the other parties.



New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The link does not seem to exist. tells me they can't find the page.

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
Every time someone signs the petition a copy of this letter is sent to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay, as well as Elizabeth May of the Green Party:

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister
Peter Mackay, MP
I am writing this letter to all the MP’s of the Conservative party and write separately to the other MP’s in the oppositional parties regarding bill C-36. I urge you to not pass this bill through the senate. The voting process here in Canada is not democratic or just when MP’s are not voting for the representation of how citizens in their riding feel on an issue, but rather a process that is more like sheep following one another for fear of repercussions or non-advancement within their party. I don’t believe that all of you truly voted YES from your heart for this bill, and those who believe they accurately voted yes on this bill, I need to assure you that as a woman who chooses to be in this industry, I am not a victim and neither are the majority of the tens of thousands of sex trade workers in Canada.

As sex trade workers we are women, men and transgendered individuals who have made an independent choice to work in this industry. We are your average citizen who pay taxes, who invest money into our economy, who invest money into our education, who also work regular jobs, who bring tourism to Canada, who help to keep advertising businesses operating and people employed. We are single people, married people, and people with families who have been able to take care of our personal needs, the needs of our families and keep from asking for public assistance in times of what would otherwise be “Financial need”. We are intelligent, educated, articulate and free-willed people who choose to do what we do and enjoy what we do.

Our clients are regular men who pay their taxes, who are not criminals, but good men who choose to spend time with a sex trade worker as opposed to going on dating sites or other venues to find a woman to spend time with. Our clients are single men who want to spend time with someone, they are married men living in a sexless marriage, who choose to spend time with a sex trade worker instead of ending their marriage because they are being deprived of a primal need to have sexual relations with another human being. Our clients are not deviants, or perverts, or criminals. Our clients are good men, caring men who are respectful to us and treat us well.

The passing of Bill-C-36 will take away the “Good”, clients and force sex trade workers to work underground. This is what will put sex trade workers in serious harm’s way, and subject us to safety issues. It takes away our “Screening”, process to ensure our safety, and it will not stop the few “Bad”, men out there who use the sex trade industry as a way of finding a victim whom they can prey upon. This will not stop that kind of man from seeking out a victim, because it truly is a “Criminal”, who will engage in violence against women, not your average citizen just looking for some relaxing time with a free-spirited woman, man or transgendered person.

Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms is supposed to protect our rights to CHOOSE. What we as Canadian citizens choose to do with our sex lives behind closed doors is supposed to be our choice, and done so in privacy. The way this bill is written, could criminalize any person who is simply going on a date and buys dinner or a gift for their date and then later ends up having sex with that person. This bill is absurd, and contravenes our rights under the charter as Canadian Citizens. There was never any public inquiry as to how ALL Canadians feel about this subject, it was a personal decision driven by Peter MacKay who has forced his so called moral standards on Canadian citizens and forced his way into all of our own private bedrooms!

It is obvious that there is no “Objective”, data in your research and it does not represent the real sex trade industry in Canada, nor has there been any benchmarking with other countries who have successfully regulated prostitution for years. If I presented such ridiculous facts in one of my reports at BCIT I would get a big fat “FAIL”, and red notes all over my paper on how my opinion is “Subjective”, and not based on any REAL FACTS. To say we see 40 clients per day is ridiculous. It is physically impossible for this to happen. There isn’t enough time in the day, nor clients to make this statement anywhere near being true. If I could see that many clients in a day, I would be a millionaire in less than a year. These numbers are pure fabrication and simply not true.

YES I agree that there are facets of our industry that are criminal and every measure needs to be taken to stop. Human trafficking is not ok. Being forced into prostitution is not ok. Working under age in the industry is not OK. Being abused by criminals “Not clients”, is not ok. Resources need to go into stopping the real criminal activity in the industry. Just as there is “White Collar”, crime, there is indeed crime in this industry, but it is no different than crime that happens in any legitimate business, by a few who choose not to abide by the law and act for their own selfish needs.

I implore you to please come to your senses and re-think this horrifying decision that you are making that will surely cause more abuse and deaths amongst sex trade workers. Have we not learned from prohibition?? The back-alley abortions? Have we forgotten what such archaic thinking has achieved in the past and the crime and deaths that ensued by abolishing things that should be of free right for citizens to choose?? Not only will this harm many of us citizens, break families apart, put financial strain on tax payers who will have to support those who could turn to sex work to pay their bills when they suddenly loose a job (as I did), take away tuition money from sex trade workers who are going to school, shut down some advertising businesses, and impact our economy in many different ways including tourism (my intel shows that many foreign citizens will no longer visit Canada if this bill passes), but it takes away our constitutional rights as citizens. This does not just affect the rights of sex workers or clients, but of ALL Canadian citizens, who have the right to be PROTECTED by our charter, and who have the right to be part of a democratic process and have input into this extremely important issue that many don’t even know of or how it will impact them, their fellow citizens and their economy.

If we are to take positive action, then let’s vote to look at the real facts, to regulate the industry which will make the criminals in the industry more exposed, and keep us good citizens safe, ensure we are paying our taxes, following health regulations, and that there are resources in place for sex workers who want to exit the industry. We need to stop the criminal activity involved in the trade, but that does not make the trade as a whole criminal. Your vote for Bill C-36 is what is turning us all into criminals, and I can tell you that there is going to be a huge outlash against the Conservative Government in the next election.

This bill is going to backfire in the face of the Conservative Party; I can assure you that. Your backdoor mentality to rush this bill through without going through the due democratic process in a FAIR and objective way means that there are potentially hundreds of thousands of citizens who voted for you, who will be against you. This upset will continue to grow over the next year before the election, as we citizens continue to build a movement against you if you choose to pass this bill. It may not all be publicly displayed either, but will be reflected in the poll results.

You are effectively cutting your own throats and throwing sex trade workers and innocent clients to the wolves. If anything, put pause to your hasty decision and do some proper research before you make this detrimental decision that will impact us as a nation.


Evangeline Grace

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014


We, the undersigned Citizens of Canada draw to the attention of the House the following:

WHEREAS The Supreme Court of Canada ruled, in Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford, that the restrictions surrounding prostitution in the Criminal Code impose “dangerous conditions on prostitution” and are therefore unconstitutional;

WHEREAS Numerous peer-reviewed studies on the safety of sex workers in countries that have criminalized the purchase of sex have shown that sex workers face the dangers of being displaced from a safe neighbourhood, an inability to screen clients and negotiate the terms of transaction, and an inability to access police protection;

WHEREAS research conducted by the University of British Columbia, Department of Medicine, the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, and Pivot Legal Society (Krusi et al.) shows that Vancouver’s experiment with targeting the purchase of sex has produced the same results;

WHEREAS The Criminal Code already prohibits human trafficking, sexual exploitation, and child prostitution;

WHEREAS Advocates for the human rights of sex workers such as Pivot Legal Society, Sex Workers United Against Violence, POWER, and the Gender and Sexual Health Initiative have warned that Bill C-36 will perpetuate the same dangerous conditions for sex workers that the Supreme Court addressed;

WHEREAS Concerns for health and safety must be paramount in any legislation regarding prostitution;

WHEREAS The criminalization of the purchase of sex does not alleviate the need of those who enter the sex industry due to extreme economic need;

THEREFORE, YOUR PETITIONERS Call on the House of Commons to reject all aspects of Bill C-36 that will endanger the lives of sex workers by prohibiting the purchase or sale of sexual services by adults, develop new legislation in cooperation with sex workers, use existing criminal laws to target abuse and exploitation in the sex industry, invest in programs that support the rights of sex workers to health and safety, and invest in programs that alleviate poverty and discrimination.

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
I love this comment that Emily left after she signed the petition. Worth a share:


Reasons for signingMost Popular Latest
emily muse TORONTO, CANADA about 2 hours ago Liked 0
Dozens of reasons why c36 is awful. For cities, citizens, families, employers, taxes, financial aid, students, mom's, etc. Wait until the Cons see the unemployment rates skyrocket because thousands of sex workers were unaccounted for but will end up on government assistance, welfare, etc. Wait until cities are freaking out because their streets are riddled with "working girls" or when dozens more truck stop Picton-esque murders happen. Or when pimps set up "driver" businesses & become legal pimps! Wait until a politician is caught with a call girl. It always happens. They will eat their own pie. If any of the c-36 supporters really cared about trafficking & rape & abuse, they would be & would have been rallying for THOSE laws to be tightened/strengthened! If they really wanted to help sex workers they'd be consulting us to put together efficient & accessible health care, psychological support, financial planning, & tax relief programs. They'd make proper security training & licensing for sex-work related safety. They'd regulate drivers & owners & locations. They would offer an open mind. Instead we are all going to suffer in some way. I think the UN should step in. I think sex workers should actually protest, in massive #s. Masks, wigs, umbrellas, whatever. This government is dangerous! "What if it was your daughter?" Well??? What if it WAS YOUR DAUGHTER???!!!! You'd want c-36 for her? Bullshit! You'd want her safe. End of story.

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
Here is a list of our Senator's emails. Some of them didn't have an email address listed, so I just left their other contact information intact. Please take it upon yourselves to write them. If anyone would like me to forward an email on your behalf, please email it to me at [email protected]


Raynell Andreychuk - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Salma Ataullahjan - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

George Baker - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Denise Batters - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Diane Bellemare - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Lynn Beyak - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Douglas Black - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Hugues Boisvenu - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Patrick Brazeau - Independent

Senatorial Designation:
Appointed on the advice of:
Harper (C)

Larry W. Campbell - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Claude Carignan - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Maria Chaput - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Marie-P. Charette-Poulin - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Anne C. Cools - Independent
[email protected]

Jane Cordy - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

James S. Cowan - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Jean-Guy Dagenais - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Dennis Dawson - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Joseph A. Day - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Jacques Demers - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Percy E. Downe - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Norman E. Doyle - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Michael Duffy - Independent

Prince Edward Island
Senatorial Designation:
Appointed on the advice of:
Harper (C)

Lillian Eva Dyck - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Nicole Eaton - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Art Eggleton - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Tobias C. Enverga Jr. - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Suzanne Fortin-Duplessis - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Joan Fraser - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Linda Frum - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

George Furey - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Irving Gerstein - Conservative Party of Canada

Senatorial Designation:
Appointed on the advice of:
Harper (C)
613-947-4041 or 1-800-267-7362

Stephen Greene - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Céline Hervieux-Payette - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Leo Housakos - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Elizabeth Hubley - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Mobina S.B. Jaffer - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Janis G. Johnson - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Serge Joyal - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Colin Kenny - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Noël A. Kinsella - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Daniel Lang - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Daniel Lang - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Marjory LeBreton - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Sandra M. Lovelace Nicholas - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Michael L. MacDonald - Conservative Party of Canada

Nova Scotia
Senatorial Designation:
Cape Breton
Appointed on the advice of:
Harper (C)
613-995-1866 or 1-800-267-7362

Ghislain Maltais - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Fabian Manning - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Elizabeth Marshall - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Yonah Martin - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Paul J. Massicotte - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Elaine McCoy - Independent (Progressive Conservative)
[email protected]

Thomas Johnson McInnis - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Paul E. McIntyre - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Terry M. Mercer - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Pana Merchant - Liberal Party of Canada

[email protected]

Don Meredith - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Grant Mitchell - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Percy Mockler - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Wilfred P. Moore - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Jim Munson - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Nancy Ruth - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Richard Neufeld - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Thanh Hai Ngo - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Claude Nolin - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Kelvin Kenneth Ogilvie - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Victor Oh - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Dennis Glen Patterson - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Donald Neil Plett - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Rose-May Poirier - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Nancy Greene Raine - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

************tte Ringuette - Liberal Party of Canada
************[email protected]

Michel Rivard - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Jean-Claude Rivest - Independent
[email protected]

Fernand Robichaud - Liberal Party of Canada

New Brunswick
Senatorial Designation:
New Brunswick
Appointed on the advice of:
Chrétien (Lib.)
613-943-0675 or 1-800-267-7362

Bob Runciman - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Judith G. Seidman - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Asha Seth - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Nick G. Sibbeston - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

David P. Smith - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

Carolyn Stewart Olsen - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Scott Tannas - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Claudette Tardif - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

David Tkachuk - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Betty E. Unger - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Josée Verner - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

John D. Wallace - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Pamela Wallin - Independent

Senatorial Designation:
Appointed on the advice of:
Harper (C)

Charlie Watt - Liberal Party of Canada
[email protected]

David M. Wells - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Vernon White - Conservative Party of Canada
[email protected]

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
Comments left on Petition:

MALE, CALGARY, CANADA about 10 hours ago
Because consenting adults should have the right to set the terms of their own private sexual experience. When phrased as a question the answer becomes clear - Should consenting adults be able to set the terms of their own sexual experience? Canada is NOT Sweden.

Because virtually all organizations that represent active sex workers are against Bill C-36 on the grounds that it will make sex work more dangerous. These voices have been roundly ignored. To ignore the input of those who undertsand the issues best and are most directly affected by Bill C-36 is arrogant, patronizing and unethical.

FEMALE VANCOUVER, CANADA about 13 hours ago
Canada is supposed to be the land of the free- freedom to do a job that is between 2 consenting adults- that is what I as a provider offer. I do it as my choice, I am independent .

My clients are decent people who have a human desire that I fill.

Please go after those who traffic children and foreigners who are being used as slaves-that is a totally different situation.

The thousands of independent, happy, healthy, escorts need to be able to advertize so we can be safe and continue to screen our clients- they are not criminals !!

Either are we- dont take our freedom away please !!

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
Online petitions are NOT accepted by the house.

It is only admissible in original hard copy.

Guidelines here:

It has already been pointed out to me that hard copies with signatures are what is required to place before the senate, and I have addressed that with a thank you from the original person who notified me of this, encouraged people to send in their letters, but we all know that in this business that anonymity for both SP's and clients is of a concern. I am merely giving people a venue to speak out regardless.

Signing the online petition is only a small part of the big picture in educating the public and gaining public support. It is my objective to let people know how this bill contravenes their Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and perhaps down the road by uniting with other groups/individuals out there who are working against this bill we can get more of a "Legitimate", action going by rallying together... there is A LOT of work to do, it would be nice if Sarah would stop harassing me and let me do my work and reach out to others. The more signatures the petition gets, the easier it is for me to unite with others against the bill because it shows we have supporters and are building momentum, regardless.

As I said there is more to the big picture than just signing the petition..... I am currently researching how Bill C-6 was outraged against by Canadian Citizens because it infringed on their human rights when it came to trespass and seizure and no warrant being necessary on the Consumer Protection section of the bill... it was then changed to Bill-51, and now Bill C-36. That bill is already law, but from what I can tell so far that outcry from the public made amendments to the bill to shape it up, so yes public outcry does help to support a cause.

I have more research to do before clarifying just exactly what happened when the bill passed, but originally this is what was happening:

Bill C-6 provides Health Canada with dramatically expanded powers to:

a. search private property without a warrant;

b. seize private property without Court supervision;

c. destroy private property without Court supervision;

d. take control of businesses without Court supervision;

e. in some circumstances to keep seized private property without a Court order;


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Online petitions are NOT accepted by the house.

And the government bases their rhetoric on an online consultation that was not controlled for multiple submissions. That's a nice double standard.
I never wanted to know this much about how our government functions. I am thoroughly disillusioned. :(
The government is nothing more than a legal mafia with the power to change laws to dictate and to facilitate and justify their own crimes...


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
As I said there is more to the big picture than just signing the petition..... I am currently researching how Bill C-6 was outraged against by Canadian Citizens because it infringed on their human rights when it came to trespass and seizure and no warrant being necessary on the Consumer Protection section of the bill... it was then changed to Bill-51, and now Bill C-36. That bill is already law, but from what I can tell so far that outcry from the public made amendments to the bill to shape it up, so yes public outcry does help to support a cause.

I have more research to do before clarifying just exactly what happened when the bill passed, but originally this is what was happening:

Bill C-6 provides Health Canada with dramatically expanded powers to:

a. search private property without a warrant;

b. seize private property without Court supervision;

c. destroy private property without Court supervision;

d. take control of businesses without Court supervision;

e. in some circumstances to keep seized private property without a Court order;
Hi Evangeline
I have made a search on both of those bills one is dating 2004 and the other 2008 ,please explain your claim but extended power of seizure and required circumstances so it could apply
Thanks .
Do you know of any situation where it has happen ?

Warmest Regards


Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
Hi Evangeline
I have made a search on both of those bills one is dating 2004 and the other 2008 ,please explain your claim but extended power of seizure and required circumstances so it could apply
Thanks .
Do you know of any situation where it has happen ?

Warmest Regards

Bills C-6, C-51, and C-36 are apparently the same bills, that they kept changing the name of because they were having troubles passing them or something. I haven't done a lot of in-depth research because I have so much work behind the scenes going on in between trying to work back in BC, that's it's hard to do a detailed analysis. But apparently there is a section of the bill that started with Bill C-6 under the Consumer Protection Act, that would allow inspectors for Health Canada to enter any venue including homes where there is a related business to "Consumer items", without a warrant and search and sieze. There was a huge public outcry regarding our rights and freedoms and then somewhere along the way the government changed the bill to Bill C-51... there were recommendations made by senators at readings, and to date from what I can tell, there were indeed changes made to the final bill that was passed, but other recommendations that were made were not adopted. The material I am reading is kind of ambivalent, so I am not quite sure. However, from what I can tell, the government tied to yet again contravene our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the public spoke out, and changes were made with the final passing of the bill which I believe was either 2009 or 2010. This part of the act now falls under another section of Bill C-36.

So my goal is to not just educate people about how our part of the bill not only endangers sex trade workers, but how the government in general has attempted over and over to take away our rights as Canadian Citizens. There are other things too. It's funny how everyone was speaking out for their own rights, but when it comes to sex trade workers and clients rights, we don't qualify or what??

With Bill C-30 the government once again tried to allow their own inspectors to search and seize when it comes to online activity.

Excerpt from News Article: The inspector, says the bill, may "examine any document, information or thing found in the place and open or cause to be opened any container or other thing." He or she may also "use, or cause to be used, any computer system in the place to search and examine any information contained in or available to the system."

You read that right. The inspector gets to see "any" information that's in or "available to the system." Yours, mine, and everyone else's emails, phone calls, web surfing, shopping, you name it. But, if that sounds breath-taking enough, don't quit now because the section is still not done.

The inspector — remember, this is anyone the minister chooses — is also empowered to copy anything that strikes his or her fancy. The inspector may "reproduce, or cause to be reproduced, any information in the form of a printout, or other intelligible output, and remove the printout, or other output, for examination or copying."

Oh, and he can even use the ISP's own computers and connections to copy it or to email it to himself. He can "use, or cause to be used, any copying equipment or means of telecommunication at the place."

In short, there's nothing the inspector cannot see or copy. "Any" information is up for grabs. And you thought the new airport body scanners were intrusive?

They didn't succeed, but they tried to force it upon Canadians, by stating that if you didn't side with the government on this one that you were for Child Pornography.... just like now your are a pervert if you are a client regarding the sew workers.

We need to stand together and tell the government that they are not allowed to continually try to take our rights away... and when it comes to what we are now facing with this section of Bill C-36, we need to do all that we can to stop this contravention of our rights as well. I mean, what the hell is this government doing, continually trying to take away our rights and freedoms??


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
They didn't succeed, but they tried to force it upon Canadians, by stating that if you didn't side with the government on this one that you were for Child Pornography.... just like now your are a pervert if you are a client regarding the sew workers.

This is different, because reading advertisements will not be illegal, unlike the possession of illegal child porn. The seizure would apply more to whoever propagates the ads and not the viewers. This could even be the independent escorts themselves. Even though they will not be prosecuted they are still committing a crime by advertising themselves and their material can be seized as evidence.

See how wonderfully diabolical it is. By not prosecuting the workers themselves, they leave them with no actual way of getting justice when they shut them down.

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014

Other things that the government has been trying to do to infringe upon our rights that started with Bill C-6 and they kept changing the name, and then there was Bill -30 that allowed search and seizure for any Canadians regarding online activities... it didn't pass in Bill C-30, but they tried... they also tried with Bill C-6, then changed the name to Bill C-51, and now Bill C-36 concerning another part of the bill that covers the "Consumer Protection Act", where they were also trying to impose that government inspectors could raid any venue including your private home, if you so much as stored an item that they think hasn't passed Health Canada regulations.

Now with the sex trade part of Bill C-36 they are continuing to take our rights away, and it means that ANYONE who is romantic can be questioned as to whether they received a "Consideration." It will only give the police more authority to harass any general citizen, and it takes away the rights of sex trade workers and puts them in serious harms way because we cannot advertise in a safe way, we cannot screen calls, or hire services such as security and drivers.... And it criminalizes clients who are good men and will scare them away, and perhaps leave only the "Bad", clients left. It is really absurd and scary.

Evangeline Grace

New Member
Oct 10, 2014
I will be sharing comments that people have left on the petition so we can see what people have to say.

Jody, VICTORIA, CANADA 1 day ago
Tens of thousands of Canadian workers are being denied safer workplaces and access to civil remedies such as police, courts, employment standards and human rights tribunals solely because some people don’t like their line of work. Canada is a country committed to equality and must end this terrible injustice. All the research - in Canada and around the world - points to decriminalization as the way to ensure safer workplaces and more access to all the measures of protection that other Canadians take for granted. Further criminalization will bring more harm to adult, consensual sex workers and will do nothing to help victimized and exploited workers. Bill C-36 is bad law being implemented for all the wrong reasons.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts