I was a kid in the pre-computer era, but honestly i don't think i would had hobby at all without computers. I would had never dare trying to pick somebody on the street, i mean i don't even drive but even if i did, thats what you see in movies where guys keep getting arrested lol.
As for the news paper... as peoples said, no quality control, no pics, have to choose based on a vague description... I would had never go to Montreal to try this up. I did do it 2 times in sherbrooke and it was crap lol
Ill be honest tough, im not even sure i would had started hobbying in Montreal if it was not for Miss K.I.M and a great coincidence. I found merb looking for strip clubs as i was going to see a music show, saw an ads by K.I.M that she was coming to sherbrooke, i looked at her reviews wich where great so i contacted her. Also my buddy that was supose to come to the show with me choked me out so my stripper plans didn't looked as apealing without him, so kept the money so i could see K.I.M when i came back to Sherb the next day. It was great at the next is history.
You could say that maybe it would had happen under other circonstances, we never know, but i feel it was because of this great lot of coincidences that it happened.
So yes thank you computers.