I tried sending a PM today and got this message:
You have reached your stored private message quota and can not send any further messages until space has been created.
I'm wondering WTF is going on 'cause I only have 23 message in my inbox (and none in my outbox) and then I notice that the max has now been set to 20 (from 30 I believe)
WTF? Why be so dam cheap when other boards allow more PM's and avatars for everyone? I believe this does not concern the Mods, maybe FZ could explain? Am I missing something?
You have reached your stored private message quota and can not send any further messages until space has been created.
I'm wondering WTF is going on 'cause I only have 23 message in my inbox (and none in my outbox) and then I notice that the max has now been set to 20 (from 30 I believe)
WTF? Why be so dam cheap when other boards allow more PM's and avatars for everyone? I believe this does not concern the Mods, maybe FZ could explain? Am I missing something?