Montreal Escorts

Question: book an escort,whatever you are horny or not

fancy man

New Member
Mar 26, 2007
I am 26 and so far luckily I am pretty good down there although I could say that cigarettes, marijuana and alcohol have probably had a long term effect. What you have is quite common although you seem to have way more libido than the average joe. All I could say for myself is that I haven't paid for sex since April 2012 and I have to say there's a noticeable effect on my finances. Sometimes austerity is necessary and redemptive.

fancy man

New Member
Mar 26, 2007
From what I read here is there only one user here you lives in MONTREAL??Should we start a poll just to see who lives in what city?

The majority of people here are either from Montreal or driving distance.. why would there be interest in a Montreal escort forum from people who have nothing to do with Montreal? Lol.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Cloudsurf in response to your statement I could say the same thing for food .Do you go to a restaurant even if your not hungry?Your sex drive is probably too high.I see overweight people who always have something to eat in their hands.


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
Because it is a coping mechanism...

( All coping mechanisms have an inherent logic & serve an important function. Underlying each coping mechanism is a need. If you discard a coping mechanism without finding another way to understand & meet the underlying need, the change wont last. Therefore you have to identify the need before you can effectively replace a self-destructive coping pattern with a healthier one)

Take a piece of paper & write down for each coping mechanism >
1) Coping mechanism: Ways this coping mechanism can still be useful to me:

2) Ways this coping mechanism is damaging to me:

3) The needs I am meeting with this behavior are:

4) Healthier ways to meet these needs would be to:

Seeing prostitutes on a regular basis is serving a sexual addiction... Addictions can manifest themselves in several ways, but the common element is a compulsive urge for gratification, albeit temporary. A fellow foot fetishist articulated on the subject of addiction perfectly; he said “I’m not addicted to anything…except temptation!” People become addicted to all sorts of things, some may have positive addictions but unfortunately most victims acquire negative addictions. A negative addiction is one that may have dire consequences should the person pursue their addiction long term. Addictions such as cigarette smoking can lead to cancer and heart disease. Addictions such as excessive alcohol consumption can lead to damage to the brain and the liver. Addictions such as the abusive consumption of various illegal narcotics known as cocaine, crack, ecstasy, marijuana, heroin, LSD, etc. leads to the destruction of brain cells, plus a host of various types of other health related issues, and in some cases to an overdose of the drug being consumed, causing death. Addictions to overeating will lead to obesity, resulting in a host of other health related issues such as diabetes. Addictions to gambling can often bankrupt a person, leaving them broke and resulting in possible suicide. Addictions to steroids can cause a person to develop liver and kidney problems, plus the real possibly of developing various forms of cancer not to mention extreme aggressive behavior.

A man’s sex drive is one of the most powerful forces within himself and it can be very hard to ignore those voices inside your head (both of them)! Addictions to sex, if you are paying for it can also bankrupt you if you are out of control. I recall a prostitute once telling me that from her experience, seeing a sex worker can easily become very addictive for many men. I didn’t believe her at the time, but now I am convinced of it. Furthermore, addictions to sex can often have dire consequences for people involved in either a marriage or a long term serious relationship. For example, If someone is involved in either a marriage or a serious relationship and are going outside their marriage or relationship to have their sexual addiction fulfilled, then something is either very wrong with the relationship or with the individual afflicted with the sexual addiction.

Your life is the sum total of all your choices. Choose well!
“ "The tragedy of life is what dies inside a man while he
still lives.”


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
Over the years, with my visits to Montreal, it's like part of the trip. I'm almost getty horny BEFORE I get to Montreal. I'm preparing my trips by looking which indy will be available or checking agencies with schedule (that's great service!!!).


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I didn`t know that Dr. Phil had a foot

Footman that was one of the most logical posts that I`ve ever read on a review board.

Merry Christmas everyone and I hope Santa brings you all a sexy gift wrapped in Victoria Secret lingerie


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
Well thank-u cloudsurf & Merry Christmas to you & everyone as well!
Most of you don't know or understand the underlying reason why you have a need to see an SP/MP.. For myself the answer is both simple & sad. My half sister who is 10 years older than me sexually abused me when I was a young boy from the age of 2 years old until I was 10 years old. My half sister being 10 years older started fondling my soldier with her feet & toes when she was just 12 years old & it lasted until she was 20 years old. I think that it’s safe to conclude that most addictions stem from a powerful event in a person’s childhood whether positive or negative but more often than not it is a negative event that sparks the addiction. Addictions can also be labeled as a mental disorder if they are destructive to the individual being afflicted.

Psychology is the science & study of the mind and human behavior. Its immediate goal is to understand behavior and mental processes by researching and establishing both general principles and specific cases. For many the ultimate goal of psychology is to benefit society. Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individuals and social behavior while also exploring the physiological and neurobiological processes that underlie certain functions and behaviors. Why do we behave in a certain way? What triggers us to develop abnormal behavioral habits? The most basic theory of Psychology teaches us that 70% to 80% of a human being’s mind, behavioral patterns and personality are formed & crystallized in the first 7 years of our childhood life. Therefore, it can be stated with great conviction that whatever dramatic or influential events which we are exposed to during our early childhood years shall have a profound impact on us later on in our adult life.

I wrote a book about how my half sister's incestuous abuse negatively impacted my life. The book is based on a true story of my life, on how I developed an extreme foot fetish and all the foot fetish events that I have experienced with prostitutes, strippers, massage parlor masseuses & a few escorts. Expanding on the above statement regarding the definition of psychology, let us take a different example than mine. Suppose you would give a young boy alcohol from the ages of 2 years old until 10 years old. Chances are very strong that the young boy will develop into an alcoholic in his adult life..For myself I developed an extreme obsession with women's feet as a result of the interactions I had as a young boy with my half sister. I can tell you that my obsession consumed way too much of my time, hence my life was wasted & derailed on a meaningless sexual addiction to women's feet..
I have indulged in my foot fetish sexual addiction as a single unattached male, never hurting anybody but myself, or more precisely my bank account balance. I confess that paying a sex worker who has no emotional attachment to me is oftentimes a very empty experience emotionally. The fact is the sex worker is basically interested in making money as fast and as easy as possible, and cares very little about you other than making you orgasm as quickly as she possibly can. A smart sex worker who sees the potential of a long term regular client will sometimes go out of her way to please you sexually, by doing the extra things that bring you the greatest amount of pleasure and enjoyment.

Personally I see my foot fetish as a gift but at the same time as a curse. Allow me to elaborate further. In many ways I do see my foot fetish as a gift, as stated above it does bring me a lot of enjoyment and pleasure. Furthermore, I can very safely engage in sexual activities with sex workers and the like by way of receiving a foot job and feel 100% secure that there is absolutely no risk of contracting any type of sexually transmitted disease for either myself or the woman performing a foot job on me. Another added bonus, I don’t need to install a condom on my soldier when receiving a foot job.
I also see my foot fetish as a curse for the following reasons; it is rather difficult for me to maintain a normal relationship with a woman, unless she would be always willing to satisfactorily fulfill my foot fetish needs and desires. Furthermore I have a double edged fetish, not only a foot fetish but a voyeurism fetish as well. How many women would be willing to participate in my voyeurism fetish by performing a foot job on another man before my very eyes, preferably with a total stranger? Then there is my very strict criterion that I look for when in pursuit of beautiful high arched feet attached to a pair of gorgeous legs, which said criterion already eliminates 99% of the female population. That leaves me with only 1% of the female population, and how many of the remaining 1% of women is either married or involved in a serious relationship with someone else? This is why at the age of 57, I am single and have never been married. My foot fetish has also caused me to suffer both monetarily and emotionally. I calculate that I have spent somewhere in the vicinity of between $150,000 and $200,000 (after tax dollars) during my lifetime in paying for prostitutes, strippers, and masseuses to indulge my foot fetish needs, not to mention all the numerous negative experiences I have endured with some of these evil service providers, not to mention almost being arrested by the police for being found inside a massage parlor/bawdy house, not to mention being placed in the back of a police cruiser after being caught inside a motel room with a prostitute, not to mention coming very close to being beaten up by a very large doorman who worked at the strip club “motel st. pierre” up in St. Jerome.

Happiness isn’t found in sex itself, but sex does ultimately play a role in human happiness. Sex is good, but sex with intimacy is even better. A large part of this has to do with the chemical changes that occur in your body when you are touched. Caressing, hugging, stroking, and cuddling all send a chain reaction of chemicals to signal your brain that it is pleasurable.

EDIT: Promotional text removed. If you wish to use MERB for marketing purposes, you are welcome to become an advertiser or supporting member.

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Active Member
Jan 5, 2011
Wow very__ I mean VERY nice intervention on your part


New Member
Nov 11, 2005
THX for your acknowledgment 2tuff2quit. I think it is relevant to understand the underlying reasons & motivation that triggers us to have a desire to see a sex worker. For me personally, I have often had regrets about seeing sex workers but I understand that a man has sexual needs that need to be fulfilled.. My childhood experiences played a large role in shaping my sexual desires & addiction. It shouldn't have happened but it did & the consequences for me were dire..
The fact remains, 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused as a young boy. 1 in 4 women have been sexually abused as a young girl. That makes for a lot of people carrying around emotional baggage & that also at least partially explains the fucked up world we live in...

Lily from Montreal

Very interesting, I see I missed some nice thread over the get back to the original direction I was wondering how you guys manage to reconcile the mood and the schedule when you meet...since I myself prefer well in advance planned meeting I know me, as most girls do, have a on-off switch so basically I am in the mood whenever I feel lik it but often wonder how a men will know he will be in the mood 1 week in advance at 14 h?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oui Alyssa, when in the mood, but when not, why would anyone do that? If anyone is THAT lonely, get a dog! lol........... nice seeing you and the "gang" again the other night, and i still envy you with that dancer you got at amazones lol........

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I thought people had to pay a fee to advertise on this site?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
It is not about you. Read the first post.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The bottom paragraph..... " Trying to sell his book for $9.95 "..
My mistake POST # 31....

Lily from Montreal

Back after the commercial loll,
actually a funny thing happen to me last month, you see I really have a on- off switch, when I am off you will not notice me if you walk by me on the street or in the elavator , and I 've seen it too many times to doubt it: when I go to a hotel to meet a friend , I am off till I reach the lobby and then, all the guys smile as me when 2 min before nobody looked twice and once after a meeting with my favorite friend, know I should not have favorites but I do loll,so I forgot to switch off and was at the Berri metro and I asked something to the guy in the booth and he just stopped and looked at me and asked, are you always like that? And me , I was ,hum? How is that? He smiled and said :"so happy and alive?" I just said I was happy I just saw a very good friend that's all, he laughed and added " a lover?"... I said yes and left and remembered to switch off for the rest of my evening loll
sadly most ladies switch is at off all the time and it is sad thing...


Addicted to women
Jan 13, 2004
All around the world
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I always try to arrange my meetings in advance, mostly because then I know what is coming up and I can fantasize about it.
In regards to feeling it or not at the time of the encounter, I have no problem getting all excited when thinking about an upcoming meeting later that day.
And if the lady is also in a good mood we will have a great time, sometimes even awesome LOL.
As always this is a game including two people and if one is not feeling it it will not happen, chemistry has a huge impact on how we interact.
In the past I have had ladies where they have been there physically but not mentally, what a waste of time for both in that case.
I have learned to go with what I feel comfortable with and I have to say this site has helped me in the past.
And I have realized that I will never be able to get out of this hobby, I tried but it didn't last very long.
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