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Question:Do independent SP’s and agencies screen e-mail and customers based on race


New Member
Nov 18, 2004
This is my first post. So please excuse me for any mistakes or politically incorrect statements.

I recently e-mailed many independent SP’s and few agencies in the Montreal requesting for an appointment to see them or one of the girls working for agency. I did not receive reply from any of the independent SP’s and, only one agency replied back.

companions (the famous agency) did not bother to reply to any of my e-mails :( , I send few emails (Damn … it sucks, this is one of the worst customer service I got). By the way, companions replied to my friend with in 12 hours of his request, I think this is because he has a Christian name, and I don’t.

I do not have problems if SP‘s or agencies do not want to provide services to minorities, but I wish they would reply to my e-mails and say they cannot meet with me so I do not have to waste my time in trying to send them multiple e-mails or wait for their replies before I try to make alternate plans.

I think the agencies or independents that would not provide servcies to minorities should a have disclaimer saying that they are not EOSP (Equal opportunity service provider).


Jun 27, 2004
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Well my first thought when I read your post was, why are you giving them your full name? :confused: and if your first name is not "christain" or white sounding use one that is. There no rule that say's you must give your full name of real name to an agancy, and if you are a visable minority and the SP is clearly uncomfortable in being with you then you will know.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I do know of girls who avoid men of certain ethnic backgrounds. I am not one of them. I believe there is good and bad every where and in everyone. You ought to see my bad side :p Keep an optimistic attitude and if someone refuses to see you because of your name, accent or skin colour to hell with them... you are probably too good for them anyway. ;)



New Member
Nov 18, 2004
Thanks for your advice

jons242 said:
Well my first thought when I read your post was, why are you giving them your full name? :confused: and if your first name is not "christain" or white sounding use one that is. There no rule that say's you must give your full name of real name to an agancy, and if you are a visable minority and the SP is clearly uncomfortable in being with you then you will know.

Jons - I thought about using a different name but decided not to do it because of few reasons, first - I would be lying, second - If the SP comes over and finds that I am not her type I would I wasted her time or she would take my money and not provide proper service, third - I have to provide my name when SP’s have to call my hotel before they come to meet me, so they are going to find my name sooner or later, right?

Thanks for the advice though. If I do not get any replies soon I might take up on your advice and change my name .

CaptRenault, ElfGoneBad - Thanks for your advice and comments. The bad part about this the women (every one!!) in Montreal are incredibly good looking.

Naughty Lady - Thanks for your encouragement. I always thought Montreal was more cosmopolitan and more inter racial than other cities.

I do not have any problems if the SP’s do not want to see me (I have seen similar issues in my day to day life). I just wish they would be professional enough to reply to e-mails that they would not be able to meet with me so I can schedule meeting with wonderful lady like you (Please PM me your contact information, so I can get see your bad side and the good side).

Your are absolutely correct there are good and bad people every where. I believe more good than bad, and these few bad people mess it up for everyone.


Jun 27, 2004
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Well I always operate on a need to know bases when dealing with an agency. I always found that giving my first name and where I'm staying is enough info for them. I do agree with you though that I would want to pay for a SP who doesn't want to be there or is giving you attitude for the whole session. I think it's rare for this kind of thing to happen in Montreal. Just move on, if they don't want your business then it's there loss.
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