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Question for EB Samaritano


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May 25, 2003
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or anyone else who has been to Argentina.

Hi EB Samaritano,

Can I ask about your experiences in Argentina, I have never been there before. I am planning a trip in August to spend a few days in Buenos Aires and to do some summer skiing in Bariloche or Las Lenas.

I checked out the world sex guide but the material is dated (the last post was in 1998) and I found a link to a few sites,

all I can say is WOW!!! :eek: (maybe a few Miss Argentina's !!!)

Is it mostly agencies are independent ladies ?

Thanks :cool:


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Originally posted by MountainMan
or anyone else who has been to Argentina.

Hi EB Samaritano,

Can I ask about your experiences in Argentina, I have never been there before. I am planning a trip in August to spend a few days in Buenos Aires and to do some summer skiing in Bariloche or Las Lenas.

I checked out the world sex guide but the material is dated (the last post was in 1998) and I found a link to a few sites,


Not sure if we saw the same site but the WSG's Argentina discussion board is extremely current and active with 2000+ post on Buenos Aires alone (

Like you, I'm going to BsAs for the first time in August and would also greatly appreciate any information that Sam or anyone else can kindly offer.

E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Argentina...different from the rest of SA..


If you've found, indeed the Argentina/Buenos Aires forum tells you a lot about what is happenning there real time. No better information on the planet. Since Fall 2001 the peso has left the 1:1 valuation standard and settled in around the 4 per USD range. The political and economic situation is a mess. During my last trip down I had to fight my way through near riots staged by the workers at the airport. And this was just to make it to the first class waiting lounge at the airport. Prices for the chicas went from what was then 200USD per 90 minute session to somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 USD per 90 minute session. 100=200 USD could buy you an overnight. Before that would have been 600-900 USD. If you don't speak Spanish, it will be very difficult to keep girls longer than 90 min due to the difficulty in communication. Most understand enough to negotiate rates and services in English. Be sure to ask for what you want and make sure that's understood up front. I find these Argentinian women are passionate but not quite as hot as the Braziallian Carioca. In fact, my ATF in Buenos Aires turned out to be a Brazillian lady.

Buenos Aires has by far the largest European and cosmopolitan population of any of the South American capitals. German, Italian, European Spanish, and some Portugese make up the majority of their population. Notice that they have a large number of dark haired and Strawberry blonde ladies. Portena is the BA local just as Carioca is the RIO local. Very unusual to see people of color there like you do in Brazil. There are a lot of foreign sex workers there..say from Uruguay, Brazil, Venuzuela, Chile, etc. The place to stay is in the Recolleta district. That puts you close to the night clubs and the strip bars are located, and also very close proximity to a lot of the women. There are a number of local bars in the Recolletta such as Blacks where you can pick up local hookers for premium prices. Arrange for it outside the club. Unless you are fluent in Spanish, you are asking to be ripped off. The women will come to your hotel. Visitation policies vary. I usually stay at the Four Seasons which was formerly the Park Hyatt BA. Security will escort my guests to my door. They won't be getting in the elevator with you even if you are a registered guest without being challenged. Kind of the same deal you run into in RIO at most of the front line hotels. There are a number of very good bilingual escorts there. Natalia on the is highly recommended. She works in South Florida on occassion for Angeliques. A number of other girls also work in London, UK.

Go see Adrianna, the webmistress at She owns and photographs for that site and the Platynum escorts site as well. Her offices are in Puerto Madero on the waterfront. The backgound you see in most of those pictures are leather crouches on a brick facade. I have a picture that I've taken of that very office. After a while, you'll recognize that common background and know when the pics are real. All of the pictures on that site are authentic. She can help you arrange dates with ladies that do not speak suffiicient Spanish. Tell her I sent you! She doesn't charge for her services but a little gratuity will get you everywhere. She's got connections not just with women on her site, but with the majority of women in the business in BA. If anybody can grease some skids, I'm sure she can...I certainly know she made sure I was happy when I first visited...LOL. A spanish speaker will have a lot of fun in BA. Use the internet ads..the bar girls aren't generally worth the trouble unless you do speak. And having somebody like Adrianna can cut through a lot of the bullshit.

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May 25, 2003
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Hi chercherfemmes,

You can try a company called Adventures on Skis ( to see if they have any packages that do not include the flight from North America. Once I finalize my travel dates I intend to contact them as they seem to be the main North American travel company to specialize in South America.

I don't know if you watch a show called "Pontiac World of Skiing" ( but one of the earlier shows from last season had Mike Douglas profiling Bariloche. I'll try and dig up the episode to see if there was any mention of a travel company.

What company did you use for your Portillo trip ? Check the links on Ski Central ( for more information on South America. I imagine you flew to Santiago, transferred from the airport right to the resort, spent the week there, transferred back to the airport and flew back to North America, a "pure" skiing trip with no other activities.

You can always check the resort sites to see about local packages.

BTW, from what I understand, the skiing in South America doesn't get any better than Portillo.


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May 31, 2003
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The rate is going at 350 peso for 24 hours?!
Is it really?
How's the quality of service?
Any downside to BA, comparing to Montreal?

E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
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The incidence of true GFE is a little lower in BA. You have to ask a lot of the Argentinian ladies to provide GFE services such as . The Brazillian girls don`t know what latex tastes like. It was no accident my atf in Buenos Aires was a Brazillian. The BA girls are more on the professional hustle side than you find in MTL. They also have quite a bit of mobility, so the better looking ones are now working in New York and London, as opposed to hanging around for 350 pesos for a daily wage. Only the poor ones are stuck behind. The girls also take off for Mexico and other tourist traps.

You want meat on the better place in South America than Brazil. The Termas in RIO are without equal IMNSHO. I`ve been both places Brazil starting in 1985 and on an off through the years and my first run into Buenos Aires in May of 2000. Nice European city which will soon come apart at the seams due to economic mismanagement. When the peso collapsed, middle class people were seen digging in garbage dumpsters trying to find food. I`m afraid that rumors of the city`s demise are hardly exaggerated to the eye of the trained hobbyist. One other thing I might say. Although there are/were some very attractive women in Buenos Aires, they are IMNSHO a notch below what I see in Brazil. There are also far more ethnic mixes of women in Brazil, including a large Japanese contingent. The Brazillian Mullatto woman is an absolute magnificent conglomerate of every feature from every ethnicity that men in general find appealing. Ample breasts (natural I might add as opposed to BA where an awful lot of women go under the knife-In fact BA had the reputation of having the highest number of plastic surgeons per capita and have to believe that is just in front of Venuzeula), a nice curvy bum bum, smooth golden brown skin like you see on the turkey commercials, pretty green piercing eyes, european facial features almost as if they were ethiopian in extraction. Man I remember the first trip down in 1985 when a friend told me forget Jamaica and the Bahamas, RIO is it. I hooked up with one of those garratas and took her to a love motel. She peeled, jumped on the bed stretched out on her side, back facing me. My first thought was to put on a bib, grab a carving knife and fork and start slicing. Um um..goood..LOL.



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May 31, 2003
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E B Samaritano

Any escort service from Brazil with a website that you are recommending?


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May 25, 2003
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E B Samaritano

Resident Sage Asshole
May 5, 2003
Silcon Valley, Ca. USA
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Re: E B Samaritano

Originally posted by fensterlein
Any escort service from Brazil with a website that you are recommending?

There are a few, none of which I have personal experience. I have some in my bookmarks which I'll find and post later. In Brazil, however, the streets are crawling with women for sale. Any of the cafes along Ave Atlantica on the Copacabana side are what I call the shark tank. And you are shark bait. Simply go out in the afternoon, sit down and have some Brahma beer. When you first sit down at the outdoor seating area, it might very well be empty. Close your eyes, sip your beer and listen to the sound of the ocean for about 10 minutes. Now open your eyes. Your date for the evening will most likely be sitting at your table. In my experience this works pretty damned good. I picked up my first lady in 1985 with this lame maneuver..LOL. She was by the way the one whose ass was good enough to carve per my description above.

Failing that, the place is crawling with Termas (SPAs) and there are many bars, not just the well known sex clubs and discoteque Help where there are women of all categories availible just for the asking. Brazil is about the only place I can think of where I'd consider going to a spa/MP i.e Termas. I actually believe escort services are the last resort in that country. The quality in many of these places is quite good, but quite frankly, if you know a little spanish or portugese, you will be all good just walking around picking up the availible ladies. In Brazil, even the Govenor's wife is availible for the right money...LOL.


Peeping Tom

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Mar 11, 2003
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E B Samaratino

Do you have any experience, or knowledge of, the scene in Suriname? Work might be taking me there, with some really good compensation ... and time off to enjoy it. Suriname is close to Brazil, which could be kind of convenient ... maybe that won't be necessary, but hardly out of the way.
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