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Racist Trump tells minority-race Congresswomen to leave US


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Why won't you try learning to read, you may even like that skill. I repeat: I never mocked the poem. I did mock your grotesquely obscene post. And I probably should not have, as it is not worth the time and effort to argue with people like you and refute the garbage they generate.

That is exactly the point. Hitler is known in history for being first and foremost a mass murderer, not for gathering votes. To claim that Trump is "just like Hitler" (in whatever respect) is beyond dumb, it is sickening. And it does indeed insult the memory of (millions of) Hitler's victims.

Brother Sob,
u have been exposed as ignorant and for using personal ‘Sob’ stories to substantiate your ridiculous posts and now u want to backtrack and try to explain it all away?

No, I have excellent reading skills although from your posts and writing style, I think u may need to go back for an English refresher course. And before u accuse me of making fun of a poor ‘immigrant’ like yrself, take it as a joke if u want.

Apart from ‘The Final Solution’, what was just as alarming about Hitler is how did he get all the rest of the Germans to join him in his madness? That is the point of the Nazi allusion.

I’ll try to simplify my explanations as much as possible, if u can’t keep up, let me know:

Before Hitler became powerful enough to order the ‘The Final Solution’, he had to gather enough power.
Hitler was not a king that was given absolute power.
How did Hitler gather so much power, after all he was of humble origins and didn’t have any political influence to begin with?
Hitler had to first gather votes which he did by tapping on the German people’s fear and hate. He disguised all this under the veneer of nationalism.
Do you now see the similarities between the political tactics of Trump and Hitler?

Till today, the Germans cannot fully understand how their grand/ greatgrand parents enabled Hitler. Politics of fear and hatred have an unimaginable power that none of us can or even want to comprehend.

U mock ‘First they came ...’ because u don’t understand it. The poem’s not just about mass murders but speak of the dangers of complicity and explains a major part of American politics today. The Republican leadership and Trump supporters turn a blind eye to Trump’s politics of fear and hate because they are not being targeted. However that may not always be the case and if the day comes that they are targeted, it will be too late to fight back.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
No, I have excellent reading skills although from your posts and writing style, I think u may need to go back for an English refresher course.

Maybe, but obviously not in English. As for myself, English is not my first language, sorry if it is not up to your lofty standards. And what is your excuse?

As for the rest of your drivel, I refer you to King Solomon, specifically Proverbs 26:4.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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Maybe, but obviously not in English. As for myself, English is not my first language, sorry if it is not up to your lofty standards. And what is your excuse?

As for the rest of your drivel, I refer you to King Solomon, specifically Proverbs 26:4.

See! I knew you would use the ‘English is not my first language’ excuse. Just own the fact that you’re wrong, it’ll put some hair on your chest :D

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
OK, I agree, I was wrong. Initially, I was sort of glad for you that they "did not come for you" for real, but your later contributions made me change my mind. My bad.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
Beer Factory
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OK, I agree, I was wrong. Initially, I was sort of glad for you that they "did not come for you" for real, but your later contributions made me change my mind. My bad.

It’s all good, brother. Peace :tea::grouphug:


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
You 2 kind of lost me here a bit... Back to the Trumpet. The new slogan went from "Lock her up" to "Send her back"... Ok but send her where? The path of destruction and division is well under way. America should be ashamed of being so openly racist.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just throwing this out there, a short portion about Trudeau's response to Trumps tweet.

The province Trudeau calls home, the one he represents in the House of Commons, recently passed Bill 21, which would make it illegal for Congresswoman Ilona Omar to wear her hijab at work. The PM has now spoken out more stridently against a tweet by the American president than he has against an actual bigoted and unconstitutional law in his own country.*

The article


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
STN we recently passed a similar law in Quebec. Religious signs will be forbidden in public position as Nurse, teacher, police, etc... Which is fine. We are not sending them back home. It's called integration with us impartially. They can wear what they want at home. I am not opposed to immigration at all. To the contrary we need to welcome skilled foreign workers as much as possible. But we do not want to ghettoized them. Which is the worst that can happen.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Love how you deflect bigotry into intrigation. It would be best for the immigrants of Quebec to move to Alberta as they would feel more welcome. I know that if Trump did what Legault did you would be all over it, the media would tell you to and you would agree.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
It depends on how you do it STN. There is currently opposition to legault and his party about the new law. But Legault did not twitt to any of the involved people to fucking go back home. He did it respectfully.

Regarding the law it's exactly what we want. Some basic law to make sure immigrant integrate better to our society. And not the other way around. You have written many time that's what we need to do.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The laws in Canada and USA in regards to immigration needs to be different due to the different demographics of the 2 countries. Canada is a country that is rich in natural resources but doesn’t have the population and manpower, so Canada needs low wage bodies to work and mine those resources, so immigration laws need to be liberal. The USA, on the other hand, is overpopulated, has comparatively less natural resources to exploit, and has too many immigrants working under the table jobs and not paying taxes, so immigration laws need to be less liberal. These are the realities of the 2 countries. The realities need to be faced and facing reality means different laws.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Yeah..No. Canada is rich in resources but has a POS trying to shut it down, the US produces 10 times the oil and gas Canada produces. As for worker, many make more than university professionals, rock truck drivers can make $100K a year, electricians in Ft.Mc can pull in $250k a year.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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And why are they making that money- it’s because there are not enough bodies to work the resources which is exactly what I posted. Supply and demand in the labor force. When you don’t have the supply, people make more than they should. Which is why you need some low wage immigrants in there to work those mines and quarries and drill for that oil. It means bigger profits and more jobs - and more production. Win, win and win.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think both Canada and the US need the immigrants because they are doing jobs that Canadians and Americans don’t want.
As an immigrant, I have no problem with any, there are many reasons they come to our shores, they are all fundamentally seeking a better life for themselves and mostly a better life for their children than they had.

What I do have a problem with is illegal immigrants that come into both countries clogging up the system and jumping ahead of the ones that applied legally and costing us millions while we are processing them to be accepted or not.

I came here legally and started work 2 weeks after I arrived, I have never taken a penny from the government or collected unemployment and have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes and still do.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
STN we recently passed a similar law in Quebec. Religious signs will be forbidden in public position as Nurse, teacher, police, etc... Which is fine. We are not sending them back home. It's called integration with us impartially. They can wear what they want at home. I am not opposed to immigration at all. To the contrary we need to welcome skilled foreign workers as much as possible. But we do not want to ghettoized them. Which is the worst that can happen.


I know the recent Quebec law was roughly inspired by laicite, but it's highly debatable that forcing everyone to have no public religious displays = integration. The point of a free society is that people can choose for themselves, even if they choose something as illogical as religion. (I used to be an Evangelical Christian a very long time ago, if that means anything). As long as public religiosity never impinges on anyone else's rights, they should be able to wear their accoutrements.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I know the recent Quebec law was roughly inspired by laicite, but it's highly debatable that forcing everyone to have no public religious displays = integration. The point of a free society is that people can choose for themselves, even if they choose something as illogical as religion. (I used to be an Evangelical Christian a very long time ago, if that means anything). As long as public religiosity never impinges on anyone else's rights, they should be able to wear their accoutrements.

I would tend to agree with you but I prefer laicite (is that how we say it in english?) over openly religious public wear... Also because the line to define impinges on anyone else's right is so debatable that it only leads to problem... If a women does not want to teach in quebec because of her "voile" then yes she can go teach in ontario (until they pass a similar law...). Quebec is capable of passing such law that do not please everyone. We did it with bill 101 which was good. It helped to make sure we preserve our french identity.

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