Montreal Escorts

Real talk : how many girls are mistreated?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Well, a girl could easily want to do this on her own. The job might be degrading, but she can make several thousands every week. Also she suck dicks with condoms, so she will be used to the taste. Of course if she is forced to give all her money to some scumbag pimp parasite, then that's another story. But if the girl can be independent and keep the money she makes, I don't see what is so bad about sucking dicks to make a good salary.

Lets be clear, I would be VERY surprised to find an SP pulling in "Several thousand dollars a week " , independent or not. The body and the mind can only take so much and for the clients we see a girl earning $ X for seeing us and automatically do a calculation that will bring them $ XXXXXXXXX/ week , it really doesn't work like that. Yes some do ok and others sit around an agency location watching TV all day waiting for a client to show up.

I as a man and a client in this hobby am actually offended that you would make a comment like "I don't see what is so bad about sucking dicks to make a good salary" ! These girls see fat, ugly, hairy, smelly, disrespectful (like you ) men day in and day out. Their personal lives suffer as a result, the lack self esteem as a result . Do not ever forget these women are human beings and they deserve your respect, they are not objects to be used then discarded, before you make a comment here understand that there are reasons that these women choose this life,respect them and treat them well.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Yes hungry after seeing this exact scenario a few times I avoid anyone who might be exploited.
I have my own screening criteria.
It really pissed me off...for days after I would scrutinise every young woman I saw at the airport, constantly second guessing myself.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Lets be clear, I would be VERY surprised to find an SP pulling in "Several thousand dollars a week " , independent or not

You have a lot to learn.
In the eighties and nineties pimps fed girls crack to keep them awake. The one I mentioned worked the high track twelve to sixteen hours a day. She routinely made at least 500 and often 1000, in the eighties.
Her pimp took it all.
Street gangs in Winnipeg get girls hooked on meth so they can work non stop for days. Any girl here in Winnipeg who advertises late at night or 24/7 availability is likely being run by a gang.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes hungry after seeing this exact scenario a few times I avoid anyone who might be exploited.
I have my own screening criteria.
It really pissed me off...for days after I would scrutinise every young woman I saw at the airport, constantly second guessing myself.

It is really amazing to me that there are so many girls in Montreal that are not exploited and work for themselves or freely jump from agency to agency. You would laugh if I told you how one guy used to get paid for answering a famous MERB escorts phone from time-to-time. It is good that there are so many examples in Montreal that fly in the face of the evil pimp stereotype. But like you I am always on the lookout for this sort of abuse. I will not support it.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
You have a lot to learn.
In the eighties and nineties pimps fed girls crack to keep them awake. The one I mentioned worked the high track twelve to sixteen hours a day. She routinely made at least 500 and often 1000, in the eighties.
Her pimp took it all.
Street gangs in Winnipeg get girls hooked on meth so they can work non stop for days. Any girl here in Winnipeg who advertises late at night or 24/7 availability is likely being run by a gang.

If what you say is true Westwoody,pimps in Montreal are way more astute then the ones in Winnipeg.




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Hello Hungry

Since girls that are pimped in Montreal rarely admit they are pimped , could you list some indicatrices that shows they might be ?



I think when you see girls at backyard BBQs and spend time with them or when you meet up for a drink off the clock and when you meet them and get to know them at parties and pre-parties etc. I think you get an idea. I could be wrong but would Huggy Bear let his "bottom bitch" go out and meet with me for dinner and then come back to my room for a drink and not have sex for money?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I honestly believe in the modern Internet driven escort business, the tech savvy girls can learn a lot more about potential employers than in the old bygone days. Regardless of that, in ANY business, there is remarkable variance in regards to what is considered professional and appropriate behavior in the workplace. Professionalism is paramount in any business and it is what separates the successful from the unsuccessful.

I have been at 6 different firms and I have seen a lot of different levels of professional behavior. I also saw two extremely talented paralegals let go because they were not team players, could not work well with others, and/or did not have cheerful dispositions with clients or on the phone. I also saw several office managers get fired for hectoring the support staff beneath them.

Earlier in my career I was, by accounts of coworkers, very hard to work with, the complaints being I "gave the girls too much work" (my attitude was, "I work at my pace and let them keep up"), I was a "bull in a China Shop", etc. You basically have to find a way to get your coworkers to realize you are a team player and are all part of a team striving for a common goal. In my case I dialed it back a bit (by a pussy hair only) and they eventually paired me off with the hardest working paralegal and really the only one who could keep up with my pace. So I adapted to the firm a bit but they also adapted to me. At the firm I work at now, every employee plays an important role, knows the role and does the role well, and we back each other up as needed.

Managing an escort business involves often managing younger women who are not fully matured and do not deal well with the assorted dramas that envelop them on any given day. It takes a special patience to deal with them as well as the clients they must service. Personality is huge. I have had the opportunity to observe some Montreal agency operators live and in action and there are some very good operators who are pros. As a younger man I could not have done it. I am very fortunate that I ended up in a business I belong in.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
. I could be wrong but would Huggy Bear let his "bottom bitch" go out and meet with me for dinner and then come back to my room for a drink and not have sex for money?

At least Hungry you started with the right answer .
"I could be Wrong "
Definitely not a indicator.

But you tried at least ! Lol

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