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Reality check: Oscars for best performance?


New Member
Dec 11, 2005
I am a frequent visitor to this great city of the North and I regularly read reviews on this site so I can adequately prepare my visits. Though I appreciate the efforts made by members, I think it is time for some "reality check".

I am always amazed when guys think that the SP is enjoying herself. Really? Guys, come on!

Here are some of the arguments you can frequently read:
"She really enjoys sex"
"Her performance was great"
"She came...."
"We really connected"

Let's start with the beginning: you are paying for a service! I would even say that you are paying for a performance. So, the SP is simply... an "actress".

She comes in: she looks at you: you may be cute, maybe fat, maybe old, maybe young, maybe clean-cut,... you are just a horny guy willing to pay her!

She takes the money and she gets started... the performance begins... a performance because this is not and can not be the same as if you were with a girl friend (a reall one who actually cares for you!).

The performance starts: the actress follows the lead of the director (that is you! - you paid after all!) for one hour... She asks:"What do you like... or she has experience, so she just follows her "script", her routine that she used the hour before with the guy before you. Tell her you write regularly on merb, then, you might get a better performance because a few bad review can "kill a career" very quickly...

What is she thinking while she is doing it? Great question? Have you ever wondered? You, maybe... or maybe her car, her apartment, her next exam, her last boyfriend...

Do you really think she enjoys this? Really enjoys it? Ask yourself why she is there: money! that is the only reason... Did you hear a SP say that she does this because she can not get enough sex? I do not think so... Any girl can go at any bar and pick up a guy in less than 5 minuites if she "needs it". If even better, she has a guy friend that she can call in case of emergency.

So, where does that leave us?
All SPs do this for the money... so, we should accept that we are getting an "actress" who we hope will provide a great performance... and for one short hour, we will feel that this girl we did not know 55 minutes ago enjoyed herself at least a bit....

Have fun and be safe!

I was there and I will be back...


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
The ladies must think you are a real fun guy to see. :D

I think your next appointment you should bring a clapboard, a beret, a script for her to read and nothing starts until you shout "ACTION!"


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Well put Élizabeth.

Yes I do this for money; and it is even true that sometimes I enjoy myself less than others. I also like getting paid for what I used to do for free.

It is also true that some of my all time best, most intense orgasms were with clients!

I also have a kinky streak and like to explore this and discover new kinks by being open to the fantasies of others. Even if someone approaches me with something that is beyond my limits, I like to consider it, imagine it, and sometimes I have tried things that I previously thought to be too "out there" for me only to find out that they are actualy a whole lot of fun. Even when I decide to refuse to do something, I still enjoy turning it over in my mind.

I also do this because I enjoy having a variety of sex partners, I like getting to know people who I would unlikely meet otherwise, and I love to travel.

I also like being my own boss; being able to say "I have an exam coming up and I am taking the week off to study" or "I think I am coming down with something, I am not going to work tonight" (Compared to the many times when I would work with a cold or even a fever when I worked at a more "traditional" job.) I like knowing that if someone annoys me I never have to see them again.

I like being able to work, live comfortably, go to school, and keep my grades up, without burning myself out.

Yes sometimes I am being an actress. Sometimes I think I deserve an Academy Award. But most of the time I am truly enjoying myself, heck I can always put on a masturbation show if I am having a hard time getting over the edge!



New Member
Jan 9, 2006
Your thoughts say more about you

than it says about us.

Iwasthere -

Do you find it hard to believe that a lady could enjoy having sex with you? If you can believe you are able to give pleasure in "real life" then why can't you believe you can give pleasure to an SP? Do you believe that we no longer experience pleasure? Orgasms?

I won't say that there are no actresses amongst us, but to indicate that we are all acting, all of the time, is unrealistic. I, like Elizabeth, decided long ago that i would not have sex unless I was in the mood - thus, I have cancelled many times on clients... some girls don't have that luxury, but fortunately, Elizabeth and myself do!



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Very nice to have ladies on this board!

Let's see...

I work in computer science. I love my work with passion. I enjoy the challange I get with solving problems and situation. True, sometimes I see situation I don't like but I still have to get things running so my customer is happy. I went to a few sites where I wasn't intersted whatsoever and even then, the customer called back my boss to praise my work.
I find it great to be paid to do something I like. I used to do the same before, fixing friend's computers for free but now, I do it for various peoples and I'm paid for it!

Now, the above statement doesn't look strange so, why would a SP loving her job be considered unbeliveable? It can apply the same way, by changing a few words.

There are stuff that can't be faked when you connect with a lady. If you are open to the signals she's sending out (open to the other person, isn't this a key point?) there's stuff you can't miss. Lubricating can't be faked, squirting can't be faked, nor than blushing. Spasms that match breathing and action are very difficult to fake, and the list goes on.

Of course, we pay for some fantasy, we all know this. But most time, a good actress won't have much repeat customers, unless the guys are the type who can't read a woman and only see what they want to.

I really don't see the point of Iwasthere's post, unless if he's pointing back to himself?
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New Member
Aug 17, 2006
not for everyone

Iwasthere: yes the money is good, but it is also very exciting. Just the fact of pleasing men for money is exciting to me. Maybe I am deranged in a way, because I am somewhat of feminist and should be against this whole thing altogether, but I am not. It is a fantasy and a hobby for me (and it also happens to pay pretty well). I feel very sad for the girls who do do this and dont enjoy it. You should always do something you love in life and its a shame that some people put themselves through unpleasantness to survive. I will never do this if I do not feel comfortable. And yes it is true that we have to be somewhat actresses, well I sometimes find myself to be. And this not because I am pretending to enjoy what I do, not at all. This because I have to be imaginative and creative to find the attractiveness in all my clients and all the situations. And for some reason I am always able to find some sort of attractiveness, or form of excitement. I really believe that I am doing a good thing for humanity by helping people release sexual tension, and figure out who they really are. But then again I might be a little deranged. I have the belief that if everyone was honest with themselves and truely accepted their own sexuality and fulfilled it appropriately there would be less war in the world.

My opinion.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
JuIcE_Y said:
I have the belief that if everyone was honest with themselves and truely accepted their own sexuality and fulfilled it appropriately there would be less war in the world.

Totally agree. Peoples who are open to their sexuality are often more open to the other things of life and tend to accept differences rather than fight them. Isn't that the way it should be for everybody? :)


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Élizabeth said:
don't know if you felt this, probably so, but when I go home after having great sex and great money for it, I think to myself : Damn! I do one of the coolest job in the world!

Yes I think the same thing. :D

I can't believe I used to have one night stands for free in my past life! :p

JuIcE_Y>>>> I guess I am deranged also!

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New Member
Aug 17, 2006
Long live the derranged!!!

Seriously, I don't know where this fantasy comes from. I have always been extremely lucky. 2 wonderful parents that love each other and love me so very much. I was never abused. I always had brains in school and tons of friends. I worked hard all my short life to get where I am today in my profession, and things aren't going too bad at all. Through all this wonderful support that I have had, I also have always been extremely sexual. Why?? Did society influence me to become this way or is it a inner animal? Maybe a bit of both. The fantasies I have are so opposite to the person that I am in life. I am a go getter, a bit dominant in the way I lead my life. But my fantasies are different. I like feeling used in some way. But I always keep some sort of controle to how used I am going to be. lol. I am also an educated feminist who does want to strive for equallity between male and female, and yet I am here being a mere object to men's fantasies and desires. And I like it. So many contradictions. I just accept them, but I do try to understand where this urge comes from because it is not that clear to me yet. Until then I will have to keep thinking that I must be craving excitement and well... probably a little derranged.

Take Care!



Jul 26, 2006
This is very sad

I don't understand how someone can take a position like this.
Iwasthere how many people have you personnally met to reach such a conclusion ?
I have met many ladies over the years. Yes there a some out there who are desperate, need the money and dislike what they do. An I know people in every professions who feel the same.
When you are just a bit attentive, and a gentleman, it is relatively easy to find ladies who are open to have a good time, who love their professions, but of course ,you as a client share as much burden to make the pleasure happen.
When I call for a meeting, I always state that I am looking for someone to really share the pleasure. I am still today amazed at the honesty of the response I get. If you pay attention to the response , and the body language (if you are face to face) you get your answer. Now, I don't call randomly, but where I call I would say 5 out of 10 say they can have pleasure and they will reach at least one O, three will respond something to the fact it will probably not happen (Then I thank them for their honesty, and decline to meet) and only 2 out of 10 will say they can when in fact they lie... but sometimes the body language will tell you otherwise.
Elizabeth, Ronnie, thanks for your contributions on this question. I have met both of you and yessss, did we have a wonderfull moment together...and I know it was not acting.( how ca you act, leaving the bed sheet dripping wet... and it's not sweat !)
Maybe Iwasthere is confusing love and pleasure?


Sep 4, 2006
I don't think most experienced hobbyist let their emotions run wild and lose grip of reality. I am no stud, but when I get complimented by an SP I just smile and accept it. When I get complimented on things that have been mentioned in the past by other girls (not SPs), I know it is not an 'act' as you would put it. I know I am a nice guy and I don't need someone to confirm that for me.

Even with the agency SPs there are small gestures that can't possibly be put in the realm of acting, like giving me her personal contact info or switching off her phone to get that extra 10 minutes. But hey maybe it is still an act, but if you actually let yourself enjoy the session you don't really care!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2004
Visit site
While I wouldn't discount the possibility that during any given encounter an SP may do some "acting", neither would I say that they don't sometimes enjoy the sex as much as the client. If a client is extremely unattractive its not hard to understand why an SP may have to try to "win an Oscar". On the other hand there are surely more than a few clients who are any combination of good looking, skilled sexually, and well endowed enough that they could easily make any woman who enjoys sex reach orgasm. One rock solid example would be SP's who can "squirt", they surely can't fake THAT, can they?

Ultimately the assurances of SP's, some right here in this forum, serve as "proof" that some, if not many, do in fact enjoy their work. Is it that hard to believe that people who are attracted to this industry in the first place, of their own volition I might add, really do love sex and seek to enjoy it every chance they get? Getting paid for it must make it that much more appealing when they are greeted by a clean, handsome, physically fit, gentleman, who is kind, well endowed, and skilled in the sexual arts. Reverse the scenario and ask yourself if you were a male SP if you wouldn't feel much the same way.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I will tell you all a secret:

The acting comes in to play not so much depending on looks but much more so depending on talent; if you know what I mean.

As far as looks go, everybody has some attractive qualities (just some have more than others ;) ) For example an guy might be severly overweight but have the sexiest eyes and soft skin or one of those sexy deep voices that can get me going just by listening to him (you know who you are).

Most gents know what they are doing when it comes to pleasing a lady (yes, you guys are definately in the majority). Most of those who don't, know it and will say that they wish to learn how to improve their technique. The acting comes in with a gent who believes he is the best when it comes (cums??) to pleasing a woman, yet in reality is lacking in skill.



New Member
Jul 13, 2005
Du vrai et du faux.

Do you really think she enjoys this? Really enjoys it

P.S. Question. Si la question du choix doit être posée, posons-la aux clients. Pourquoi des milliers d’hommes choisissent-ils d’acheter les corps de millions de femmes et d’enfants, d’appeller ça du sexe, et d’en tirer, apparemment, un grand plaisir?

Il y a celles qui n’ont pas choisie…

Il y a des femmes qui arrivent au sein de ce métier sans le demander, et qui le font sous les pressions de leur copain…proxénète

Voire le lien :

Il y a celles qui se font enlevées. Kidnappées par milliers.

La traite des blanches est pratiquée dans les pays satellites de l'ex-Union Soviétiques, Roumanie, Bulgarie, Bosnie, Ukraine, Moldavie ainsi que ceux issus de la guerre des Balkans et aussi en Asie.

Si certaines de ces femmes ont été enlevées, un grand nombre ont en revanche volontairement quitté leur pays, croyant avoir trouvé à l’étranger un travail qui leur permettrait d’échapper à la pauvreté et aux violence, un espoir de subvenir aux besoins de leurs familles, du moins est-ce ainsi que leurs ravisseurs leur ont miroité.

Bien souvent, elles sont soumises dès le début de leur voyage à des violations systématiques de leurs droits fondamentaux. Il s’agit d’une stratégie visant à les rendre dépendantes des trafiquants, puis de leur « propriétaire ». On leur prend leurs papiers. Plus souvent qu’autrement, on les bat. À chaque fois que leurs propriétaires leurs donnent un client, il s’agit d’un viol.

Voire deux excellents films canadiens à ce sujet : Human Trafic, de CBC ou celui de la production canado-britannique Human Trafficking : Ou encore le site web d’AI :

À chaque fois que leurs propriétaires leurs donnent un client, il s’agit d’un viol. Que cela puisse choquer, il s'agit de la réalité. De leurs réalités. Quand une femme n'a pas choisie, qu'elle pratique ce métier parce que ses proxénètes-kidnappeurs l'obligent à simuler un plaisir sous la menace qu'ils vont assassiner, soit son enfant rester là-bas, ou encore un membre de sa famille. OUI, il s’agit d’un viol. À chaque moment.

Et je passe sous silence, ces femmes victimes de la guerre et qui furent utilisée pour les besoins rudimentaires, le Japon a kidnappée plus de 100,000 femmes chinoises. Le Pakistan, a, lors de la guerre avec le Cachemire utilisée plus de 200,000 femmes. Le Pakistan refuse de donner des excuses, le Japon, lui demeure silencieux.

Honnêtement, sous cet angle, est-ce que ces femmes selon vous…ont du plaisir à recevoir un homme ?

Il y a aussi, le tourisme sexuel. Thaïlande, Laos, Cambodge...En Thaïlande, des familles vivant dans une pauvreté extrême vendent leur fillettes afin d'avoir de quoi à manger et une bouche de moins à nourrir. Leurs clients: des blanc européens, des Nord-Américains et Chinois. Contrairement à une croyance populaire, non, ce ne sont pas tous des riches, mais issus de classe moyenne.

Ce trafic se déplace aussi tranquillement en République Dominicaine, Haïti et le Mexique. Je n’arrive pas à croire que ces hommes, puissent consciemment revenir chez-soi, en embrassant leur femme, tout en ayant abusé d'une fillette ou d'une adolescente…

Elles sont âgées de 7, 8, 9 et 13 ans. À 16 ans, elles sont déjà trop âgées…

En occident et au Québec…

On retrouve des femmes faisant le trottoir dont les conditions de travails sont au plus de bas de l’échelle. Elles sont peu rémunérées, une forte dangerosité parmi les clients. Le journal hebdomadaire de Stella est éloquent à ce sujet.

Quelques jeunes femmes, à peine sortie de la puberté subissant les pressions des gangs de rue, se retrouvent dans ce cercle, bien malgré elles.

Un choix conscient

Il y a enfin…des femmes faisant consciemment ce choix. Pour mille et une raison, elles ont fait ce choix.

Des agences offrant un milieu de travail sécurisant, respectant la dame, et où la clientèle semble être sympathique.

Il y a des dames optant pour ce choix, tout en étant indépendante.

Et c’est ce choix que j’ai fait. Ainsi, en étant indépendante à temps partielle, je choisis mes amants éphémères. Ceux-ci étant triés sur le volet, je peux présumer que j’ai la crème de la crème pour le choix de ceux-ci…Avec eux, je retrouve des affinités de personnalité, de corps et d’esprit…

Me donnant le libre choix, d’accepter ou non cet amant, une fois la chimie installée sous le fruit du hasard, je me donne librement, tendrement, sensuellement et parfois passionnément.

D’où un summum de plaisirs sous une douce volupté…
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