Okay it's a much more unusual time, but because of unusual circumstances I've been forced to "shop" at this time, and I have been out so late for many reasons at such a time. Still, how does the hour lay any responsibility you imply on the woman for what a maniac did to her, which was brutal murder? If she was your family would you have considered writing your statement?
I feel lately a lot of people take what i write in the wrong sense possible... and this is starting to annoy me really.

When i writed...written... (???) my comment i was not aware of most of the circonstance, only having read this HERE on merb. I learned later on the news and such she was playing Mae Jong and was going back home at around Midnight. Secondly i never wanted to give any excuse to the guy, or whatever, but maybe its my towny side speaking here, but when you live in the big city you should be carefull. Im 6 foot tall, over 250 pounds, really not the favorite target to get attacked and rob or whatever and especially not to be sexually assaulted(lol), but still i am very carefull when i walk late in montreal, i try to remain in the light and the few times i had to walk at places that where a bit more risky(around hochelaga for exemple, when i was going back to a friend's place that was offering me a place to sleep after a show) i was very nervous and on my guard with my keys or a lighter in my hand in my pocket to be sure to be ready to swing a damaging punch if i was attacked.
Sometimes i go to the ATM in my small village at night, and i pull out huge ammount of cash when the next day im going to MTL cause i don't have time before taking the bus, and sometimes i just don't have time in the day, or i just forget, whatever, and still i feel nervous to walk with that much cash in my pockets. And its just a village. And i live 10 mins from the ATM...
There so much crazies in montreal... i love the place for some things like escorts, stores open late, lots of pawnshop and lots of bar/restaurant, i like being there on visit, but oh shit i wouldn't live there... ever. Too much nut case or simply people badly behaving because its montreal and if you act this way in montreal people won't even bother. I swear , i go to montreal and i see people act so weirdly... like talking to each other and not just "what am gonna eat tonight" but really having a conversation with an imaginary friend, once i saw a hot chick enter a metro station and spit the biggest and disgusting gurts i ever saw... i was like "WTF" but nobody else notice or care... Just in sherbrooke, wich is not as small as my village, there was a guy once talking to himself and acting very weirdly, people where noticing and some laughing and wondering wtf was happening... In montreal... people are so use to that they don't care...
All of this to say, i wouldn't walk at night if i was either a young cute lady or an old person, and even as i am right now, with my 6 foot 250+ pounds and knowing to fight(praticed various martial arts) i wouldn't take the chance to go in the dark alley or the risky spots.
Every week i hear on the news something happened in montreal, a couple months ago i heard on the news there was a dude shot dead somewhere and that night i was in montreal... really gave me a cold... big cities are dangerous and violents... thats what i wanted to point out in my post Merlot.
It should not matter what time anyone goes grocery shopping they should be safe from harm
Yes, and there shouldn't be war anywhere in the world, there shouldn't be any murder in mexico and the list goes on... sadly its not the case in the world we live in... but i agree with you on THEY SHOULD (be safe)