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Ripped off by a SW, SP, or MP?

Captain Kirk

Dec 1, 2003
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Have any of you guys ever been ripped off by a SW, SP, or MP?
I was once ripped off by an SW, when she was doing a BJ on me in the car her hands wandered and she got $10 from my pockets,
The next time I saw her I placed a wad of Canadian Tire Bills into my pocket. Her game was to do the BJ and allow the hands to wanders anywhere you wanted to go as a distraction. So my singers went into her butt and I made a big mess in her panties after I was finished. ( I used rubber gloves ) The other ripp off happened to me years ago in this MP place called LUXOCORP on Delormiere Street near Rosemont, The MP gave me the massage and at the end said, ohh your time is up. If you want a HJ you have to take another half hour. I can tell you that that sort of thing will earn her a no repeat.


About 5 years ago I was hobbying while on a project in Ottawa. I called an agency. The girl who knocked at my door was good looking and looked honnest. Then while I had the money placed on the table somewhere she started to undress me in a very teasing way (she was stil dressed), and just when she was about to start her she realized that she had no condoms (yeah right!). She told me to wait 2-3 minutes at most, she would be back with some... I didn`t notice at first, but she went away with the money.

Obviously I was dumb back then (maybe I still am sometimes! :p ), and the only thing I could do was to promise myself to be more cautious!

Something similar also happened to me a few years ago in Montreal, this time by the agency owner, not the lady. Which is a proof I am still too trusting!

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New Member
Mar 11, 2003
Southern New England
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Originally posted by protagoras
I would like to add something. Recently, something happened to me with an escort in Montreal. Habitually when I receive a girl in a motel room, I always put the money besides the telephone. The girl stayed an hour with me and me had fun. The service was good and we had a good conversation. When her time was up, we said goodbye to each other. A couple of minute later, I realized that the money was still besides the lamp! To be honest with you for a moment the thought of picking up the money and leaving the room crossed my mind. Afterall it was her mistake, isn't it? But I consider that I am an honest man and I don't want to loose my reputation for a couple of stupid dollars! So I called back the agency and I gave the money to the girl when she drove back (she had her car).
Maybe you think that I am stupid, but I think I made the right thing. Did something similar happened to you?

Yes. About two years ago, I had a very nice rendez-vous with Alexandra of BetterHalf. At the conclusion of our evening, she washed up, dressed, shared a final hug with me and left. About 15 minutes later I realized her envelope was still on the night table. I called her office and left a message, but just as I was hanging up, there was a knock at the door and a smiling but sheepish-looking Alex was there to collect her money.

Here's a better story: Last summer I arranged a three hour appointment with the famous Giselle of FKS. She quoted me an hourly rate, which I simply multiplied by 3 to determine her fee. When we met, she told me that there was a discount for multiple hours and gave me back 100$ from the envelope. One more reason why the lady is a legend in the hobbying community.
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New Member
Jan 11, 2004
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we had a girl over not to long ago she absolutely was the worst experience we ever had and she took something's from the house. nothing to crazy went missing but something did. the evening went like this.... my girlfriend wanted to watch me with another girl alone usually we are together. the girl arrived we talked a little bit seemed the girl wanted to waste some time since we booked 2hrs. after talking about her boyfriend and after she showed us pictures of her kids(which kills the fantasy. we all know they have a life outside here but play the game a little.) we proceeded to the bedroom after a session in the bedroom we went for a break in the living room. first she asked if we wanted her to go it had been 45min. then she started with her kids again. after another 30m in the bedroom she called for a pick up we still had 30m to go. we asked her to cancel the pick up we went done. the girl then preceded to ask us if we had any kind of amphetamines to sell her. when we told her no she picked up our phone and called her guy. we were pretty turned off by the whole situation. the girl left and my girlfriend looks at me and says that was the worst experience every she ruined the fantasy. the next day completely discussed by the evening before she decides to put the evening behind her by cleaning the bedroom(change the sheets wash blankets and empty the garbage) she wanted no remembrance of this experience. her final step to washing this evening clear was to take a bath and give herself a mask wanted start fresh. would you believe the girl had taken her creams and cleansing mask. now i know what was taken was minimal and weird but still something went missing and she was a bad experience for us.


Uncle Kracker

Fuck Models Love Stripper
May 30, 2003
I think it would be a shorter list if we asked, "Who hasn't been ripped off by a stripper (etc.)?" Chances are the majority of us have once in our careers.

Mister Evil=)

New Member
Jan 22, 2004
Yeah, i had a stripper ask for money up front, then the hj was transformed into grabbing mister happy thru the pants while she was dancing.

I've learned my lesson. ( being is, if you want something, get a real pro for half an hour instead of fucking around with profesisonal teasers..)


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
Maylee you should report this event to Stella so they can include him in the next Bulletin Stellaire. This way hopefully your bad experience might prevent another girl from being ripped off.

Just be glad this asshole just ripped you off and did not get agressive.

I myself have been robbed 2X in this business. It is only money (I can make more) and I personally take comfort that I was not physically hurt (Body parts are harder to replace!)



New Member
Nov 9, 2003

The list works, for some reason it seems these rip-off artists, like to keep the same name, plus he cannot change his physical looks, nor will he change his preferences, so please report.



Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
I just got ripped off a couple of weeks ago on a business trip. I went out in the city I was visiting and found a SW we agreed on $100.00 US for an hour I went back to her place gave her the money after about 5 mins she said times up!!! I told her that I was not done yet (no sog) and the b!tch said “that I’m all done I had my orgasm” I told her that I did not she told me “ it didn’t matter I did and that you had to leave”!! She would not even let me use her phone to call a cab back to my hotel. I had to walk out with my tail between my legs. I should have known something was up when she made me pay 25.00 to her roommate to use apartment!! Oh well I caulked up that one as a learning experience!!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Verification of 'bad clients' reports

Maylee & Ronnie:

Are reports of 'bad clients' verified by Stella? For example, let's say a client is very well-liked by 99% of the espys. However, there is maybe 1 or 2 of the bunch that simply cannot stand this person or just hates the fact that others in her trade get along with him so well.

My question is: if these 1 or 2 providers falsely file bad reports about him to Stella, are their claims verified, or are they accepted as they are reported? I'd hate it if a good client gets blacklisted just because of one or two sour apples.

Incidents such as the one i mentionned have happened in the past, including on the providers' own board on TBD. It's a good thing for the client that an espy he was close to (and who was a member) reported back to him what this 'colleague' of hers was saying about him to the others, which was later proved to be total fabrication and she eventually admitted that she had an axe to grind with him for reasons unknown to him.

I am, however, glad that there is such a list available to the providers in order to provide more protection for themselves. Bravo Stella.



New Member
Nov 9, 2003
How would a claim be verified?


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Well, how about asking other espys that are members if they know this client or have ever seen him? And if the reports do appear to be suspicious in nature, why not ask the other members their impressions about the providers who have come forward with these 'suspect' claims?

Another question: let's say that a certain provider is known among colleagues to be quite an oddball and showing symptoms of lunacy. If she comes up with names of 'bad clients', will these names be posted, or once again, verified? If they are not verified or possibly omitted, i have to say that these so-called 'bad clients' lists are no better than the National Enquirer or any thrash tabloid.

I'd also would like to add to my previous message: it has occurred in the past where some providers and 'johns' would trade or share each other's usernames and passwords in sites they belonged to. These 'johns' pretending to be certain providers would sometimes have a field day by attempting to destroy a fellow john's reputation on some of these so-called providers' boards. They were successful on some attempts. I'm not making this up.

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New Member
Nov 9, 2003

John's do not make reports to stella, they are normally done in person or on the phone. Other methods of reporting are generally done by people who are members.

They generally do not list the same client 2X, especially if reported by the same girl. Since August, I have only noticed the same person reported more than twice, and both were violent attacks that were followed up with police reports.

Also, the bad client list does not name the person making the report. So trading names, and making a report under another name can't happen.

I think you are being a little paranoid. Personally, I am ashamed when I am naive or trusting enough to let myself get robbed. If I knew that my claim would be verified it would be even harder for me to report a bad date.

This is a dangerous business, especially for street girls. This is evidenced by the fact that most, though not all, violence reports are from street girls. We must do what we can to protect ourselves.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Ronnie: We do not seem to be on the same page regarding what i meant in my previous posts, but it's ok...thank you for the responses.

I am not paranoid, as you stated. I know more about what is happening behind-the-scenes than i let on. And the events i stated in previous posts have happened, but on other boards (not Stella's).

Again, i'm very happy that there are boards or groups such as Stella's to look out for the girls.

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