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Saddam Hussein - To Be Hanged by 10PM Tonight, Dec 29, 2006

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Was Saddam's death dignified?

Stephen Moss
Tuesday January 2, 2007
The Guardian

On the surface, of course not. An ageing man with a grey beard stands, looking bemused, beneath a makeshift gibbet while his enemies taunt him. As he is saying a final prayer, the trapdoor is suddenly released and he plunges to his death, a brief expression of surprise registering on his face as the floor gives way. All this is filmed. Twice. Once as an official video that ends just before the door is opened. But also in a clandestine, unexpurgated videophone version now doing the rounds on the internet.

YouTube has it, of course, and in many respects it is desperately depressing. For a start, based on viewer/voyeur comments, the site has given the 2min 36sec video a four-star rating. How does that translate? "Worth a look", perhaps, but not necessarily "Don't miss". Then there is the talkboard, full of juvenile abuse: "HOLY SHIT!!", "He had it coming", "Couldn't they have tortured him too?". Deaths surely don't come any less dignified than this.

And yet, if a dictator has to die, this would surely be the way he would choose. One last stage, a worldwide audience at his command. Saddam's final exchanges with his hooded, gangsterish executioners are already being mythologised. "Go to hell," one is reported to have said. "The hell that is Iraq?" Saddam supposedly snaps back. A brilliant riposte from a man about to die.

Thus are famous last words born. This could be his epitaph, exemplifying his defiance and condemning his lynching party, only one of whom has the decency to call for silence. "Please stop, the man is being executed, please stop." The man. Not the monster, the butcher, the tyrant. Saddam's killers have achieved the impossible: they have made us feel sympathy for him, for his grace under pressure. There may not have been dignity in the dying, but there was courage. A five-star death.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
Interesting passage below. I never thought of it from this perspective.

It was always clear that Saddam's fate was sealed from the moment US forces "got 'im", in Paul Bremer's tasteless phrase. He was to be used as a trophy of a mindless and catastrophic war, to redeem America's dented image. But it was also essential to stop him revealing secrets about the west's past enthusiasm in supporting and arming his regime. Hence he was tried on the relatively minor charge of killing 148 people in the village of Dujail, after a plot to assassinate him. Far better to put him away safely for that rather than risk his exposing western hypocrisy, treachery and double-dealing.

Full article:,,1981175,00.html


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
I saw both videos and I was dissapointed of how peoples were acting. Yes, he was a tyran and a dictator and desserved what he got but, this wasn't the place for a circus like the way it all happened. After all, a man was about to die, no matter who he was. On the phone video, we can see it was a total mess after the trap door opened. Peoples should have shut up, let him do whatever prayer he was doing and then open the trap door. After, they should have stayed at their place in silence for a few minutes and reflect on what had just happened and think on how it had to end that way, not only about the judgment and sentence but, how did it all started. But no, it was apparently the big party. If the way the hanging went is any sign of what's coming, we can be certain war won't end soon over there...


Jul 12, 2006
metoo4 said:
I saw both videos and I was dissapointed of how peoples were acting. Yes, he was a tyran and a dictator and desserved what he got but, this wasn't the place for a circus like the way it all happened. After all, a man was about to die, no matter who he was.
Easy for you to say, you didnt have half your family massacred by his hands


I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Esco! said:
Easy for you to say, you didnt have half your family massacred by his hands
You're right on this. :( Maybe I would have reacted the same way? :confused:
But revenge isn't always the answer. He got what he desserved but IMO death should never be a circus.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
This respect for the dead business is pure bullshit. If someone was a prick during his lifetime he's now a dead prick and deserves the same amount of respect that he did during his lifetime: none. (Of course, good and normal people do deserve respect both live and dead.)


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
...And George W. Bush will be out after 2 mandates maximum.Hussein was there for life,just like most dictators.


Jul 21, 2005
Your number might be good for 2006 but the invasion of iraq started in march 2003. 3000 us dead ,100,000 iraqui by the end 0f 2006 and counting


Active Member
Jul 3, 2005
The numbers of dead american soldiers have indeed eclipsed the numbers of 9/11 victims, that is more than 3000.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Nope but I may have an old VHS copy of Faces of Death somewhere that I could try to dig up for you....:p


Mar 3, 2006
And the answer is ...

.... Czechoslovakia, 1938.

If you were asleep during history class, then just e-mail me and I'll fill you in.

Personnaly I think the whole thing was a vendetta courtesy of the Bush family.

Yeah, the whole WMD thing had me baffled, too.

But to say that it was a fabrication is kind of an insult to dead Kurds.

Did chemical weapons kill & maim people in the 1990's?

Uh, yeah.

But they're not there now so Saddam is innocent, right?

(the alleged weapons or the dead Kurds)

This is what I call the "Apple Pie" arguement :

The UN disapproves of the research into, procurrement of, development in the production of weapons of chemical or biological warfare.

So Saddam can't buy apples. Or cinnamon. Or nutmeg.

But he has them. If it's illegal, the price on the black market just gets higher.

But, even if the UN is strict enough in their enforcement of scientific policy against developing nuclear weapons, the knowledge is still there.

In other words, once you know how to bake an apple pie, you know how it's made.

The same reasoning goes for Iran.

Just because you didn't find any empty pie tins, or sugar, or apples, or spices doesn't mean that the baker isn't planning on throwing any pies soon.

PS - will we ever see some of the baker's work tossed out of Syria? Now I'm asking for trouble!

If they did, they would be admitting complicity in hiding the pies.


New Member
Mar 18, 2006
Bush's New Plan: The New Way Forward in Iraq

President Bush in his Address to the Nation last night said, "The challenge playing out across the broader Middle East is more than a military conflict. It is the decisive ideological struggle of our time. On one side are those who believe in freedom and moderation. On the other side are extremists who kill the innocent, and have declared their intention to destroy our way of life. In the long run, the most realistic way to protect the American people is to provide a hopeful alternative to the hateful ideology of the enemy, by advancing liberty across a troubled region".

Fact Sheet issued by the White House:

The above link also has a PDF file of the National Security Council's Summary Briefing Slides of the "Highlights of the Iraq Strategy Review".


New Member
Mar 18, 2006
Saddam's Half Brother Hanged – Head Severed

The half brother of Saddam Hussein, along with the former head of Iraq's Revolutionary Court, were hanged before dawn this morning, an Iraq government spokesman said. The executions came two weeks after Saddam's hanging.

Oddly enough, his head became separated from his body during the execution.

More here:,2933,243668,00.html


New Member
Mar 18, 2006
UN Report on Rights Violations in Iraq

On Tuesday, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq ("UNAMI") issued its ninth bimonthly report on the human rights situation in Iraq.

The Mission's Human Rights Office reported that the civilian casualty from the sectarian violence in Iraq for the 2006 calendar year was more than 34,000 dead and more than 36,000 injured. This is nearly three times the number reported dead by the Iraqi government.

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