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Sarah Palin punk'd by CKOI Masked Avengers


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Back on Topic and Perceptions

bond_james_bond said:
The Quebec comedy duo put on their best French accent and pretended to be Sarkozy, as they spoke with Palin, until she realized it was bogus, and her aides killed the call.

Hmmm ... i wonder if she knows:

of the existence of Quebec?
that French is spoken in Quebec?
that Quebec is part of Canada (that thing next to Alaska)?


This is an interesting thread that has gone way off topic.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Back on Topic and Perceptions

bond_james_bond said:
The Quebec comedy duo put on their best French accent and pretended to be Sarkozy, as they spoke with Palin, until she realized it was bogus, and her aides killed the call.

Hmmm ... i wonder if she knows:

of the existence of Quebec?
that French is spoken in Quebec?
that Quebec is part of Canada (that thing next to Alaska)?


This is an interesting thread that has gone way off topic.

V.P. hopeful Sarah Palin was the target of a joke by two of Quebec's leading pranksters. To date no one has criticized the pranksters who have built a very successful career taking the prank call concept as started by Tex Lecor - "Les Insolances de Tex Lecor" to new levels.

On the other hand a well known board prankster is regularly belittled by the same posters who find this incident amusing.

Deux poids deux mesures.
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