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Scammer on Whatsyourprice


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Glad your in a position to wipe your ass with 100 dollar bills, must be nice, but in reality its not about the numeration to me, its my life, i get $ by working hours, that $ is HOURS of my life that i spent doing shit i didnt wanna be doing, not spending leisure time, not fun time, not resting time, not spending time with family or friends, you wanna let some skank rob portions of your life just so u can pat yourself as some sort of “gentleman”? Have at it MARK.
I've had this happen to me also. However, imagine trying to explain to a police officer and/or a judge that you assaulted a woman because she didn't have sex with you after you paid her. (Not only is assault illegal, but you would also, in effect, be confessing to attempting to buy sex, a second illegal act). The fine and/or jail time, lawyer's fees and worst, the consequences for the rest of your life of a criminal record (refusal of many employers to hire you, non admittance to some countries etc.) will far exceed in importance the few hundred dollars you lost.
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